Design and develop technical documentation

Submitted by Katie.Koukouli… on Wed, 06/12/2024 - 14:12

In this crucial stage of the technical documentation process, we shift our focus to the actual design and development of the documentation itself.

This phase involves a series of structured and creative activities aimed at producing clear, comprehensive, and user-centric technical documents. We start by identifying what information is essential for inclusion in the documentation, and from there, we progress through designing and crafting the documents. Each step is meticulously planned to ensure that the final product is not only informative but also engaging and compliant with both legal standards and client expectations.

The following subtopics will be thoroughly explored to equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge for effective documentation development. You will learn how to:

  1. Identify technical documentation information requirements
  2. Create document templates and style guides consistent with information requirements
  3. Assess and document ICT system functionality
  4. Extract content that meets information requirements according to copyright restrictions
  5. Develop structure of technical documentation and validate with client
  6. Write technical documentation based on template and scope of work using information gathered
  7. Apply content format and style according to documentation standards and templates

Each of these subtopics plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the documentation not only meets the set standards but also addresses the specific needs and challenges of the target audience.

Sub Topics
Concentrated young woman, copying a document onto the laptop

Technical documentation information requirements specify the specific details and information that must be included within the documentation to ensure it is comprehensive, accurate, and meets its intended purpose. These requirements outline the essential content elements that address the needs of users, stakeholders, and regulatory standards.

Proper identification of information requirements helps in delivering clear, useful, and user-friendly documentation that enhances user understanding and engagement. It prevents the inclusion of unnecessary or irrelevant information that can confuse or overwhelm the user, focusing instead on what is essential for achieving the documentation's objectives.

To do so, you will need to:

Analyse existing documentation related to the product or service. Identify gaps, outdated information, and areas requiring enhancement. This helps in understanding what additional information is needed.

Based on the audience and purpose, outline the scope of content required. List the topics and subtopics that need to be covered. Ensure that the scope aligns with the overall objectives of the project.

Identify and validate the sources of information. This includes technical databases, product specifications, user feedback, and expert interviews. Ensure sources are reliable and up-to-date.

Pensive young Indian manager man working at laptop

Creating document templates and style guides that align with the information requirements of technical documentation is essential for ensuring consistency, professionalism, and ease of use across all documents.

Templates provide a structured format that can be repeatedly used, speeding up the documentation process and ensuring uniformity.

Style guides, on the other hand, ensure that all documentation meets the same standards of presentation and language, which enhances readability and maintains the organisation’s brand identity across all communications.

This consistency is crucial not only for reinforcing the professional image of the organisation but also for aiding user comprehension and engagement.

Process to Create Document Templates

Process to Create Document Templates
  1. Analyse Information Requirements: Review the identified information requirements to understand the structure and type of content that the templates need to support.
  2. Design Layout: Develop the layout considering the types of information to be included. Establish where elements like text, images, charts, and tables should be placed for maximum clarity and impact.
  3. Create Reusable Components: Develop components such as cover pages, headers, footers, and content sections that can be reused in multiple documents. This includes predefined settings for margins, spacing, font sizes, and bullet styles.
  4. Incorporate Brand Elements: Include brand-specific elements such as logos, colour schemes, and fonts to ensure all documents reflect the organisation’s branding guidelines.
  5. Feedback and Revision: Share the template with a small group of stakeholders for feedback. Use their input to make necessary adjustments that enhance the template’s functionality and usability.


Watch the video below to find out how to create an example of a template using MS Word:

Process to Create Style Guides

Process to Create Style Guides

Decide on the style elements that are important for your documents, such as tone of voice, grammar, punctuation, and technical terminology. Consider the audience and purpose of the documents.

Establish guidelines for the visual design elements, such as font types, sizes, colour palettes, and the usage of images and icons. These should align with the brand identity and the readability requirements.

Outline formatting rules for different types of documents, including how to use headings, lists, tables, captions, and references. Specify the layout formats for different sections and types of content.

Organise all the rules and guidelines into a coherent style guide document. Ensure it is structured in a way that makes it easy to reference specific sections.

Have the style guide reviewed by representatives from different departments, such as marketing, technical, and legal, to ensure all perspectives are considered and that it meets all necessary standards.


