Functional Movement Anatomy and Physiology

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 06/30/2020 - 19:08

Functional Movement is essentially kinesiology which is the scientific study of how the body initiates and controls movement. This process begins with the nervous system and utilises many different body systems and components. In order to understand functional movement/kinesiology, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology as it relates to movement.

Having a good understanding of anatomy and physiology and how it impacts upon functional movement helps fitness professionals to:

  • Understand the body's response to injury and disease and allow for mitigation steps to be integrated to help avoid these occurrences.

  • Plan effective programs that take advantage of the body's natural response to exercise.

Anatomy and physiology as it relates to fitness can be broadly divided into the following categories:

  • Health-related components - Body composition; Flexibility; Muscle strength and endurance; and Cardiorespiratory endurance.

  • Skill-related components - Balance; Agility; Power; Speed; Reaction time; Coordination; and Proprioception.

Underpinning these categories are the following organ systems:

  • The Musculoskeletal System which is a hybrid system consisting of both the Muscular System and the Skeletal System. Its structure and function is to provide form, stability and facilitate functional movement. Key components include the muscles, ligaments, tendons, the skeleton, and joints.

  • The Cardiorespiratory System which is a hybrid system consisting of both the Circulatory/Cardiovascular System and the Respiratory System. Its structure and function is to provide blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles to assist in the energy production that powers functional movement. Key components include the heart, blood, blood vessels, airway, lungs, and muscles of respiration.

  • The Nervous System which consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerve fibres, and nerve cells. Its structure and function is to control the body's internal environment (homeostasis), facilitate memory and learning, control unconscious (autonomic) bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, reflexes, and sexual arousal, and initiate voluntary (somatic) actions such as walking and talking.

This topic will provide in-depth information about the anatomy and physiology behind the health-related and skill-related components of fitness, controlled and powered by the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.

Sub Topics
The amount of lean mass relative to the amount of body fat on a given individual.
Pate as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


Body composition comprises two components:

  • Body fat - Essential and excess body fat. Fat levels vary for different people influenced by factors such as age, genes, hormones, and gender. However, diet and lifestyle are the predominant factors affecting body composition in both men and women. 

  • Non-fat (lean) mass - Bones, muscles, organs, tissue, and also water. Non-fat tissues are metabolically active meaning they burn kilojoules (also known as calories) whereas fat does not. 

Body fat is found all over the body including in muscle tissue, under the skin, and around organs. A certain amount of fat is required by the body to protect organs, provide fuel for energy and help with hormone regulation. However, this level of essential fat is quite small as seen in the below percentage amounts, any additional fat is known as excess fat:

  • 2 - 5% in men.

  • 10 - 13% in women. Women have more fat due to the hormone oestrogen which reduces the ability to burn energy after eating. Increased body fat benefits women during child-bearing age as more body fat is required during pregnancy.

There are various tools and calculation methods used to determine if body composition is within normal ranges of fat storage two common examples are:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation - The Heart Foundation has developed a BMI calculator.  This process takes a person's weight in kilograms and divides it by the square of their height in meters to reach a result which then falls within underweight, normal, overweight or obese categories. It is a simple calculation, however, it does not differentiate between fat and non-fat components of body composition and therefore the results can be misleading, especially in individuals with high muscle tone.

  • Body Fat Percentage calculation - This process considers a variety of measurements as well as gender, height, and weight to formulate a percentage of body fat which falls within Athlete, Fit, Acceptable or Obese categories. There are several types of calculators available for this task and depending on which one is used the results can vary dramatically. For example, the US Navy calculator takes into consideration hips, waist, and neck measurements whereas the calculation that is based on a book by Covert Bailey takes into consideration hips, waist, wrist, and forearm measurements. The ALeanLife website provides a calculator which incorporates all the various calculation methods.

The recommended methods of reducing excess body fat levels and therefore improving body composition are to eat reasonably portioned nutritionally balanced foods and undertake regular fitness activities. 

Muscular strength - the maximum force that can develop a muscle in a single contraction. Muscular endurance - the ability of the muscular system to perform the number of repeated contractions a muscle or muscle group can perform against a resistance without fatiguing.
Pate as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


Muscular strength and endurance are often used for different types of physical activity and are developed in different ways.

  • Strength is required to perform moderate to rapid bursts of movement. For example, running races 400m-800m in length (moderate strength and speed required) and 100m sprints (rapid strength and speed required).

