Introduction to SWLA

Submitted by Ruchi.Makkar@e… on Thu, 11/23/2023 - 17:15

Welcome to Module 16 consisting of SWLA Block 2.

This module is dedicated to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment (SWLA) – SWLA 2 and it aims to prepare you for a successful work placement experience. This module contains useful information about work placement requirements as well as tips and hints to get the most out of this period of time.

Now, it's time for you to begin your last work placement of 60 hours consisting of Modules 7-15. Refer to the SWLA Student Guide for details regarding your work placement hours. Activities within SWLA 2 will need to be completed with an approved aged care or disability organisation based on the qualification that you are enrolled in, i.e. Ageing, Disability or Ageing and Disability. During your placement, all interactions with clients must be managed by a qualified supervisor.

You are required to have your Workplace Supervisor sign your attendance after each shift within your SWLA Logbook. Additionally, your Workplace Supervisor will be required to verify and sign your completed tasks and activities within specific and clearly documented sections of your SWLA. Once you complete your work placement hours and assessments for SWLA 2 and upload all documentation, sit back, and relax until all your work is getting marked. Your course is officially completed when all your assessments are marked as Satisfactory.

Sub Topics

During the SWLA 2, you will be required to complete a series of activities and tasks to demonstrate competency in the following units of competency.

As part of your enrolment in CHC33021 Certificate III in the Individual Support Ageing stream you will be required to complete the following units for the SWLA 2:

Module Code Title
Module 7 CHCCCS036 Support relationships with carer and family
Module 8 CHCCCS040 Support independence and well-being
Module 9 CHCCCS031 Provide individualised support
Module 10 CHCCCS038 Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support
Module 11 CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Module 12 CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Module 13 CHCDIS012 Support community participation and social inclusion
Module 14 CHCDIS020 Work effectively in disability support

You can refer to the Student Guide for more information on the hours of SWLA work placement and other relevant information. SWLA Procedure and Documents

Before commencing SWLA 2, you will need to familiarise yourself with the requirements of Work Placement for SWLA 2 by downloading and reading through all SWLA 2 documentation including:

  • SWLA Portfolio 2
  • Interview Questionnaire 2
  • Third Party Report 2

You will also need to download and read through your Work Placement Plan 2 and discuss any concerns or questions with your trainer/assessor.

For your SWLA 2 you will need to complete a minimum of 60 hours of work placement at an approved regulated aged care or disability service (depending on the stream you are enrolled into).

Once you have completed your SWLA1 you will:

A diagram showing SWLA2 process
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A diverse work group in an office
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?