Personal Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Submitted by estelle.zivano… on Thu, 08/17/2023 - 13:36

Once you have developed your health and wellbeing strategy and implemented the activities and done the activities you planned, it is time to review and evaluate them. This requires you to go back to the KPIs you created and to check the records you kept regarding your activities. Your physical health and wellbeing are not fixed. They change when factors appear, and it fluctuates over time even without anything directly affecting it. You should not completely stop working on yourself once your planned activities are done. Your health and wellbeing are things that you need to continuously develop.

Sub Topics

When you performed the activities planned in your health and wellbeing strategy, it is expected that you recorded the date and time you did the activity. Recording this information is necessary to check if you met the KPIs you developed. As discussed, you can record your progress in your calendar or in a specific log, such as a sleep diary. The progress depends on what your activity is and what KPI you designed to measure it. Once you have recorded your progress, check them against your KPIs.

  • Did you meet the KPIs? If you met the KPIs within the timeframe you set, that means you were able to set realistic goals according to your abilities. You can also check how your overall progress looks. Is it linear, improving every time you do the activity, or does it peak in the middle and slowly go down as you lose motivation?
  • Did you fail to meet the KPIs? Record any factors that might have negatively affected your performance. Circumstances in your work and personal life may have prevented you from accomplishing the activity you planned. Maybe you had to put in more hours at work, so you were not able to cook healthy meals, or the noise level at home made it difficult for you to practise mindfulness.
  • Did you surpass or exceed the KPIs? If you surpassed your KPIs or progressed through them quickly, note if there were any changes that allowed you to do so, such as using better equipment or obtaining better quality fruit and vegetables.

Fitness trackers

Have you ever wondered how effective fitness trackers are? Watch the following video to learn more about how fitness trackers keep track of so many things and their limitations.

After watching the video answer the following question


Gary set a two-week plan to start swimming every morning. His objective was to improve his overall fitness. He set two KPIs. Firstly, to lose two kilos and secondly to increase from two laps on day one to five laps per day at the end of the two weeks. He monitored his progress and was happy to find he had lost two kilos and met his first KPI. However, he did not meet his second KPI to be fit enough to swim five laps each session. He noted the start times and laps swam for each day and realised that on more than half the days he swam he was starting the activity half an hour later than planned. He was arriving at the pool tired from the additional workload and unable to physically complete the five laps.


Toni is at the end of her personal health and wellbeing strategy. Her key objective was to reduce her stress levels at work. She used resources from Headspace to establish a daily routine of practising mindfulness before work and started volunteering one evening a week with a local food bank. She is very satisfied with the results of her strategy. Firstly, the mindfulness activities mean that she is starting work with an awareness of what work factors are likely to cause her stress and what she can do to minimise the impact. Secondly, volunteering means she has established connections outside her immediate family and work.

A person working out in a gym

As you progress through your health and wellbeing strategy, there may also have been changes that affected your performance at work. Just as you monitor the KPIs you created, you should also check whether you are meeting the KPIs for your job. Since you began your health and wellbeing strategy, note any new circumstances that have affected your work requirements. You can do this by checking your work performance.

Decrease in number of hours worked

If you notice that your work performance has not been up to standard since you began your planned activities, consider the reasons why. Have you been putting in fewer hours at work to focus more on your activities? There is nothing wrong with this provided that you have informed and gotten the approval of your manager and any other relevant personnel about the changes to your schedule. However, it becomes an issue if you are coming in to work late or taking absences frequently.

While putting in fewer hours at work can negatively affect your work requirements, it may provide good results in your strategy. Less time working and more time for physical and mental health activities can make you healthier and happier. However, remember that everything must be balanced. Time must not be concentrated on just one activity.

Decrease in quality of work

If the quality of your work has decreased significantly, the issue may have something to do with your productivity. Lacking motivation can cause you to put in less effort resulting in outputs that are not up to the organisation’s standards. If you notice that your productivity has been dropping since you began your strategy, you need to consider the reasons why.

Have you been feeling even more tired and stressed? If your activity is exercising, maybe you are overexerting yourself and not leaving enough energy for work. Or if you have been trying to eat more nutritious food, maybe the calories you consume do not provide you with enough energy.

While you may be lacking the motivation to work, you may instead be more motivated to do activities related to your strategy. If you just started volunteering somewhere or just joined a new sports team, these may seem more exciting in comparison with your job. Of course, you cannot control the way you feel, but you can channel your motivation towards work and eliminate distractions. If you put in more effort into activities unrelated to work, try to find ways to motivate yourself to work.