  • Endurance is required for much longer activities such as running in a marathon.

Strength, in this context, is often referred to power because the weight being moved (the body in a running race) is accelerating very rapidly. Other references to power include in weight lifting where the resistance (a barbell) is raised in a quick motion. However, it is worth noting that strength and power are separate terms and not always interchangeable. 

The development of strength and endurance requires exercising specific types of motor units (a combination of motor neurons and skeletal muscle fibres) in different ways.

  • Type 1 (slow-twitch) motor units which are used for endurance activities due to their fatigue resistance are best developed through continuous aerobic exercise.

  • Type 2A (intermediate fast-twitch) motor units which are used for medium length activities requiring moderate power and speed are best developed through resistance exercise.

  • Type 2B (fast-twitch) motor units which are used for extremely rapid activities requiring maximum power and speed are best developed through plyometric exercises. 

Diagram showing Type 1, 2A & 2B motor units as they relate to running. For example Type 1 (slow endurance style running), Type 2A (medium length, moderate speed running), and Type 2B (rapid speed sprinting)

The ability to perform a wide range of movements without any physical impediments.
Tancred as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


There are nine major joint complexes within the body, each with its own normal range of motion, measured in degrees.

Various pieces of equipment can be used to help measure and record the range of motion of different joints:

  • Goniometer - A protractor like device with a stationary arm, fulcrum (rotational joining piece), and a movement arm.

  • Flexometer - 360° dial and weighted gravity needle with a strap which attaches to the limb.

  • Inclinometer or Plurimeter - Dial based protractor which can be digital, used for measuring the range of motion (or incline) of a joint. Often used for measuring spinal movement.

  • Plumb line - A vertical line that extends through key points in the human body and is used to determine if the client has correct postural alignment.

  • Grid - A grid lined chart that is placed on the wall alongside an individual who is either sitting or standing and can be used to determine if postural alignment is correct. 

  • Pressure biofeedback unit - A pressurised device used to measure the muscles of the lower back and abdomen and determine if they are providing stability for the spine.

  • Tape measure - Simple measuring device that can be used to measure range of motion, especially for the spine.

  • Camera - Helpful for recording before, during, and after images that hopefully show improvement.

  • Video camera - Helpful for recording joint range of motion, especially in instances of limited movement and showing the client what needs to improve.

A Goniometer is the most commonly used measuring device. The process of using a goniometer is as follows:

  • Align the fulcrum of the device with the joint to be measured.

  • Align the stationary arm of the device with the limb being measured.

  • Hold the arms of the goniometer in place while the joint is moved through its range of motion.

  • The degree between the endpoints represents the entire range of motion.

The main joint complexes and their approximate normal ranges of motion are:

Joint Complex Functional Movement Description of Movement Degrees
Ankles Plantar flexion Stand on the tip of your toes or pointing of toes. 50°
Dorsiflexion Backward bending of the foot at the ankle. 20°
Knees Flexion Touch calf to hamstring. 130°
Extension Straighten out knee as much as possible. 120°
Internal rotation Twist lower leg toward the midline. 10°
Hips Flexion Extend knee and bring thigh close to abdomen. 110°
Extension Move thigh backwards without moving the pelvis. 20°
Abduction Swing thigh away from midline. 45°
Adduction Bring thigh toward and across midline. 45°
Internal rotation Flex knee and swing lower leg away from midline. 45°
External rotation Flex knee and swing lower leg toward midline. 45°
Lumbar Spine Flexion Bend forward at the waist. 75°
Extension Bend backwards. 30°
Lateral bending Bend to the side 35°
Thoracic Spine Flexion - 20° - 45°
Extension - 25° - 45°
Lateral flexion - 20° - 40°
Cervical Spine


