Self-directed Learning

Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Mon, 09/11/2023 - 18:33

Take your learning to the next level. The information provided on this page is to give you the opportunity to further broaden your knowledge on the topic of companion animal care. You can pick and choose from the suggestions below and follow your own personal interests.

Sub Topics

In case you want a reminder about the key legislation in New Zealand that protects animals:
The New Zealand Animal Welfare Strategy

This website has more information about diseases that we have not included in the learning content, which you may find useful to read about: 
Common Pet Health Issues | Ardmore Animal Hospital (

This NZ based website also has additional information about common health issues in pets:
Common Health Concerns (

Purina NZ has lots of blog articles about animal health. Here’s the link to one about dogs and once on the website you can search for information about our other companion animals as well: 
Common Health Concerns (

These vet websites provide a summary of the learning content on infectious diseases: 
Can you catch a disease from your pet? - Auckland Pet Hospital
Zoonoses - Cambridge Vets
Zoonotic Disease around the Dairy Farm - Vetlife

What’s it like for a human to catch a zoonotic disease? This Stuff article could be informative reading: 
The zoonotic disease farmers need to know about | Stuff

This leaflet from MPI is a little formal in its writing tone, but has some useful further information:
Exotic pest and disease focus for companion animal vets (

Here’s further information about cat and dog body scores:
Cat Body Conditioning Score
Dog Body Conditioning Score

This website looks at the normal range of animal vital signs for cats and dogs:
Normal Vital Signs in Dogs and Cats - Mount Pleasant Veterinary Group

This website provides a good review of the learning content, plus has videos and extra download information sheets:
Learn How To Assess Normal Animal Vital Signs | Your Vet Online

We’ve talked about preparing for emergencies when you have a pet before. Here’s another kit you can prepare at home:
Preparing a Pet First Aid Kit (

The following videos are both one hour long tutorials that go into animal first aid in depth.
First Aid for Pets: How to Prepare for the Unexpected (

A reminder about the legal responsibilities humans have towards animals in their care:
Guide to the Animal Welfare (Care and Procedures) Regulations | NZ Government (

This article approaches things from a different angle than the learning content and will be relevant for people caring for sick pets at home:
Caring For Yourself When Caring for a Sick Pet: One Researcher’s Mission | Kent State University

When working in the animal care industry there are a lot of observations, diagnoses, treatments and wellbeing recordings that are required to be recorded. The industry has many accepted and common abbreviations that are used across the field. Below you will find some of the most common ones.

Medication dosing and feeding abbreviations

Ad lib As desired e.g., feed ad lib
Bid or b.i.d To be given twice a day – usually 12 hours apart
Eod Every other day, every second day.
mcg Microgram(s)
mg Milligram(s)
min Minute(s)
mL milliliter(s)
mm millimeter(s)
mol mole(s) – most commonly seen when recording blood glucose results
mn nanometer(s)
NPO Nil per os – nothing by mouth including food, water, and medication
PD Polydipsia – increased or excessive water consumption.
PO Per os – orally
Pr Per rectum
PRN or p.r.n. As occasion arises (as needed)
[Latin] Pro re nata
PU Polyuria – increased or excessive urine production
Qh To be given every hour, q4h – To be given every four hours, q8h – To be given every 8 hours
Qid or q.i.d To be given four times a day
sec second(s)
Sid or s.i.d To be given once a day
TDN total digestible nutrients
Tid or t.i.d To be given three times a day

Monitoring Abbreviations

BAR Bright, alert, and responsive
BCS Body Condition Score
BP Blood Pressure
Bpm Beats per minute – used for heart rate and pulse rate recording
BM Bowel movement
BW Body weight- the weight of an animal usually
C Celsius - temperature
cf In comparison to. e.g., Pup small cf littermates.
CRT Capillary refill time
Cx Clinical sign
DDx Differential Diagnosis
dw Dry weight
EDDU Eat, drink, defecate, urinate or eating, drinking, defecating, urinating.
HR Heart rate
Hx History e.g., Patient has Hx of vomiting after eating
ME Metabolizable energy – used in feed calculations
MM Mucous membrane
NAD No abnormalities detected
NWB Non-weight bearing
QAR Quiet, alert, and responsive
QOL Quality of life – an assessment of the animal’s quality taking into consideration normal functions, temperament, happiness, mobility, and joy.
RER Resting energy requirement– used in feed calculations
RR Respiratory Rate
TRP Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
Wt Weight – body weight of animal