Improvement in work performance

However, your work performance may have improved ever since you started your health and wellbeing strategy. In that case, it is a sign that your planned activities were effective and enhanced your ability to work. For example, practising mindfulness may have helped reduce the stress you feel, which in turn helps you concentrate better on your tasks. This means that your strategy has been effective and that the amount of time you allocate towards all your activities and tasks is sufficient and appropriate.

Ideally, your work performance should be enhanced as a result of your health and wellbeing strategy. If not, consider making changes to your strategy. No matter what outcome it has on your work performance, be sure to record it.

Other factors and circumstances

Next, you must note how other, uncontrollable factors affect your health and wellbeing strategy. There may be unexpected changes to your circumstances from external factors. For example, good weather conditions may allow you to do more activities outdoors, or emergencies may cause you to put your strategy on hold indefinitely. Note these and see if their effects on your strategy were positive or negative.

While there are factors affecting the strategy that you cannot control or manage, you must still take note of these to help you plan how you will update your current strategy for long-term implementation. You must also consider the effects of your work and your strategy on each other to understand how well you are balancing them.

If you are able to effectively balance your activities, you do not need to change much about your current situation. But if you notice that you are finding it difficult to do certain activities due to circumstances from work, personal life, and even forces outside your control, you may need to make significant adjustments in order to resolve these issues.


Gary was determined to reach his KPI of swimming five laps each session at the swimming pool. In his attempts to meet his KPI he started to spend more time at the pool. This meant he was not at work to direct his kitchen staff and the head chef. The staff are not happy with this situation and speak with Gary. He realised that his motivation to achieve his KPI was interfering with his responsibilities at work and that he would need to revisit his strategy to find a balance that would allow him to improve his work performance at the same time as improving his physical health.


Toni believes her work performance has improved since she started her health and wellbeing strategy. The mindfulness activities have helped reduce her stress and raise her motivation to be at work. She is now sharing her strategy and the Headspace tools with her colleagues at work. However, she has now started an online training course in meditation on the same evening she has been volunteering. This competing demand on her time means she will have to change the volunteering to the weekend in order to meet her work responsibilities.

A female business professional in a discussion with 2 colleagues in an office

Like all things, your health and wellbeing are not fixed or static. Many factors can affect them, and they can even fluctuate over time without anything directly influencing them. Since your health and wellbeing are irreplaceable assets in your life, you need to continuously develop them. Completing your strategy is only the first step.

Adjusting the KPIs

If you notice early on that you immediately surpass the KPIs you set, consider adjusting them to have higher targets. It is possible that during the planning stages, you underestimated your abilities and set the bar too low. This may have resulted in your KPIs being too easy to achieve. You can also adjust the desired outcome if you need to. Alternatively, you may need to adjust your KPIs if it becomes obvious they have been set too high or circumstances change. For example, you set a KPI to jog every weekday for one hour, however, you have also started an online class on Fridays which prevents you from jogging on that day.

Addressing issues during implementation

Did you encounter any issues while doing the activities? You can usually identify these easily if you were not able to meet your KPIs. Consider what type of issues are present. Did you lack the resources, such as time, to do the activity? Or did you lose motivation as the strategy continued? Think of methods you can use to eliminate these issues or to at least minimise their effects. There may also be new circumstances in your work or personal life. If these changes are major, you can check if these have negatively impacted your activities in any way. For example, you may have gotten a new job that has a heavier workload. In that case, you must edit your strategy to make room for your additional work responsibilities

Areas of improvement in the strategy

Even if you met your KPIs and did not encounter any issues during the implementation of your strategy, think of ways you can further improve. For example, getting better equipment may help you achieve your goals more easily. Or, if you have been doing a hobby alone, you can join a group in order to connect with others and get advice from more experienced people about your hobby.

Long-term implementation

Improving your health and wellbeing does not stop even when you have finished implementing your strategy. If your strategy has been effective and has had positive results, you can adjust the timeframe to continue it for long-term implementation. You should also update the activities you plan to do. You can continue to do the same activities, but at more advanced levels, such as doing more exercises for longer periods of time or add new activities you want to try. Ideally, your initial activities should have improved your health and wellbeing, so your updated strategy should also have new KPIs.

