Case Study

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 03/06/2022 - 04:11

Throughout the modules, you will be required to complete an array of tasks to help you gain industry experience and knowledge to prepare you for going out into the job market or furthering your educational career. In each module, you will have a set of knowledge-based questions and a series of project assessments. The project assessments have been designed to simulate a real working environment and tasks that you would need to complete in the real world.

Let's go and have a look at what you will experience on your learning journey.

Sub Topics

Welcome to Ace Finance*. Throughout your course, you will be working with Ace Finance, an Accounting and Bookkeeping firm. The firm handles a variety of different accounts for various business types and clients. Your assessments will be based on your role as a trainee accountant and reporting to your manager Andrew.

*NOTE: Ace Finance and associated characters are fictitious. They have been created for educational purposes only.

Andrew is a Senior Accountant/ Manager at Ace Finance. Your role as a Trainee Accountant is to report to Andrew and assist him with work tasks relating to his role overseeing various accounts at Ace Finance. Andrew will send you emails regularly throughout the course in regard to work tasks that need to be completed and submitted.

Congratulations you are a Trainee Accountant at Ace Finance. Andrew will be contacting you to conduct various work tasks throughout the course over each module. Some of the work tasks will be connected to various companies Ace Finance represents. You will at times need to conduct work manually (manual accounting and bookkeeping) and online (through accounting and bookkeeping software). These tasks will require you to download and upload documents as well engaging in presentations, and role plays and implement accounting and bookkeeping functions.

As explained throughout this course you will be provided with a series of work tasks to complete for each module. The work tasks will relate to the learning you have conducted in each module. At the end of each module will be separate “Assessments” for you to complete. In each assessment, you will be required to do various work tasks that have been assigned to you by Andrew. These work tasks will include you having to complete PDF files, Word documents and Excel documents and upload them through the LMS. There will be various scenarios for you to complete including presentations, role plays, knowledge-based questions and research tasks.

Each assessment will provide you with the tasks you need to complete to move on to the next assessment and module. Any additional documents will be included in the assessments for you to view and complete.

If you have any questions or queries you can contact your trainer for further assistance.

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