Touch sternum with chin. 70 - 90°
Extension Point up with chin. 55°
Lateral bending Bring ear close to shoulder. 35°
Rotation Turn head to the left then right. 70°
Shoulders Abduction Bring the arm up sideways. 90°
Adduction Bring arm toward the midline of the body. 90°
Horizontal extension Swing arm horizontally backwards. 45°
Horizontal flexion Swing arm horizontally forward. 130°
Vertical (hyper) extension Raise arm straight backwards. 50°
Vertical (forward) flexion Raise arm straight forward. 170°
Elbows Flexion Moving forearm toward the body. 160°
Extension Bringing the forearm back to anatomical position (straight down). 145°
Pronation Twisting the forearm away from the body. 90°
Supination Twisting the forearm towards the body. 90°
Wrists Flexion Bending the hand down at the wrist 60°
Extension Raising the back of the hand towards the forearm. 60°
Pronation Rotating the forearm into a palm down position. 90°
Supination Rotating the forearm into a palm-up position. 90°
Adduction (Radial flexion) Bending hand to the left. 22°
Abduction (Ulnar flexion) Bending hand to the right. 22°

Injuries that are associated with joint movement include:

  • Strains - When muscles and/or tendons are overextended.

  • Sprains - Injuries to the ligaments which hold joints together.

  • Fractures - Breaks, chips, or cracks in the bones usually as a result of trauma (impacting objects) or falling.

  • Dislocations - Separation of the bones within a joint, common in high mobility joints such as the knee and shoulder.

Joints are controlled by two opposing sets of muscles, known as:

  • Extensors - Responsible for opening (extending) the joint. For example, the tricep.

  • Flexors - Responsible for bending (flexing) the joint. For example, the bicep.

Together they contract and relax in synchrony to enable joint movement. The joint and its movement is further supported by tendons (which attach muscle to bone) and ligaments (which link bone to bone).

Each of the joint complexes should be able to move freely through its specific range of motion (measured in degrees). Muscle imbalance and/or misaligned joints may mean that the normal range of motion is not able to be undertaken by the client. This is known as a limited range of motion and essentially means that the client is not very flexible. 

Increasing flexibility helps to prevent and relieve pain, correct posture, and reduce musculoskeletal injury. Flexibility is tested with stretching exercises, such as reach tests that target the lower back and hamstring muscles, supine hamstring test, hip flexor/Thomas test and shoulder flexion test.

There are three classifications of range of motion exercises designed to improve movement in specific joints:

  • Passive Range of Motion (PROM) - The joint is moved through the entire range of motion by external manipulation by a third party. For example, the fitness professional guides the client's knee through its range of movement. Outside of situations such as recent or chronic injury, recent surgery, or immobilization this situation would be rare.

  • Active Assisted Range of Motion (AAROM) - The client is able to use their muscles to move the joint through the range of motion but requires some level of support either from the fitness professional or a supportive aid/device such as a strap.

  • Active Range of Motion (AROM) - The client is able to move the joint independently through its range of motion.

The body's ability to carry oxygen and nutrients to muscles and retrieve resulting products of metabolism
Pate as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


Having well developed cardiorespiratory endurance enables large muscle exercise that is dynamic and prolonged at moderate to high levels of intensity. The term 'physically fit' is often used to refer to someone who has highly developed cardiorespiratory endurance. 

There are three types of energy pathways that help fuel the muscles to perform functional movement:

  • Alactic Anaerobic Energy System (ATP-PCr) - The main source of muscle energy for high-intensity exercises over a very short time period (between 5-15 seconds) such as a short sprint or the lifting of weights.

  • Lactic Anaerobic Energy System (also known as the Glycolytic System) - The main source of energy for high-intensity exercises that are undertaken over slightly longer periods (1-2 minutes) such as a 400m race.

  • Aerobic Energy System (also known as the Oxidative system) - The endurance energy system, works by using food energy and oxygen to support activity over much longer periods (ie. an hour or more) such as running a marathon or long bike ride. When operating under the aerobic energy system the body converts oxygen, carbohydrates (glucose), fats and even proteins into usable Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) using a combination of the Krebs Cycle (or the Citric Acid Cycle) and the Electron Transport Chain. This process is fairly complicated, however, the main takeaway is that whilst it is slower at producing energy than the first two systems it is more sustainable as it utilises vast reserves of oxygen, carbohydrates, fats and proteins to continually produce ATP and can thus be used over longer periods.

The following video further explains the three energy systems:

In regards to building cardiorespiratory endurance, it is the aerobic energy system which must be utilised. Cardiorespiratory endurance is developed by undertaking continuous aerobic exercise whilst also increasing the length and difficulty of physical activity, in particular cardio exercises.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a good method of building physical fitness. This method of exercise works the body in multiple bursts of high-intensity activity for short periods of time, just enough to surpass the anaerobic threshold (approximately 15 seconds) before returning to a more steady aerobic pace. 

