Project Management Fundamentals

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 14:35
Main Image
A person analysing and editing gantt charts
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
Benjamin Franklin

Welcome to Project Management Fundamentals. The 'Project Management Fundamentals' short course is designed for people who want to quickly and efficiently learn the important principles of project management and how to apply them.

You will learn the basics in the project life cycle, from scoping and planning the project through to delivering, monitoring, and closing with the finalisation and evaluation. This course gives you a solid, fundamental knowledge of how to lead projects that deliver.

Module Overview

Pre Workshop


Prior to the workshops, you have access to the online participation guide as well as discussion forums, and the online messaging system to engage with other participants and the facilitator.

Prior to the Workshop, take a moment to introduce yourself in the Discussion Forum.



You will attend the online workshop through 'Live Sessions' on the menu bar. You will be able to join the session 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the online workshop.

During the workshops, you will refer to the participation guide which can be accessed through Day 1 and Day 2 in the menu bar.

Alternatively, you can download this as a word version:

Post Workshop COMPLETE

After completion of the online workshop, you can continue to access the materials and engage with your peers through the Discussion Forums or through the online messaging system. 


If you have any questions regarding the workshop materials, please post them in the discussion forum.

Where to begin?
  1. Let's start with introducing yourself in the forum.
  2. Next, begin getting familiar with the Participation Guide, which can be downloaded above, or accessed under Workshop Day 1 and Workshop Day 2 in the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen. 
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