The Technicalities - Understanding VET

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 17:46
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Vocational Education & Training is study that offers you the opportunity to learn specific and practical job skills that will help you:

  •  Join the workforce for the first time
  •  Re-enter the workforce after a break
  •  Develop, update and improve your skills in your chosen field
  •  Have up-to-date skills so you can easily move into a different career.

VET is not just for traditional trades. It covers many occupations and industries including accounting, retail, hospitality, technology and the arts. The training you receive is nationally recognised and of high quality. The VET sector is based on strong partnerships between governments, training organisations and industry bodies. Governments provide funding, develop policies, and provide regulation and quality assurance of the sector. Industry and employer groups contribute to training policies and priorities, and the development of qualifications to deliver skills to the workforce. Australia’s VET sector is flexible, with multiple pathways to and from Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. VET can be undertaken in schools, in the workplace, and in registered training organisations. Modes of delivery include full-time, part-time, online education, distance education, apprenticeships, traineeships and through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Your course is made up of multiple Units of Competency. These are the components of the Training Package that have been selected to make up your qualification. Swinburne Open Education has two ways of incorporating these Units of Competency into your qualification:

Stand alone

This means each module in your course represents a single Unit of Competency. When you have completed a module, you will be deemed Competent for the corresponding Unit of Competency.


This means that a Unit of Competency may be linked to multiple modules or to an activity later in the course. Clustering is usually used in courses with Structured Workplace Learning & Assessment.

Regardless of how the Units of Competence are developed in your course, you will progress through your course one module at a time.

NOTE: This is just a technical explanation that you do not need to do anything about. All you must do is complete one module at a time in the order they are presented in the platform. If you do, you will complete all the required Units of Competency and will gain your qualification at the end!


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