
Submitted by Jessica.kerame… on Tue, 09/05/2023 - 17:22
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Welcome to Exercise Prescription: Part B!
This module focuses on the art and science of applying acute and chronic training variables and principles in a coordinated manner to ensure outstanding training results and an engaging exercise experience for your clients. This module builds on your PT level 4 Exercise Prescription course, where you have been introduced to the components of fitness, training and F.I.T.T. principles and practised manipulating these to achieve different client goals. In the level 4 course, you were also able to practice your exercise programme delivery skills on a client.

This module looks at specific training modes that we use to achieve client goals. We'll explore the physiological responses and underlying science of each mode, along with the diverse programming strategies applicable. We'll also discuss the optimal scenarios

for their application and their placement within an athlete's periodised annual training plan.

In this module, you will be learning approaches used by strength and conditioning coaches around the world to improve athletic performance. You will be extending your current expertise beyond the gym to exploring aspects of physical conditioning for a variety of cardiovascular training methods.

We will cover:

  • Cardiovascular training and the periodisation
  • Long Slow Distance (LSD) training approaches
  • Fartlek and tempo training approaches
  • Interval training approaches for both aerobic and anaerobic exercises
  • Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ) training approaches.

For each training mode, you will learn the following:

  • The benefits of targeting the training mode
  • The F.I.T.T and training principles considerations associated with the training mode
  • The science behind how our abilities improve with training
  • Various training approaches that targets the improvement of training mode.

This module will require access to a gym and a real client for delivery of sessions and feedback on your training style. Some of the practical aspects of this module will also be best performed outdoors (weather permitting).

You should spend a total of 100 hours on this module. This includes time for reading and watching videos in the course content, completion of assessment tasks, and self-directed practice and evidence collation.

For example, getting to the gym to try out some of the training methods we cover in online content and working on assessment tasks, including conducting some of your own research and creating session plans

The fine print

This module combines with module 4 (Exercise Prescription – Part A – Resistance Training Approaches and Periodisation) to complete the Exercise Prescription module. It relates to numerous Graduate Profile Outcomes (GPOs) including:

  • GPO 1: Design exercise programmes to the industry standard and implement advanced exercise options to enhance client performance.
  • GPO 3: Integrate a broad range of health and wellness factors into an extended exercise intervention programme to meet client goals and objectives.
  • GPO 4: Analyse and select from a range of advanced exercise options underpinned by exercise science to customise exercise assessment and programmes.
  • GPO 5: Design programmes and apply exercise principles within scope of practice using understanding of the indications and contraindications for symptomatic or apparently healthy people.
  • GPO 6: Develop networks with other allied health professionals to support exercise client outcomes.

It supports the following Learning Outcomes (LO):

  • LO 1: Analyse and implement industry-relevant training principles and training modalities in designing exercise programmes
  • LO 2: Monitor exercise goals through fitness assessment and performance tracking
  • LO 3: Interact, engage, and use appropriate evidence-based exercise science resources for the development and implementation of exercise and health improvement programme
  • LO 4: Use concepts relevant to human anatomy and physiology to address issues in human movement, nutrition, energy systems and injury management in the design of exercise programmes
  • LO 5: Use concepts relevant to human anatomy and physiology to address issues in human movement, nutrition, energy systems and injury management in the design of exercise programmes
  • LO 6: Coordinate with other industry professionals to ensure delivery of exercise training and other aligned modalities meets industry recommended standards

To ensure a smooth learning experience, we suggest starting this module and assessment tasks at specific weeks.

Assessment and milestones There are three (3) written case study assessments to complete for this module:

Assessment 2 A: (Periodisation- Annual Training Plan for Cardiovascular Training).
Start this assessment at the beginning of week 16, due at the end of week 17.

Assessment 2 B: (Session Planning for Cardiovascular Training Approaches).
Start this assessment at the beginning of week 17, due at the end of week 20.

Assessment 2 C: (Session Adaptation and Delivery- Cardiovascular Training).
Start this assessment at the beginning of week 19, due at the end of week 21.

Please Note
  • Assessment 2 B is an ongoing assessment that spans various topics that are covered weekly. To successfully complete this assessment by the due date, you will need to integrate knowledge from multiple topics progressively. These topics include:
    • LSD Training
    • Lactate threshold training
    • Interval training
    • SAQ training.

    Tip: Complete a topic then complete that corresponding part of the assessment.

  • Assessment 2 C is due within the first week of Module 5.
    Tip: Work on the assessment while you continue with your learning of Module 5.

While exercise prescription is a very practical process, it is rooted in scientific theory. This means, that in order to become a great programme writer, you need a solid understanding of core training principles.

This module will encompass some familiar learning and introduce new concepts. To support you in acquiring this knowledge, you will find a mixture of things to read, watch and listen to.

This should also be a very practical module. To have an authentic understanding of what you are programming, it is only right that you have experienced these training modes for yourself.

In a personal training setting, you should never ask someone to do something you haven’t done! Through this module, you will be asked to practice and apply the theory you've accquired, mainly through sessions and fitness assessments you can undertake personally.

Completing the suggested activities will ensure you get the most out of this programme. You are encouraged to try them to gain a comprehensive understanding and perspective for your exercise prescription. Towards the end of the module, you'll also have the opportunity to further enhance your exercise delivery skills by working with a willing client, where you'll implement the session plans that you've developed.

Expand your exercise horizons!

Choosing an exercise mode often depends on personal preference. Some enjoy outdoor challenges, while others prefer the controlled environment of a gym. As a fitness professional, it's crucial to understand various training methods, focusing on what's best for the client, not personal preference. This module may challenge those less familiar with cardiovascular exercise, but experiencing it firsthand is vital for effective programming. There will be options for all fitness levels, so get ready to try something new!

Keep it social

Remember to connect with other students. There is a Q&A Discussion Board for this module.

This pre-check activity is designed to gauge your current knowledge and understanding of the upcoming topics before we dive into our learning journey. Take your time, answer to the best of your abilities, and don't worry if you're unsure of some answers. This will help you keep track of your progress and see how much you've learned by the end of this module. Let's get started...

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