Watch the video below that demonstrates a real example of creating a style guide:

Team of professional developers working on software development with manufacturing interface

Assessing and documenting the functionality of an ICT system is a critical aspect of creating technical documentation because it ensures that the documentation accurately reflects the capabilities and operations of the system.

This process involves a detailed analysis and recording of the system's features, behaviours, and interfaces, which are essential for users to effectively operate, troubleshoot, and interact with the system.

Accurate and comprehensive documentation of system functionality not only aids in proper system utilisation but also enhances user confidence and reliance on the technology by providing a reliable reference that addresses their operational needs and questions.

Moreover, assessing and documenting ICT system functionality helps to identify any discrepancies between expected and actual system behaviour, which can be crucial for debugging and further development.

It serves as a foundational step in the creation of various types of documents, such as user manuals, troubleshooting guides, and training materials.

How to assess and document ICT system functionality

In the process of assessing ICT system functionality, the assessment is conducted through a combination of direct system testing, user feedback, and collaboration with the system developers. Technical writers and documentation specialists actively engage with the software by performing typical end-user tasks to explore its features and limitations firsthand. Concurrently, they gather in-depth insights from the developers to understand the technical architecture and the rationale behind design decisions. This is complemented by collecting and analysing feedback from actual users, typically through beta testing or initial release phases, to identify common usage patterns and potential issues.

The final technical documentation includes a comprehensive guide on all functionalities, FAQs for troubleshooting common issues, and additional resources for advanced users.

Extracting content that aligns with defined information requirements while respecting copyright restrictions is crucial in the technical documentation to ensure legal compliance and maintain the integrity and credibility of the documentation.

Copyright laws protect intellectual property rights, preventing the unauthorised use of copyrighted materials such as text, images, and software code.

Ensuring compliance not only avoids legal repercussions but also reinforces the ethical standards of the organisation.

Furthermore, by adhering to these laws, organizations demonstrate respect for the intellectual property of others and contribute to a culture of fair use, which can enhance their professional reputation and relationships with partners and customers.

How to Extract Content that Meets Information Requirements According to Copyright Restrictions

How to Extract Content that Meets Information Requirements
  1. Identify the Needs: Start by clearly defining what information is needed for the documentation. This includes identifying the types of content (text, images, diagrams, code snippets) that will help meet the user's informational needs effectively.
  2. Check the Copyright Status: For each piece of content considered for inclusion, verify its copyright status. This involves checking if the material is copyrighted, public domain, or available under a Creative Commons license that allows its use.
  3. Obtain Permissions: If the content is copyrighted and the intended use is not covered under fair use provisions, seek permission from the copyright holder. This might involve negotiating terms and possibly paying a licensing fee.
  4. Utilise Open Source and Free-to-Use Resources: Whenever possible, use content from sources that are explicitly marked as free-to-use or are licensed under open licenses that do not require individual permissions, such as Creative Commons.
  5. Document the Source and Permissions: Keep detailed records of the sources of all content and the permissions obtained. This documentation should include the date, the nature of the permission granted, and any terms and conditions that apply.
  6. Create Original Content: When possible, create original content to avoid copyright issues altogether. This can be more time-consuming but ensures full compliance and originality in your documentation.
Case Study
Focused businesspeople discussing project while looking at computer screen.

Ensuring Copyright Compliance in Technical Documentation for DataStream Analytics Software

Background: DataStream Analytics Inc., a software development company, was preparing to launch a new analytics platform. The documentation team was tasked with creating comprehensive user guides and online help resources for the platform.

Objective: To develop technical documentation that not only meets the information needs of the users but also strictly adheres to copyright laws to avoid legal issues and maintain the company's reputation.


Step 1: Defining Information Requirements

The documentation team conducted meetings with product managers and early beta testers to understand the critical functionalities and features that needed to be covered in the user guides.

Step 2: Content Gathering

Initial drafts relied heavily on existing materials, including academic papers on data analytics, third-party statistical models, and visual elements like graphs and icons sourced from online databases.

Step 3: Copyright Status Check

Before finalising the content, the team conducted a thorough review of the copyright status of all third-party materials. This included detailed checks of the source of images, diagrams, and extended quotes from publications.