Disease and Treatment Abbreviations

Abs Antibiotics – drugs used to treat bacterial infections
BB datella bronchiseptica (vaccine).
C3 Canine 3 vaccine - Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus
C4 Canine 4 vaccine - Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza
C5 Canine 5 vaccine - Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Bordatella bronchiseptica
C7 Canine 7 vaccine - Leptospirosis, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Bordatella bronchiseptica
Canine Cough Colloquialism for a group of bacterial and or viruses that cause a cough in dogs. Contagious disease.
CBA Cat fight bite
CDV Canine distemper virus
CFA Cat fight abscess
DOA Dead on arrival
CPV Canine parvovirus
DHP Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus – Used for C3 vaccine as it covers these 3 viruses
DJD Degenerative joint disease
Dsp Dessert spoon e.g., fed dsp of canned food+
Dx Diagnosis
EAGs Express anal glands or empty anal glands
E-collar Elizabethan Collar
EFA Essential fatty acid
F3 Feline 3 vaccine - Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Chlamydia
F4 Feline 4 vaccine - Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus
Feline 4 vaccine - Enteritis, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia
F5 Feline 5 vaccine - Feline Panleucopenia Virus, Feline Herpesvirus, Feline Calicivirus, Chlamydophila psittaci and Feline Leukemia Virus
FAD Flea allergy dermatitis
FCV Feline calicivirus
FeLV Feline leukemia virus
FIA Feline infectious anemia
FIP Feline infectious peritonitis
FIV Feline immunodeficiency virus
fLUTD Feline lower urinary tract disease
FRV Feline rhinotracheitis virus
FVRCP Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia – Used for vaccine
fx Fracture (Break in bone or tooth)
GDV Gastric dilatation-volvulus
GI Gastrointestinal (tract)
HBC Hit by car
HS Bedtime
HW Heartworm
IBD Inflammatory bowel disease
IC Intracardiac
ICH Infectious canine hepatitis
ID Intradermal
IGR Insect growth regulators
IM Intramuscular
IN Intranasal
IU International unit – unit of measure used for some drugs, most commonly insulin
IV Intravenous
IVDD Intervertebral disc disease
KBH Kicked by horse
KC Kennel Cough: best practice is to use term Canine Cough however, some vaccination brands term it this way.
LA Large Animal
MS Musculoskeletal (system)
NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, these are drugs commonly used for pain management.
Should never be used in conjunction with Steroids
In most cases must be given with food.
OA Osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease
OP Organophosphates
OTC Over the counter – sale of products that do not require a prescription.
OVH Ovariohysterectomy – Surgical removal of ovaries, fallopian tube, uterine horn, and body. Desexing of female.
PBFD Psittacine beak and feather disease
PE Physical examination
PRA Progressive retinal atrophy
PTS Put to sleep (Euthanasia, medically assisted death)
RCD Rabbit calicivirus disease (rabbit haemorrhagic disease)
r/s,s/r, s/o Remove sutures e.g., r/s 10 days
r/v, RV, rv Revisit e.g., r/v 10 days.
Rx Prescription or prescribed
SA Small animal
SBL Sick bird look
SC, s/c, SQ, subcut or Sub Q Subcutaneous
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SOP Standard operating procedure
Sx Surgery
Tbsp Tablespoon
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
Tsp Teaspoon
TLC Tender loving care
Tx Treatment
US Urine sample
UTBH, UTH Unable To Be Handled
UTI Urinary tract infection
WNL Within Normal Limits
- Minus or absence e.g., U- (absence of urine)
+ Plus. Used to denote severity.
+ mild, ++ moderate, +++ severe. E.g., Fleas +++ would indicate a very high number of fleas present on animal
^ Value is increased e.g., ^ Bw over last 2 months of 5kg.
# Fracture
µg microgram

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Advice & welfare: Caring for mice • SPCA New Zealand

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