Determining an individual's cardiorespiratory endurance ability is done through two different measuring processes:

The participant wears a specialised face mask and a heart rate monitor and undertakes exercise on either a treadmill or exercise bike. The mask is connected to a machine which measures the volume of oxygen inhaled and the air exhaled over a gradually increasing level of difficulty (increased speed and/or resistance). At a certain point in this process, a plateau is reached whereby the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic energy production and muscle fatigue sets in.

VO2 Max levels will vary based on factors such as age, gender, fitness level, and external conditions like altitude. 

Women's VO2 Max chart:

Rating / Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Superior >41 >40 >36.9 >35.7 >31.4
Excellent 37-41 35.7-40 32.9-36.9 31.5-35.7 30.3-31.4
Good 33-36.9 31.5-35.6 29-32.8 27-31.4 24.5-30.2
Fair 29-32.9 27-31.4 24.5-28.9 22.8-26.9 20.2-24.4
Poor 23.6-28.9 22.8-26.9 21-24.4 20.2-22.7 17.5-20.1
Very Poor <23.6 <22.8 <21 <20.2 <17.5

Men's VO2 Max chart

Rating / Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Superior >52.4 >49.4 >48 >45.3 >44.2
Excellent 46.5-52.4 45-49.4 43.8-48 41-45.3 36.5-44.2
Good 42.5-46.4 41-44.9 39-43.7 35.8-40.9 32.3-36.4
Fair 36.5-42.4 35.5-40.9 33.6-38.9 31-35.7 26.1-32.2
Poor 33-36.4 31.5-35.4 30.2-33.5 26.1-30.9 20.5-26
Very Poor <33 <31.5 <30.2 <26.1 <20.5


METs are a unit of measure used for all types of physical activity, even sleeping. The average adult uses approximately 1 MET (1 kilocalorie per kilogram in body weight per hour) to sit quietly for 30 minutes. Different types of physical activities are allocated METs according to its level of difficulty and thus the energy required. For example, a brisk 30-minute walk at 6km/hr uses 4 METs whereas skipping rope which is more vigorous uses 12 METs.

More information related to METs, their calculations, and average charts can be found here.

Postural control both moving and stationary.
Tancred as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


The human body controls balance through a process that includes position detection, feedback, and adjustment. This process uses a combination of three sensory components all communicating with the brain:

  • Vision - The eyes provide visual feedback to the brain regarding orientation, depth perception, and spatial location relative to objects.
  • Vestibular function - Located within the inner ear this system can detect a variety of head movements such as nodding or rotation. It helps to prevent the feeling of dizziness or vertigo that is associated with movement.
  • Proprioception - The perception of movement and spatial orientation from external stimuli via the skin, joints, and muscles.

Centre of gravity is a term used to describe a hypothetical point in the body around which all the parts balance. A person's centre of gravity constantly changes because the human body moves into many different positions on a regular basis, it can even exist outside of the body. 

In the anatomical position (standing upright with arms by our sides and palms facing forward) the centre of gravity is approximately anterior (infront of) the second sacral vertebra.

Diagram of man standing side on with the centre of gravity marked

Because humans stand and move in an upright posture our centre of gravity is quite a distance away from our base of support. The base of support consists of an individual's wide stance and foot size and it helps to maintain balance and prevent falling. The larger the base of support, such as legs in an outward stance, the greater the protection from toppling. The muscles surrounding the body's core section also help to maintain balance.

The closer an individual's centre of gravity is to the base of support, the more stable the individual is. Therefore, adjusting one's position can improve balance. For example, a tightrope walker is trained to hold the pole low while the pole is weighted at both ends and a surfer maintains balance on the surfboard by positioning themselves with flexed knees, a forward crouch, and hands held low.

The human body is capable of a certain amount of movement/changes to the position of the centre of gravity without undue effect, this is known as postural sway. However, it is only possible to deviate so far outside of the centre of gravity before a loss of stability (falling) will occur. This is known as the limits of stability.

To prevent falling, an individual must adjust their base of support to re-establish balance. Detecting when this adjustment is required is controlled by the vestibular system which is located within the inner ear. Communication of messages to initiate necessary corrective movements are then sent via the central nervous system.