Step 4: Obtaining Permissions

For content that was confirmed as copyrighted and necessary for the guides, the team reached out to copyright holders to request permissions. In cases where copyright holders requested licensing fees, the team evaluated the cost versus the benefit of including the material.

Step 5: Utilising Free-to-Use Resources

Whenever possible, the team replaced copyrighted materials with alternatives that were available under Creative Commons licenses or were in the public domain, particularly for images and diagrams.;

Step 6: Creating Original Content

To enrich the guides and ensure full compliance, the documentation team decided to invest more resources in creating original content. This included developing custom diagrams and writing original descriptions and explanations.

Step 7: Final Review and Documentation

The team conducted a final review to ensure all content met the legal requirements and the documentation of sources and permissions was complete. Compliance officers were involved in this final review to ensure no details were overlooked.

Outcome: The launch of the DataStream Analytics platform was successful, with the documentation receiving high praise for its clarity and usefulness. The careful attention to copyright compliance also enhanced the company's reputation for professionalism and respect for intellectual property.

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Concentrated businessman working on a project

A clear structure helps users find the information they need quickly, improving their overall experience and satisfaction with the product.

Validating this structure with the client is crucial because it aligns the documentation with the client’s expectations and user needs, ensuring that the final product meets all requirements and is fit for purpose.

This validation process helps to catch any potential issues or misunderstandings early on, saving time and resources that might otherwise be spent on making significant revisions after the documentation is completed.

How to Develop and Validate Structure in Four Steps

How to Develop and Validate Structure in Four Steps
  1. Outline the Document Structure: Begin by outlining a basic structure based on the document’s purpose and the audience’s needs. This might involve creating a hierarchy of information, starting with an introduction, followed by detailed sections on installation, configuration, usage, troubleshooting, and FAQs. Use headings and subheadings to organise topics logically, ensuring there is a natural flow that guides the reader through the document.
  2. Develop a Detailed Table of Contents: Convert the initial outline into a detailed table of contents (TOC) that includes all the main sections and subsections. This TOC serves as a blueprint of the document and should detail every topic and subtopic to be covered. The TOC helps in visualising the structure and is useful for discussing the document layout with the client.
  3. Create a Prototype or Mock-up: Develop a prototype of the documentation or a mock-up of key sections. This visual representation includes dummy text, sample graphics, and an example layout. The prototype gives both the documentation team and the client a clearer idea of what the final document will look like, making it easier to visualise and adjust the structure as needed.
  4. Client Review and Feedback: Present the detailed TOC and prototype to the client for review. Discuss each section in detail, explaining the rationale behind the structure and the placement of different elements. Solicit feedback to understand if the proposed structure meets the client’s expectations and the end-users' needs. Take note of any suggestions or required changes and modify the document structure accordingly.

Writing technical documentation based on a predefined template and a carefully outlined scope of work is crucial for several reasons:

Writing technical documentation
  • Ensuring Consistency: Using a template ensures that all documentation produced is consistent in style, format, and structure. This uniformity is vital not just for maintaining the professional appearance of the documents but also for reinforcing the organisation's brand identity. Consistency helps users feel more comfortable and familiar with the documentation as they come to know what to expect and where to find specific types of information within different documents.
  • Enhancing Accuracy and Completeness: The scope of work acts as a roadmap that guides the documentation process. It defines what needs to be covered, ensuring that no critical information is omitted. By adhering to a detailed scope of work, writers are better equipped to create comprehensive and accurate documentation that fully addresses all the user requirements and project objectives outlined. This helps in reducing the possibility of costly and time-consuming revisions post-publication.
  • Increasing Efficiency: Templates streamline the documentation process by reducing the amount of time and effort required to format and organise information. Writers can focus more on the quality of the content rather than on layout and design details, which have been predetermined in the template. This efficiency not only speeds up the documentation process but also helps in maintaining a higher level of quality across all documents.
  • Facilitating Collaboration: When multiple writers or teams are involved in the documentation process, using a standard template and a clear scope of work helps ensure that everyone is on the same page. It facilitates easier collaboration and communication among team members, as they all follow the same guidelines and expectations. This coordination is crucial for maintaining the coherence and integrity of the documents, especially in large projects with extensive documentation needs.
  • Ensuring Compliance and Meeting User Expectations: The scope of work typically includes compliance with specific industry standards and user expectations. Writing documentation that adheres to these detailed outlines helps ensure that the documents meet all regulatory and legal requirements, as well as satisfy user needs effectively. This adherence to standards and expectations is critical for the success of the product and the credibility of the organisation.
Young African Ethnicity Freelancer Woman Working On Laptop At Home Office And Taking Notes

