Topic 1

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 16:03
Sub Topics

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Welcome to ESK100 Reflection Journal


Throughout the activities in this subject, you will be required to post in your reflective journal. To post a new journal entry, click on the 'Journal about this Course' located on the top right of this page. 

Please note when creating your entry you are able to choose who this is published to by selecting from the drop-down menu under 'Publish to'.

In this journal you can:

  1. Write journal entries and format text using the text editor icons in the toolbar.
  2. Upload a document by using the drag and drop feature in the file upload tool (located below the text box).
  3. Upload an image by selecting the image icon on the toolbar and using the file picker tool.
  4. Upload or embed a video by using the video file icon on the toolbar, linking the URL of the video, or uploading a file.
  5. Record audio entries directly from the toolbar by selecting the microphone icon on the toolbar, then clicking on 'start recording'.
  6. Record video entries directly from the toolbar by selecting the camera icon, then click on 'start recording'.
  7. Insert a link to a website or URL address by choosing the chain icon on the toolbar and pasting the URL.
  8. Comment on other people's entries that have been shared with you by selecting 'comment' below their post

Try out this feature by creating your first entry. Select 'Yourself (draft)' from the drop-down menu under 'Publish to', then click on the 'Save changes' button located at the bottom of the page.

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