Introduction to Game Development in Unity

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 18:18

Welcome to CS201 Introduction to Game Programming. Having selected this stream, you will complete three modules in the following sequence:

  • CS201 Introduction to Game Programming
  • CS204 Art Pipeline for Game
  • CS205 Integrated Studio III - Immersive Technology


Yoobee is proud to deliver the foundations of game development in this module through the Unity learn platform. 

We have hand-picked and curated a collection of pathways and tutorials specifically to enable you to become a proficient and capable producer of engaging interactive experiences and to achieve the stated learning outcomes of the module. 

On successful completion of this course, students are able to: 

  1. Define a field of inquiry through the mapping of personal learning objectives to a specialist area of practice within software development. 
  2. Demonstrate understanding in a specialist area of software development through practice-based inquiry. 
  3. Differentiate individual learning strategies as a practitioner in a specialist area of software development. 

We’ve chosen Unity because it is widely used in industry, is well supported on many platforms, and has a thriving development community

What is the Unity Game Engine?

Unity Technologies is a company that develops and maintains a range of tools that enable creative people to design, develop, publish, and monetize compelling interactive 2D and real-time 3D content. 

Unity is a cross-platform game engine used to create games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and web platforms. It provides a comprehensive set of tools to allow creators to develop games and interactive content with ease.  

Unity includes an integrated physics engine, particle system, audio engine, and access to a massive asset store with pre-built assets that can be used for game development. It also provides networking solutions for multiplayer games and tools for 2D and 3D graphics.   

In 2021 71% of the top 1000 mobile games and over 50% of games for mobile, PC and console were developed in Unity. 

For more interesting statistics and information on market trends, consider taking a look at the 2022 unity gaming report available at the link below. 

Unity Gaming Report 2022.

Check out this collection of popular games that were developed in unity. 



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The following video from Unity showcases a range of game genres and art styles that were developed in Unity. 


Have you played any of these games? What games are you currently playing? What platform/s do you play on? Can you find out which game engines your favourite games are made in? 

Share your answers in the forum. 

What you will learn in CS201:

  • Topic 1 - Introduction to Game Development in Unity
  • Topic 2 - Game Development Overview
  • Topic 3 - Systems Dynamics and Scripting
  • Topic 4 - Game Development Tools, Formats, and Asset Management
  • Topic 5 - Physics and Animation
  • Topic 6 - Environments and Level Design
  • Topic 7 - Principles of Cameras and Lighting in Game Environments
  • Topic 8 - Principles of Sound and Audio for Games
  • Topic 9 - Basic Interfaces and the Build Process
  • Topic 10 - 2D Beginner

How to navigate this module

Things will be a little different in this module compared to the ones you have done previously. For this module, we have curated a collection of pathways and tutorials for you to complete. Each topic will contain sub-topics that will link you to the Unity Learn platform and will require you to do the learning tasks as well as the creation tasks (projects). These will be called the Unity Learn Series and will be indicated by the Unity logo:

In these sections you will find the instructions hidden under the heading - UNITY LEARN TASK.

Click on the plus + icon at the side to expand and reveal the instructions. 

Time budget: 1 hours 10 mins

Description: There will be an example description here.

Access Task 1: A hyperlink will be provided here.

Once you have completed the relevant series you will return to this platform and continue from the Welcome back! heading.  

After each Unity Learn series, you will be directed to:  

  • Reflect on your newly developed skills and knowledge through activities
  • Discuss your experiences within the forum with your peers to share, discuss and comment on each other’s findings.

Let’s start! 

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A close view of a game console controller
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