Why to Always Apply Content Format and Style According to Documentation Standards and Templates

Why to Always Apply Content Format and Style

Using standardised formats and styles ensures that all documents produced by an organisation look uniform and professional. This consistency helps reinforce the brand and makes it easier for users to understand and navigate different documents as they become familiar with the layout and structure.

Proper application of established styles and formats enhances the readability and accessibility of the content. Well-structured documents with clear headings, bullet points, and consistent typography guide the reader smoothly through the information, improving their ability to quickly grasp and retain the content.

When all documents adhere to a common template and style guide, updating and maintaining them becomes more streamlined and less time-consuming. This uniformity allows for quick adjustments to be made across multiple documents without the need to redesign or reformat extensively, saving valuable resources and ensuring document accuracy over time.

How to Ensure Correct Application of Content Format and Style

To ensure that content format and style are correctly applied according to documentation standards and templates, it is essential to implement a rigorous review and approval process.

  • Utilise tools and software that support template management and enforce style guidelines automatically whenever possible.
  • Regularly conduct audits and peer reviews of documents to check for consistency and adherence to the prescribed formats and styles.
  • Incorporate feedback from these reviews into continuous training and update templates and style guides as necessary to address any recurring issues or to adapt to new requirements.
Case Study
Team of Innovative Industrial Engineers Use Computer to Discuss a Technological Project in Industry 4.0

Development of Technical Documentation for QuickHealth Medical Software

Background: QuickHealth, a leading healthcare software provider, was set to release a new patient management system intended to streamline hospital operations. The company recognised the need for clear, concise, and user-friendly technical documentation to ensure successful software implementation and user adoption.

Objective: To develop a comprehensive set of technical documentation that meets industry standards and is easily accessible and understandable by healthcare professionals of varying technical proficiencies.


Step 1: Identify Technical Documentation Information Requirements

  • The documentation team conducted interviews with stakeholders, including software developers, hospital administrators, and end users, to identify key functionalities and user concerns.

  • Key information requirements were established, focusing on installation, daily use, troubleshooting, and compliance with healthcare regulations.

Step 2: Create Document Templates and Style Guides

  • Based on the information requirements, the team developed a document template that included predefined sections for each major functionality.

  • A style guide was created, specifying the use of non-technical language suitable for all levels of healthcare staff and incorporating visual aids like screenshots and diagrams for better comprehension.

Step 3: Assess and Document ICT System Functionality

  • The team worked closely with the software development team to understand and document the system’s capabilities.

  • Functional tests were performed to ensure all documented features operated as intended, with results incorporated into the documentation.

Step 4: Extract Content That Meets Information Requirements

  • Content was gathered from existing resources, developer notes, and software specifications.

  • The team ensured all third-party content adhered to copyright laws, obtaining permissions where necessary or substituting with original content.;

Step 5: Develop Structure of Technical Documentation and Validate with Client

  • The initial draft of the documentation was structured around the user workflow, with separate sections dedicated to each identified requirement.

  • The draft was reviewed in a series of meetings with QuickHealth and adjustments were made based on their feedback to better meet the needs of end-users.

Step 6: Write Technical Documentation

  • With the structure validated, the documentation team wrote detailed content for each section based on the templates and information gathered.

  • Care was taken to ensure clarity and usability, with technical information translated into user-friendly instructions.

Step 7: Apply Content Format and Style

  • The final step involved applying the agreed-upon style and format across all documents, ensuring consistency with the QuickHealth brand and the established style guide.

  • Documents were formatted to enhance readability, with important information highlighted through bold text and bullet points and complex procedures broken down into step-by-step instructions.


The release of QuickHealth’s new patient management system was a success, with the technical documentation receiving high praise from hospital staff for its clarity and ease of use. The thorough documentation contributed significantly to a smooth transition to the new system, with a noticeable reduction in calls to QuickHealth’s support centre.

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