
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 20:38

The following are typical words heard in the world of entrepreneurship:

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
Accelerator Hub where start-ups are given mentorship, space to work on their ideas and sometimes seed capital
Acquisition When one company or investment group buys another company
ANZIC Australian and New Zealand standard industrial classification
Bootstrapping Financing the business via friends and family to prove the hypothesis
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
B2G Business to Government
Burn rate How fast you go through cash, normally measured by month
Cash flow Earning minus expenses, funds coming in and going out
Churn rate Percentage at which customers are being lost as part of the total
Crowdfunding Using a website to raise capital to get individuals as a group to fund
Crowdsourcing Using a website to get information from individuals as a group
Exit strategy How you plan to sell the company and provide ROI to investors
Growth hacking Affordable marketing to quickly grow number of clients
Intellectual property (IP) Patents, trademarks and copyright
Lean start-up Startup that operates with not much capital
MVP Minimum viable product
Pitch deck Presentation used to raise money
Pivot Change in the direction of the company
ROI Return on investment
SAAS Software as a service
Scalable Ability to grow a sustainable business
SME Small to medium enterprises
Term sheet Document outlining what investors will receive for their investment
Unicorn Worth more than one billion dollars
UI User interface
UX User experience
Valuation Value of the company
Value proposition Why clients will choose you
VC Venture capitalist
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