Digital skills and digital literacy

Submitted by tracy.lee@yoob… on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 12:39

The importance of digital skills

The digital world is all around us, most people now spend a large portion of their day in the digital environment. You have made a decision to change your life by learning online with us. The Digital Skills Hub will cover some of the basic digital skills to ensure you have all the tools you need to successfully navigate online learning and beyond!

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Digital skills come under the umbrella of the phrase ‘digital literacy’.

This popular phrase refers to an individual’s ability to find, evaluate, use, and create information using digital technology and the internet.

Here are some key aspects of digital literacy (we cover most of these topics in this module):

  • Basic skills: this includes fundamental digital skills like using a computer, operating system, and software, as well as understanding file management, keyboard shortcuts, and basic troubleshooting.
  • Internet literacy: being able to browse the web, use search engines effectively, and understand concepts like URLs, hyperlinks, and web addresses.
  • Media literacy: the ability to critically assess and analyse digital media, including text, images, audio, and video, to determine their accuracy, credibility, and bias.
  • Information literacy: knowing how to locate, evaluate, and use digital information sources such as websites, databases, and online libraries. This includes citing sources properly.
  • Cybersecurity awareness: understanding how to protect personal information online, recognising online threats, and practicing safe online behaviour, such as strong password management and avoiding phishing scams.
  • Communication skills: knowing how to communicate effectively through digital channels, including email, social media, video conferencing, and instant messaging. This also includes an understanding of online etiquette.
  • Privacy awareness: understanding the importance of digital privacy and knowing how to control privacy settings on various online platforms and services.
  • Critical thinking: developing the ability to think critically and discern between credible and unreliable information and sources on the internet.
  • Digital citizenship: being a responsible and ethical digital citizen by respecting the rights and well-being of others online and adhering to online community guidelines.

When we interact with the digital world there are a few words that are frequently used. We look at a few of the most common words below, feel free to check back on these words once you have completed this module to test your understanding of them all. 

Alignment Adjusting the horizontal position of text, such as left-align, center-align, or right-align.
Backup Making copies of important files to prevent data loss in case of computer issues.
Bold Making text appear thicker or darker for emphasis.
Bullets and Numbering Creating lists with bullets or numbers to organise information.
Click Pressing and releasing the left mouse button to select an item or open a file or programme.
Copy Duplicating selected text or content within a document, usually for pasting it elsewhere.
Cursor A small arrow or blinking line on the screen that shows where you can type or click.
Cut Removing selected text or content from a document to be pasted elsewhere.
Desktop Icons Small images or shortcuts on your desktop that represent programmes or files.
Desktop The main screen you see when you start your computer. It often contains icons and shortcuts to programmes and files.
Document A digital file that contains text, images, or other content created or stored on your computer.
Double-click Quickly pressing the left mouse button twice to open a file or programme.
Edit Making changes to the content of a document, such as adding, deleting, or modifying text.
Export Saving a document in a specific format suitable for sharing or distribution, such as PDF.
File Format The specific way a document is saved, such as .docx (Word), .pdf (Portable Document Format), or .txt (plain text).
File A digital document or data saved on your computer, such as text documents, images, or videos.
Font Size The size or height of the characters in a document (e.g., 12-point font).
Font The typeface or style used for the text in a document (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial).
Hardware Physical components of the computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and internal parts like the processor and memory.
Header and Footer Sections at the top and bottom of each page for adding page numbers, titles, or other information.
Hyperlink A clickable element that takes you to another location, such as a website, within or outside the document.
Internet A global network of computers that allows you to access information, websites, and communicate with others.
Open To access an existing document stored on your computer or in the cloud.
Operating System The software that manages and controls the computer's basic functions, like Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Paste Inserting copied or cut text or content into a different location within the same document or into another document.
Programme A programme is a collection of commands, statements, and algorithms that are written in a programming language to instruct a computer to perform a series of tasks or operations. 
Right-click Pressing the right mouse button to access additional options or menus related to an item.
Save As Creating a duplicate copy of a document with a different name or format.
Save Storing your document on the computer's storage device so you can access it later.
Scroll Moving the mouse wheel up or down to navigate through web pages or documents.
Search Engine A website or tool (like Google) that helps you find information on the internet.
Software Programmes or applications installed on your computer that allow you to perform specific tasks, like word processing or gaming.
Spell Check A feature that checks your document for spelling errors and suggests corrections.
Undo Reversing the last action you performed in a document.
Update Regular software and security improvements that help keep your computer running smoothly and safely.
USB Drive (or Flash Drive) A portable storage device that can store files and transfer them between computers.
Username and Password Credentials used to log in to various online accounts, like email or social media.
Virus Malicious software that can harm your computer and steal your information.
Web Browser A programme like Google Chrome that you use to access websites on the internet.
Website A collection of web pages linked together that can contain text, images, videos, and more.
Wi-Fi A wireless technology that allows your computer to connect to the internet without cables.
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