The actions that the human body undertakes to vary its stance and re-establish balance when the limits of stability have been reached are known as balance strategies and humans have three of them:
  • Ankle strategy - Small movements in the ankle, foot, and toes that help to maintain balance during standing.

  • Hip strategy - Movements such as swaying and moving the trunk to redistribute weight within the centre of gravity.

  • Step strategy - Taking a step to widen the base of support. 

We also have some postural reactions, which are either present from birth or develop during infancy or early childhood. These reactions help to re-establish balance and protect certain body parts in the event of falling:

  • Righting reactions - Keep the head in a normal position, return the body to a normal position, and adjust body parts in relation to the head. These reactions a more dominant when the surface is stable but the body is shifted ie. if someone is pushed from behind and they fall forwards.

  • Equilibrium reactions - Rotation of the head and trunk away from the direction of displacement, with some extension of extremities (limbs) to further restore balance. These reactions are more dominant when the surface is unstable ie. on water or other moving objects such as a horse or train. 

  • Protective reactions - Reactions of the arms and legs to extend forward, sideward, or backward to either break the fall or otherwise restore balance.

Everyone is prone to balance disruption from time to time, however, certain factors can exascerbate the situation and increase the risk of falling and injury.

The absence of light affects the vision component of balance. Spatial awareness is diminshed and orientation can be confused especially if the body moves quickly (ie. being blind folded and spun in a cirle). Also obstructions in ones motion path can't be seen and may cause a trip hazard which inturn causes balance disruptions.

The type of surface that is being traversed can affect balance, especially if it is moving or changes suddenly. 

Types of surfaces:

  • Compliant surface – Generally a softer surface, that complies with the feet, such as grass.

  • Noncompliant surface – A firm, hard surface that does not comply with the feet, such as cement.

  • Unstable surface – Either a soft or hard surface but is unsteady on the feet, such as a slippery floor or a boat on water.

Medical conditions that affect the inner ear such as Meniere's disease can cause a condition known as vertigo which is the sensation that the environment is spinning. 

Certain medications for other conditions can also cause balance disturbances. Always ask clients if they are taking any medications which may have this side effect. 

As people get older their muscle strength, flexibility, vision, and hearing can diminish all of which can affect balance.

A woman’s centre of gravity shifts upwards and forwards during pregnancy, creating a higher risk of tripping and misstepping. This risk is magnified when performing physical exercise because of unfamiliar or sudden movements.

Personal Trainers are required to guide such clients on how to incorporate exercise into their routine without undue risk factors. This is best achieved by slowing down movements and avoiding quick changes in direction.

Jogging and brisk walks outdoors increase client risks of stepping on stray objects and uneven surfaces, and should be undertaken using extra caution.

Overweight individuals are more likely to be living sedentary lifestyles and thus have certain muscle imbalances which increase the risk of falls and injury. Increased abdominal fat also contributes to lumbar lordosis which can shift the centre of gravity and decrease the amount of postural sway that is possible before the limits of stability are met and a corrective strategy is required to maintain balance. 

Inappropriate footwear is shoes that do not fit properly and/or are unsuitable to meet the challenges of the physical activity. The likelihood of falling and being injured is increased if inappropriate footwear is worn.

Footwear worn for fitness activities should have adequate cushioning for shock absorption and have suitable grip to provide stability during movement. Different types of sports shoes exist for different types of activities, for example:

  • Running shoes - Cushioned, flexible, provide good levels of stability, and are made from light weight breathable materials. Some brands have reflective sections that is beneficial for night-time running.

  • Cross-training shoes - High-arch support, often have mesh upper for breathability, and shock absorbing soles. These types of shoes are good for aerobics, basketball, gym workouts, and high-intensity interval training.

  • Hiking boots - Provide protection to the foot and ankle to help protect against sprains and strains. They are also durable with strong soles designed for traversing a variety of surfaces for long periods of time.

  • Water shoes - Usually cover the entire foot and have thick soles that protect against sharp objects such as rocks, shells, or coral. These shoes also improve stability on slippery surfaces.

Discuss with the client the importance of wearing custom-fitting, sport-specific footwear to prevent injuries and support performance.

Muscle imbalances that can contribute to balance issues can be caused by:

  • Sedentary lifestyle and/or sitting long hours at a computer workstation.

  • Carrying heavy bags on one shoulder.

  • Crossing legs with the same leg on top. 