You should also consider if you achieved the final, desired outcome you set. Were the activities you planned effective and did they give you the result you wanted? Is the result something noticeable? For example, if you wanted to become stronger and did strengthening exercises, are you now able to carry heavier weights? Or maybe the outcome you wanted was to stop feeling sleepy at work, so you tried to get more sleep at night. After your strategy, you should be able to feel and see the impact your activities had on your physical health and mental wellbeing.

If you were not able to achieve your desired outcome, do not feel bad. Your health and wellbeing are not static, so you can continue to improve them. This means you should further develop the strategy you created and continue to implement the activities for longer timeframes. 

Key points
  • Keeping track of your progress lets you know if you are meeting your KPIs and if you need to adjust them.
  • Your personal health and wellbeing strategy may affect your work and personal life, and these changes should ideally be positive.
  • Changes in your personal life and in the workplace can affect your progress on your health and wellbeing strategy.
  • Your health and wellbeing strategy is something that you should be continuously developing.
  • Evaluate whether you achieved the original objective you set before updating your health and wellbeing strategy for long-term implementation.

The final activity for this topic is a set of questions that will help you prepare for your formal assessment. Read the following scenario and answer the questions.


Let's examine the physical and mental wellbeing of Sam, a mental health community service worker who has recently relocated to Brisbane from Malaysia to undertake a contract at the Serenity Community Center. We will address the challenges Sam faces and explore potential strategies for improving her overall health and wellbeing.

Physical Wellbeing: Sam faces several physical challenges that impact her wellbeing. She is overweight and experiences a lower back problem due to years of incorrect lifting techniques. It is crucial for Sam to prioritize her physical health, particularly with regards to weight management and safe manual handling practices. Given her allergy to chlorine, swimming in public facilities may not be suitable. Additionally, Sam should avoid weight training in the gym without proper guidance from a fitness trainer due to her lower back issue.

To address these challenges, Sam can consider alternative forms of exercise that are low impact and don't strain her back. Engaging in activities such as walking, yoga, or pilates, under the guidance of a qualified instructor, can help improve her overall fitness and manage her weight safely. It is essential for Sam to find a form of exercise that she enjoys and can incorporate into her daily routine.

Mental Wellbeing: Sam's mental wellbeing is affected by communication difficulties due to her accent, causing stress and hindering effective interaction with staff members. However, Sam has taken a positive step by enrolling in a language class, which has not only helped her improve her language skills but has also allowed her to make new friends at work.

While socializing with colleagues after work is a valuable way to build relationships, it is important for Sam to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize her own wellbeing. Spending entire nights hanging out with coworkers can lead to exhaustion and interfere with her ability to perform well in her role. Sam can practice effective time management by setting boundaries and politely declining invitations when she needs rest or personal time.

To enhance her focus and performance at work, Sam can explore strategies for managing fatigue and improving concentration. This may involve establishing a consistent sleep routine, practising relaxation techniques, and seeking support from colleagues or supervisors when needed. Additionally, she can allocate specific time slots for session preparation and practice opportunities, ensuring that training sessions are well-prepared and delivered effectively.

In conclusion, Sam should prioritize her physical and mental wellbeing while working in a mental health community service role. By addressing her physical challenges through appropriate exercise choices and seeking professional guidance, and by establishing healthy boundaries and implementing effective time management strategies, Sam can improve her overall health, performance, and overall experience in her new role at the Serenity Community Center.

A close view of a person writing on a notebook

In summary, developing a health and wellbeing strategy and implementing the planned activities is just the beginning of your journey towards improved physical and mental wellbeing. The next crucial step is to review and evaluate your progress.

By referring back to the key performance indicators (KPIs) you established and analyzing the records you kept, you can assess the effectiveness of your activities and measure your achievements. This evaluation process lets you understand what worked well and what areas may need further attention or adjustment.

It's important to recognize that your health and wellbeing are not static. They are dynamic and influenced by various factors that can change over time. Therefore, viewing your strategy as an ongoing process rather than a one-time endeavour is essential. Continuously working on yourself and nurturing your physical and mental health is crucial for long-term well-being.

Remember, self-care and self-improvement are lifelong commitments. Regularly reassessing your goals, adapting your strategies, and seeking new growth opportunities will help you maintain and enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

By embracing this mindset and remaining dedicated to your personal development, you can cultivate a healthier, more fulfilling life for yourself. Prioritize your well-being, be open to learning and growth, and enjoy the positive impacts that come with taking care of yourself.

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