Mahi Tahi, Working Together

Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Wed, 09/13/2023 - 14:09
By working together, we will flourish and achieve greatness
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Sub Topics

“Mahi Tahi” is a term used in New Zealand to describe the concept of “working together” which emphasises the importance of collaboration, teamwork and collective effort. Hīkina Whakatutuki (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) has a strategy to “grow Aotearoa New Zealand for all” so all people have an opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, the economy and which aims to “lift.. to make successful.” Part of this strategy is to embrace the concept of mahi tahi, “by working together we will flourish and achieve greatness” (Who We Are | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, n.d.). In practice, this involves business entities committing to the “active visibility, establishment and maintenance of positive internal and external relationships with Māori” (Victoria University of Wellington, 2023)

Māori Mana in the Workplace

Mana is an important word and concept in te ao Māori and describes a person’s or group’s prestige, power, influence, status and charisma (Te Aka Maori Dictionary, n.d.). In the workplace, recognising Māori mana is accomplished by respecting and incorporating Māori customs and perspectives into organisational practices and policies to strengthen the cultural fabric of the organisation and contribute to a sense of belonging among Māori employees. Workplace conflicts can arise from interpersonal issues, so ensuring the mana of both parties when resolving these issues is seen as an important consideration (Are Current Employment Laws Upholding Tikanga Māori in the Workplace?, 2020).

Mahi Tahi and te Ao Māori

Principles of te ao Māori and tikanga Māori are encompassed in the concept of mahi tahi and are intrinsic to developing good business relationships with people of all cultures: Tikanga Māori is not specifically enshrined in the Employment Relations Act or other employment law, but it has been confirmed as part of New Zealand’s common law (Siciliano, 2021). Some of the key concepts relevant to tikanga Māori in the business environment include:

  • Whanaungatanga (Relationships): Te ao Māori emphasises collectivism and views individuals as part of a wider network of relationships. Mahi tahi promotes teamwork and collaboration.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: Te ao Māori recognises the value of diverse perspectives and experiences and mahi tahi focuses on enduring relationships and sustained success.
  • Long-term Perspectives: Mahi tahi aligns with the Māori world view and practices which takes a long-term perspective considering the well-being of future generations by encouraging relationships which are long-lasting and have enduring success.
  • Communication: Communication is an important component of te ao Māori, and kōrero (dialogue) is valued. Mahi tahi emphasises open and honest communication, the sharing of ideas and collaborative work.
  • Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship): Mahi tahi aims to foster a sense of responsible behaviour towards the environment with the concept of “stewardship” – i.e., the responsibility for looking after it for the benefit of future generations.
  • Aroha: Aroha (love) is a guiding principle of te ao Māori which emphasises love, compassion and empathy. In business, mahi tahi aligns with this concept by promoting adaptability, flexibility and aroha in collaborative efforts.

Read the articles linked below for more information about the benefits of incorporating tikanga Māori and respecting Māori mana for New Zealand organisations.

Tikanga and Good Faith in the Workplace

Article from workplace law company explaining ways to incorporate tikanga Māori into the workplace.

Expected Duration: 10 minutes


Pre Read Question: Why is incorporating tikanga Māori important for New Zealand business organisations?


Post Read Task: Can you think of some practical ways your organisation could incorporate more aspects of Māori mana or tikanga into policies and procedures? Does it already do any of this?

Working Together

Education’s approach to mahi tahi with current practices, links to roles and tools developed by Kia Eke Panuku

Expected Duration: 30 minutes


Pre Read Question: How does mahi tahi manifest in other areas of New Zealand life?


Post Read Task: How can the practices developed by Kia Eke Panuku be adopted by New Zealand organisations? Find three


Does your organisation embrace the concept of mahi tahi? Describe in the forum any steps it has taken to include more tikanga Māori principles in the workplace or suggest some practical ways to implement these. As always, don’t forget to comment on your classmates’ ideas too.

You’ve come to the end of this topic, well done! Before moving on to the next section be sure to complete all the exercises and go back over any linked videos and articles if you need to.

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