Other lifestyle behaviours which may affect balance include the excessive consumption of alcohol or partaking in recreational drugs. Inebriation disrupts the communication system between the sensory components of balance maintenance and the brain, slowing reaction times.

The human body is equipped with natural mechanisms to maintain the centre of gravity, which includes the ears, eyes, muscles and joints. These sensors can get distorted from sport or leisure activities such as golf, javelin throw, tennis and bowling.

These physical activities tend to encourage individuals to lead with the dominant side of their bodies resulting in one side being more developed than the other. The resulting muscle imbalance can cause a higher risk of falls and injury. 

You should discuss with your client training options for the other side of the body in the gym, limiting time spent on one-sided sport and prescribing a customised home-training regimen.

The ability to perform sudden movements in quick succession and opposite directions
Tancred as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


It is a skill that is utilised frequently in fitness environments, particularly in high-paced sporting events such as soccer or basketball.

Functional movement is controlled by the nervous system and involves muscles moving joints in a variety of directions. The sensory receptors responsible for communicating the 'messages' to and from the central nervous system and the muscles can be trained to react faster and thus move the body more swiftly. This is the process of improving agility and reaction time. In addition to improved agility and sports performance, there are also cognitive benefits to this type of exercise.

The best way to develop agility and reaction time is to perform repetitive action style exercises such as drills involving rope ladders (laid out on a flat area) or cones that must be hurdled and weaved through rapidly.

The ability to exert maximum force through a move as soon as possible. The two components of power are strength and speed.
Tancred as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


Power consists of two components, strength and speed. Strength relates to basic muscular strength which has already been covered in this topic, however, when discussed in relation to power it requires speed to be an effective component.

This coupling is evident when a sprinter launches themselves from the starting line at the beginning of a race or when a baseballer pitches a high-velocity ball towards the batsman.

Man sprinting in a race

The ability to control body movements and perform properly in order to obtain maximum efficiency.
Tancred as cited in Liusnea, 2016, p. 139


Coordination, as the name suggests, involves two or more body functions or movements operating in tandem (coordinating). This ability, often used in conjunction with other skill-related components of fitness such as balance and agility, can be developed through practice and repetition. 

Functional movement is controlled by the nervous system and involves muscles moving joints in a variety of directions. The actual movements are known collectively as Motor Skills and they are broadly categorised into two sections:

  • Fine Motor Skills - Requires precise control of the small muscles in the hands, wrists, fingers, and feet. For example, ball handling in soccer utilises fine motor skills of the feet, whereas coordination in tennis requires hand-gripping and feet coordination skills.

  • Gross Motor Skills - Movements that involve large muscle coordination such as running, jumping, and sliding. These movements can be reinforced through fitness training.

Both types of motor skills require high levels of coordination. For example, gross motor skill coordination may include running and jumping over hurdles. Fine motor skills coordination includes hand-eye coordination. This ability requires the simultaneous use of both the hands and the eyes. The eyes perceive information and send the message to the brain which then guides the hands to carry out a specific fine motor skills movement. 

The sense that lets us perceive the location, movement, and action parts of the body.
Taylor, 2009, para 1


As mentioned above in the balance section, proprioception is the perception of movement and spatial orientation from external stimuli via the skin, joints, and muscles. Essentially it is the ability of the body to determine if it is moving and where different parts of the body are positioned even if they are not visible.  

Proprioception works together with other sensory components of the body including the eyes and the inner ear, however, in the absence of one or more of these components the body becomes more reliant on proprioception. For example, during a game of pin the tail on the donkey the participant is blindfolded (removing the sensory ability of sight) and they are spun in circles which creates a feeling of dizziness (reducing the sensory ability of the inner ear) and they are then required to maneuver the arm and hand to try and attach the 'tail' onto the picture of the donkey.

Proprioception helps with this task by telling the brain that the arm/hand is raised at approximately shoulder height and outstretched. The body is 'searching' for the picture of the donkey which is attached to the wall. When the sensors in the skin feel the wall the brain is able to orientate itself somewhat and complete the task of pinning the tail on the donkey.

Proprioception also helps to communicate valuable messages relating to ground surface stability through the sensors in the feet. Uneven surfaces will trigger the use of strategies to help maintain balance such as the ankle or the stepping strategy.

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Three anatomical figures of the human body (skeletal, muscular and full body) running