BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 16:50
Main Image
shutterstock_2164682885 Group of successful business professionals working as a team in a multicultural workplace.
Management’s job is to convey leadership’s message in a compelling and inspiring way. Not just in meetings, but also by example.
Jeffery Gitomer

Welcome to the Diploma of Leadership and management. Congratulations on taking the first step into a rewarding career.

In this qualification, you will be progressing through the courses one unit at a time. Each unit is designed to build on your skills and knowledge and take on more specialised knowledge as you progress. During this qualification, you will demonstrate the knowledge and skills you develop through a simulated business. You will apply all that you have learned to a real-world context.

For more information, click here to be directed to the Training.Gov.Au (TGA) Website.

Module Overview

The following table lists and describes the modules and the units that you will be undertaking as a part of this course. Before getting started with each module, it is important to establish regular time each week dedicated to your studies.

Having a set routine is the best way to ensure you are successful in completing your qualification.

Module Unit Code Description
Introduction to Diploma of leadership and Management N/A Learn about course outcomes and career opportunities for Leadership and Management
1. Apply communication strategies in the workplace BSBXCM401

Develop the skills and knowledge required to facilitate and apply communication strategies in the workplace within any industry.

This unit has a specific focus on the communication skills required for supervisor level workers with responsibility for other workers.

2. Manage personal health and wellbeing BSBPEF401

Discover how to identify signs and sources of strain on personal health and wellbeing (both physical and mental) within job roles and according to key performance indicators (KPIs).

The unit applies to individuals who operate with a high level of autonomy, have excellent communication skills and apply knowledge of organisational policies and relevant legislation.

3. Manage meetings BSBTWK503

Learn the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.

The unit applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who are required to organise and manage meetings within their workplace. These individuals may work as senior administrative staff or may be individuals with responsibility for conducting and chairing meetings in the workplace.

4. Communicate with influence BSBCMM511

Learn how to present and negotiate persuasively, lead and participate in meetings and make presentations to customers, clients and other key stakeholders.

The unit applies to individuals who are managers and leaders required to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources, and who deal with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. They use initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, evaluate and co-ordinate the work of teams.

5. Lead difficult conversations BSBCMM412

Acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare, facilitate and lead difficult conversations.

The unit applies to individuals who may work as managers and leaders, and are required to lead difficult conversations in the workplace. They contribute well developed verbal and relationship building skills in having difficult conversations.

6. Develop and use emotional intelligence BSBPEF502

Develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in the workplace.

The unit applies to individuals who are required to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources and who deal with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. These individuals may be responsible for leading a team or work area.

7. Develop critical thinking in others BSBCRT511

Develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context.

The unit applies to individuals who are developing and coaching others, for whom critical thinking skills (including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) are an important part of their job roles. This unit applies to individuals who are typically responsible for leading teams.

8. Manage personal and professional development BSBPEF501

Learn how to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others.

The unit applies to individuals working in a range of managerial positions who are accountable for the development and performance of others.

9. Manage team effectiveness BSBTWK502

Develop the skills and knowledge you need to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with the management of the organisation.

The unit applies to individuals working at a managerial level who lead and build a positive culture within their work teams. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement. It will also involve using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.

10. Lead and manage effective workplace relationships BSBLDR523

Lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

The unit applies to individuals in leadership or management positions who have a prominent role in establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships. These individuals apply the values, goals and cultural diversity policies of the organisation. They use complex and diverse methods and procedures as well as a range of problem solving and decision making strategies, which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement.

11. Manage business operational plans BSBOPS502

Learn the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor the implementation of operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace practices and organisational productivity and profitability.

The unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader strategic and/or business plans.

12. Manage business risk BSBOPS504

Manage business risks in a range of contexts across an organisation or for a specific business unit or area in any industry setting.

The unit applies to individuals who are working in positions of authority and who are approved to implement change across the organisation, business unit, program or project area. They may or may not have responsibility for directly supervising others.

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Course Name
BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management