A students journey with NZMA

Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Tue, 08/29/2023 - 10:50
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At NZMA we are committed to supporting our students to succeed. Here is a diagram that shows an overview of the journey from enrolment to graduation for an NZMA student. This shows the different touch points, and support they get from the various teams:

Click on the following headings to learn about the student journey with NZMA.

Most new students will enrol via our website. They may or may not know at this point what they are interested in studying. They will enrol via the website, at this stage we have a team that will reach out to the individual to arrange a campus visit. The course advisor is then notified, they then complete the enrolment process in most cases, face to face.

You may have more than 1 Course Advisor on your campus. A Course Advisor is the person who enrols students into the courses, conducts a campus tour for the new student and their whānau. They are the first point of contact for any new student looking to enrol into one of our programmes.

While a student is studying with NZMA, we do all we can to support them to succeed. Success comes in many forms, which will include achieving their qualification, moving into higher education, gaining meaningful employment, and simply building friendships and confidence whilst they are studying with NZMA. Campus Manager/LSL/Course Tutor/Campus Administrator, are the campus based staff members that support students in a face to face manner. They each play a pivotal role in seeing a student succeed. See topic 3 above which gives a breakdown of each of these roles.

There are several key staff members who are not based at a campus, that support students indirectly. Whether their role is to ensure programs are fit for purpose, to ensure tutors are supported to gain their qualification or to ensure quality across NZMA. These are all key roles that help support the campuses to operate, and students to succeed.

When a student graduates with NZMA (meaning they have completed and successfully achieved their qualification), there is a dedicated team who look after job placement. They will work with the students to find suitable employment. CV workshops, and interview skills are embedded in the programme and delivered at various stages throughout their studies, so when a student does graduate they are ready to either move into a higher level qualification (staircase) or into sustainable employment.

A Career Navigator, is available to students to support them into employment. They are always connecting with relevant industry partners to ensure we have a strong relationship, so that we become their first choice when choosing employees.

Learn more about UP Education and how they support NZMA in Module 3 of this induction.

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