Ruchi - Practice Space

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 04/17/2024 - 16:03

Hi Ruchi! Welcome to the Digital Learning Design practice task!

In this activity, you'll get the chance to demonstrate your skills in creating engaging learning content and using our Learning Management System (LMS) effectively.

You'll be given two tasks:

  1. Exploring H5P - building interactive H5P content and embedding it into the LMS
  2. Migration - transferring content from a provided storyboard into the LMS while following specific instructions and requests left by the storyboard author.

These tasks are designed to help you develop your proficiency in content creation, platform use and attention to detail. It will also help us identify areas for improving our Storyboard Templates, communication strategies and the overall migration process.

We encourage you to approach these tasks with creativity, precision, and a focus on enhancing the learning experience for students. Best of luck but most importantly, have fun!

Sub Topics


  1. Read the following case study.
  2. Explore your options of H5P types by reading their descriptions and engaging with the examples.
  3. Select a type that you think is suitable for the case study.
  4. Visit the Tutorial for the H5P type you have chosen and learn how to create it
  5. Design your activity using your selected H5P type
  6. Develop your activity
  7. embed it into the subtopic below, titled 'My H5P activities'

Case Study

H5P Options

Single Choice Set

Single choice set allows content designers to create question sets with one correct answering alternative per question, in just a few seconds. The end user gets immediate feedback after submitting each answer.


  • Sound effects for correct and wrong (sound effects may be turned off)
  • Fully responsive design
  • Summary at the end showing the solution to all questions
Documentation Tool

The documentation tool aims to make it easy to create assessment wizards for goal driven activities. It can also be used as a form wizard. While editing, the author can add multiple steps to the wizard. In each step, the author can define which content goes into that step. Content can be plain text, input fields, goal definition and goal assessment. Once published, the end user will be taken through the steps of the wizard. On the last step of the wizard, the user can generate a document with all the input that has been submitted. This document can be downloaded. The Documentation tool is fully responsive and works great on smaller screens as well as on your desktop.

Dialog Cards

Dialog cards can be used as a drill to help learners memorize words, expressions or sentences. On the front of the card, there's a hint for a word or expression. By turning the card the learner reveals a corresponding word or expression.

Dialog cards can be used in language learning, to present math problems or help learners remember facts such as historical events, formulas or names.


  • Fully responsive
  • Add image to a card
  • Add audio to a card
  • Add tips

This content type allows authors to create a single flash card or a set of flashcards that have both questions and answers. Learners are required to fill in the text field and then check the correctness of their solution.

Branching Scenario

Branching Scenario is a flexible content type that enables authors to present a variety of rich interactive content and choices to learners. Learners make choices that determine the content they will see.

The authoring tool can be used in full screen and allows authors to structure the content as a tree with multiple branches and endings.

Course Presentation

Course presentations consist of slides with multimedia, text, and many different types of interactions like interactive summaries, multiple choice questions and interactive videos. Learners can experience new interactive learning material and test their knowledge and memory in Course Presentations. As always with H5P, content is editable in web browsers, and the Course Presentation activity type includes a WYSIWYG drag and drop based authoring tool.

A typical use of the Course Presentation activity is to use a few slides to introduce a subject and follow these with a few more slides in which the user’s knowledge is tested. Course Presentations may however be used in many different ways, including as a presentation tool for use in the classroom, or as a game where the usual navigation is replaced with navigation buttons on top of the slides to let the user make choices and see the consequences of their choices.

Drag the words

Drag the Words allows content designers to create textual expressions with missing pieces of text. The end user drags a missing piece of text to its correct place, to form a complete expression.

May be used to check if the user remembers a text she has read, or if she understands something. Helps the user think through a text.

It's super easy to create a drag the words task. The editor just writes the text and encloses the words that are to be draggable with asterix signs like *draggableWord*.


  • Add as many expressions and missing pieces of text as you like
  • A hint may be added to each missing piece of text
Multiple choice

Multiple Choice questions can be an effective assesment tool. The learner is given immediate performance feedback. The H5P Multiple Choice questions can have a single or multiple correct options per question.

True or false

True/False Question is a simple and straightforward content type that can work by itself or combined into other content types such as Course Presentation. A more complex question can be created by adding an image or a video.

Fill in the Blanks

Learners fill in the missing words in a text. The learner is shown a solution after filling in all the missing words, or after each word depending on settings. Authors enter text and mark words to be replaced with an asterix. In addition to native and second language learning, Fill in the blanks can be used to test the learner's ability to reproduce facts or produce mathematical inferences.

Mark the Words

Mark the words allows content designers to create textual expressions with a defined set of correct words. The end user highlights words according to the task description and is given a score.

For the editor it is super easy to create a click the words challenge. The editor types in the text and encloses the words that the user is supposed to click, the right answers, in asterisk like *correctWord*.


  • Add as many expressions and correct words as you like
  • End users can highlight any word within the expressions
Quiz (Question set)

Question Set is your typical quiz content type. It allows the learner to solve a sequence of various question types. You can combine many different question types like Multichoice, Drag and drop and Fill in the blanks in a Question set. As an author there are many settings you can use to make it behave just the way you want it to. You may for instance customize the Question set with background images and define a pass percentage for the learner.

The Question Set also allows you to add videos that are played at the end. One video for success, another if the learner fails the test. This might motivate learners to try again if they fail so that they get to see the success video.

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Module Linking
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?