Case Study: Let's Put New Zealand Back on Stage

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Tue, 02/28/2023 - 18:06

Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about marketing let’s look at factors that can impact the wider tourism environment.

They say, “knowledge is power” and “data is king” when it comes to being a successful organisation in the digital era.

Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) has an array of insights to help marketers in tourism businesses really understand the environment they work in. Why? Because marketing needs to be relevant, targeted, and timely. Tourism is New Zealand’s largest export earner and plays a critical role in New Zealand’s economic success. The International Visitor Survey was developed to provide accurate, quarterly, national information on the expenditure of international visitors to New Zealand, as well as their behaviours and characteristics. This type of survey measures the total annual expenditure by international visitors in New Zealand. The following slide highlights the key insights and recommendations about domestic tourism in New Zealand.

The following organisations are involved with the IVS:

  • Kantar TNS New Zealand is commissioned for data collection and processing
  • MBIE conducts analysis and dissemination of survey results
  • the survey is carried out with the assistance of the airports, security staff, airlines, and Stats NZ.

Source: MBIE.

Sub Topics
Young man on camper van looking at the scenery

Before we even begin to discuss marketing tourism in New Zealand, it’s important to understand the wider tourism environment i.e., the local, national and international setting, and how the National Tourism Organisation (NTO), Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), in conjunction with The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE), Stats NZ and other organisations help collate key insight about the tourism sector. Marketers rely on insight and data from MBIE, TNZ, and Stats NZ to help create marketing promotions that target the right audience at the right time.


Read this useful article about 'Why is New Zealand introducing regenerative tourism?'

There are various factors that help explain why an understanding of the wider tourism environment can be helpful to someone who works in the field of marketing:

Value To The Economy

  1. Foreign Exchange Earnings
  2. Contribution to government revenues (i.e. direct from taxes and Indirect from goods and services)
  3. Employment generation
  4. Contribution to local economies
  5. Overall economy book

Value To Society

  1. Preserving Local Culture.
  2. Strengthening Communities
  3. Provision of Social Services
  4. Commercialisation of Culture and Art
  5. Revitalisation of Culture and Art
  6. Preservation of Heritage
  7. Empowering communities

Value To The Environment

  1. Protecting nature
  2. A focus on Māori values (i.e., tangata whenua, Concept of kaitiakitanga and The practice of Rāhui

An Example: Foreign Exchange Earnings

Tourism expenditures generate income for the host economy. The money a country makes from international tourism can then be reinvested into the economy. Some currencies are worth more (i.e. are stronger) than others. Therefore, New Zealand can target certain key markets in order to encourage visitors from this market to visit New Zealand (and spend money!). Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) can use these funds to grow and promote tourism for New Zealand, as well as support marketing/promotional initiatives i.e., offers at a local and national level.

Kiwi sculpture on the road

TNZ offers some useful research into how Covid-19 has impacted the intentions of international consumers who are looking to travel to New Zealand.  Review the March 22 insight reports from Tourism New Zealand.  (Travellers from each country are referred to by TNZ, as 'Active Considers').

  1. Consider what future demand looks like for these key markets.
  2. Think about what is the ‘appetite to travel”.
  3. Note the “most popular time” for this active considerer to visit New Zealand.
  4. Identify any trends around how these active considerers are looking to book their next holiday to New Zealand.
Learning Activity: Unscramble the Countries

Learning Activity: Travel Intentions

Understanding the tourism landscape, and conducting research is very important for marketers because marketing involves reading and commissioning research and writing text (or copy) that excites “would-be” travellers to book their next holiday to New Zealand.

Using the following descriptions, determine which country the travellers would come from, solely by the type of activities specified below. Post your responses using the Forum, Travel Intentions.

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Nature and wildlife
  • Hiking
  • Sightseeing
  • Culture

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Challenging and relaxing activities
  • Geothermal sites
  • Nature walks
  • Experience Māori culture
  • Film locations

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Natural landscape and scenery
  • Short walks
  • Hot pools
  • Local food and wine

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Short Walks, Views you can access by car
  • Premium shopping & locally made
  • Lower intensity e.g., geothermal, national park and unique wildlife
  • Museums and art galleries

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Short walks
  • Museum and art galleries
  • Food and wine
  • Beaches
  • Cultural activities

A traveller from this market would prefer a holiday in New Zealand that covers the following activities:

  • Adrenaline and high-intensity activities
  • Beaches and native forests
  • Tramping
  • Food and wine

Now that you have gained some knowledge about Tourism New Zealand and how they go about promoting New Zealand to a global (and a domestic) audience, let’s turn our attention to understanding the reasons why New Zealand has pressed the “reset” button, to lead the way with “regenerative” travel.


Review the article below:

How New Zealand has used domestic travel.

While reading the article think about how New Zealand harnessed the power of domestic travel to save its tourism sector.

Bilbo Baggins house

Tourism New Zealand's tourism marketing campaign is 100% Pure New Zealand. It is used in all of their international marketing work - including advertising, international public relations activity, and online marketing, event, and sponsorship activity.

When 100% Pure New Zealand was launched in 1999, it was the first time New Zealand had one message in all of its tourism markets around the world. The campaign was developed to be clear and concise: to communicate a single message about New Zealand that captured the imagination of our target market. It ensures that tourism gives back more than it takes, and targets 'high-quality visitation'.

High-quality visitors are defined by more than the money they spend — the way they contribute to Aotearoa matters too. The type of visitor, their scope of activities, how they travel across seasons and regions, environmental consciousness, and engagement with New Zealand's culture and communities, are all important factors in identifying key target markets.

100% Pure New Zealand tells the story of how this country's unique combination of landscapes, people, and activities cannot be found anywhere else in the world - it is a "100% Pure New Zealand" visitor experience.

Over the years it has been used as 100% Pure Relaxation, 100% Pure Adrenalin, 100% Pure You, and 100% Middle-earth - all connected back to the core premise of 100% Pure New Zealand.

100% Middle-earth, 100% Pure New Zealand was named the best destination marketing campaign at the 2012 World Travel Awards.

The latest adaption is 100% Pure Welcome, 100% Pure New Zealand, our biggest campaign yet! It showcases what makes us unique – our warm and welcoming people alongside our stunning landscapes.

Every day for the next year a short video will go live of a New Zealander wishing the world a good morning from their favourite place in New Zealand. New Zealanders are also being invited to be a part of the campaign by creating their own 'good morning world' videos and sharing them on social media using the hashtag #goodmorningworldnz.

Watch this video

It is welcoming visitors to New Zealand. (1:00)

Learning Activity: Good morning video

Create a short video wishing the world a “good morning” from your favourite place around your local area. Ensure you include the hashtag #goodmorningworldnz.

Upload your short video in the Forum, Good morning video.

Learning Activity: 100% Pure New Zealand

Research the 100% Pure New Zealand campaigns below. What unique experiences across New Zealand fall under the following categories?

Share your answers in the Forum, 100% Pure New Zealand.

Complete the following multi-choice quiz to ensure you have understood this topic before moving on to the next.

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