Personal growth

Submitted by tara.mills@up… on Mon, 09/11/2023 - 10:03
Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.
John. C. Maxwell

Personal growth is all about being the best possible version of yourself. It is knowing that you, with time and with the correct mindset, will grow into everything you want to be. This topic will lead you on a personal growth journey where you will learn the skills necessary to grow and be who you want to be.

Sub Topics

Mindset is integral to how you carry out everyday life. It can hinder progress and influence how much effort you put into things that could really matter to you.

The following video shows how the Law of Attraction works. This concept has been widely studied by various people including quantum physicists, teaching how we attract everything we receive; both positively and negatively.

This video illustrates the importance of staying attuned with frequency.

Watch: How the Law of Attraction Works (7:27 minutes)

Why are we so afraid of failing? Is it our ego? Is it embarrassment? Is it hardmanship or struggle? It is probably a mix of many feelings. In business, you must learn how to master your feelings and try to be as objective as possible.

No business has the magical recipe for success, and truth be told, most have failed over time. But there are ways to fail for you to gain something from it. Becoming a business owner can be scary from the outside but it only seems scary because you are stepping into an unknown, and with the unknown comes the possibility of failure.

Think of a time where you may have failed something…Failure is accompanied with other such feelings like: embarrassment, anxiety, anger, sadness, and shame.

A growth mindset

A growth mindset the mindset we can adopt when dealing with failure. With a “growth mindset” you learn that failure (or losing) is an opportunity to reflect and grow. Do not let failure drag you down. Success is not always about the outcome but rather the effort put in to reach the outcome. It should be worth more to you that you did your best than the result. This drives constant improvement, which is pivotal in business.

Knowledge Check Activity

When it comes to failure, taking it in your stride is essential. So many lessons can be learned from not succeeding.

Just remember:

  1. You haven’t failed as a person. Failure is your skill or capability. Using a ‘growth mindset’ you can begin to learn this is something you can develop.
  2. Accept and reflect. Once the moment passes, reflect internally. “How do I feel? What when wrong? What could I have done? What went right?” Ask yourself these type of questions.
  3. What now? Focus on the future – let it become a lesson learnt.


Self-reflection is all about the practice of learning and looking back at the day in a non-bias and non-regretful way.

To become the best version of yourself – you need to be able to look inwards, accept your actions and live in the present.

There are many ways that we can self-reflect and one of the most common is journal keeping.

Journal Keeping

A person writing in a journal

Journals can serve many purposes, they act as a pensive for our thoughts that we can look back on one day and see where we were at that point of time. Journals can also be used as a means to practice gratitude and set goals for ourselves.

A reflective journal serves its purpose for looking back on what we have done, how we handled it and used as a means to change or build on actions.

A reflective journal is a place to write down your daily entries.

Step one: Buy a journal or start one online

You can use digital tools such as Word, Notepad or TextEdit. But studies have shown the natural feeling of writing increases your memory, vocabulary and spelling, so if you are able to – do that.

Step two: Reflect using the three w’s

What?/So what?/ What’s next?

A diagram depicting how to write reflectively

  • What? – Recall an event write it down in as much detail as you can.
    • What happened?
    • Who was involved?
  • So what? – Reflect and interpret the event
    • What is the most interesting/important/useful aspect of the event?
    • How can it be explained?
  • What’s next? – Conclude what you can learn from the event and how to apply it next time.
    • What have I learned?
    • How can it be applied in the future?

Journal Prompts

If you are finding it difficult to start the journal, the following are some useful prompts to get you going.

  1. What makes you unique?
  2. What is something you can do to focus more on your health and well-being?
  3. What makes you feel at peace?
  4. What is your favourite animal, and why?
  5. How do you maintain your physical/mental health? What can you do to improve the methods of recovery?
  6. List the things that you want to achieve this week.

Initiative is one of those key skills that is not to be underestimated. Taking the initiative demonstrates confidence in both you and your work. It is an easy way to show the strong work ethic. Iniative paired with a strong ethic should always hold a place in your skills toolkit.

Never stop learning

Part of showing initiative is the continual learning journey. It is very important never to stop learning and researching. You should always be looking to expand your horizons, as industries are fast-paced and new things come up all the time, which you need to be aware of.

In eSports, the industry is constantly changing and developing. You need to be aware of the changing ecosystem to be able to understand the direction it may lead in. Continuing education is pivotal to professional development. Always be looking to improve and learn from others.

Knowledge Check Activity

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