What you will be studying

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 10/12/2023 - 14:14

Your modules for study have been carefully selected to provide you with a solid foundation from which to move forward as you launch or advance your career.

Sub Topics

Your modules for study have been carefully selected to provide you with a solid foundation from which to move forward as you launch or advance your career.

In this module, you will be looking at the role of critical thinking in the workplace. You will be analysing work processes and determining solutions using critical thinking concepts. You will review decision-making practices, present your proposal, seek feedback and identify areas for self-development.

This module is about understanding current methods of collaboration, reviewing existing digital technology and identifying opportunities for implementing digital technologies for workplace collaboration in a world where distance and time zones need no longer be barriers to effective teamwork.

In this module, you will see what it takes to establish, develop and maintain effective work relationships and networks. This starts by looking at the business development goals of the organisation, reviewing the opportunities available for building business contacts and building on those contacts using written and verbal communication. Once the relationship is established, you will move on to developing rapport, identifying barriers and negotiating through difficulties to maintain and improve those relationships.

This module introduces you to both the practical and legislative requirements of work health and safety. It begins with providing information to the work team about WHS policies, procedures, hazards and outcomes of risk assessments. It goes on to discuss consultation mechanisms to facilitate work team participation in managing work area hazards and identifying and meeting the training needs of team members. The module also covers the procedures and legal requirements for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks, and finally addresses organisational procedures for maintaining WHS records.

In this module, you will learn how to plan complex documents taking into consideration your audience, the purpose of the document and your organisation’s policies and procedures. You will cover formatting, content overview and the logical sequencing of information. You will develop a draft document that satisfies the defined purpose and requirements and then identify gaps in the required data, collecting additional material from relevant sources if required. Lastly, you will see what it takes to finalise a complex document. You will check to see whether the document’s purpose and requirements have been met and check grammar, spelling, style and punctuation. The final steps are to confirm approval of the draft text, incorporate any amendments into the final copy, apply basic design elements, check the document and confirm all requirements are met.

This module covers how best to prepare for communication, what planning needs to be done and the importance of feedback. It describes the different types of communication you are likely to need in an Australian workplace and provides you with the opportunity to select presentation methods and communication strategies based on the requirements of the audience. This module also discusses the use of interpersonal skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills to build relationships and facilitate respectful communication considering the needs of those from diverse backgrounds.

In this module you will be looking at what it takes to stay healthy in the workplace. You will identify factors that may impact your own physical and mental health, research strategies for health management and review resources available to you. You will also be looking at the legislation and organisational policies and procedures relating to health and wellbeing. This will lead to the development of strategies for managing personal health and well-being, sharing these strategies with relevant personnel and scheduling activities that align with those strategies. Finally, you will understand the importance of monitoring your own performance, identifying changes in circumstances and reviewing and updating your personal strategies as needed.

This module will help you to plan and prioritise your work tasks. It begins with identifying task requirements and your accountabilities, discovering whether there are any barriers to satisfactory performance and developing a personal work schedule. It then focuses on implementing that work schedule – from communicating with the relevant stakeholders to monitoring and documenting any variations between expected and actual work performance. Importantly, it then discusses seeking and evaluating feedback, analysing variations in expected performance and updating your personal work schedule to reflect this feedback and any changes in circumstances.

This module begins by ensuring you can identify appropriate security for digital services. You will create and maintain a register of digital devices on an organisation’s network, confirm what information is held on the registered devices, categorise the level of risk associated with each device and select the required security protocol. The next step is to apply protection strategies, including installing and running the latest anti-malware on each device, creating strong passwords across personal and work accounts, enabling two-factor authentication when available and encrypting devices according to instructions. You will also develop a physical security plan and communicate this to the organisation. Breaches will be reviewed and latest developments in digital security will be monitored in order to support the organisation to select the most appropriate security strategies. Finally, updates to software and applications will be applied and any new devices will be updated and configured appropriately as part of their initial start-up procedure.

You will develop cyber security awareness, support effective cyber security practices and review cyber security awareness in your work area. This will involve establishing the current level of awareness and creating and maintaining a cyber security awareness program that reflects organisation-wide best practice. You will contribute to developing policies and procedures and communicate to required personnel. You will review cyber security practices, arrange training and information updates, maintain related records and present insights (including potential related impacts) to management. You will review latest cyber security threats and trends and document and communicate improvement requirements according to organisational policies and procedures.

This module covers the skills and knowledge required to support maintaining a cyber secure network through identifying cyber security threats for an organisation. This would apply to those who, as part of their job, contribute to assessments of risk relating to real and potential cyber security breaches. After relevant data and security policies and procedures are identified, you will contribute to an organisation-wide audit and identifying any cyber security threats. You will assist in assessing the likelihood and consequences of any breaches, assigning risk levels, documenting findings and supporting the communication of cyber security threat outcomes and recommendations to relevant personnel. You will also seek and incorporate feedback and distribute and store the required documentation.

This module will assist you in working alongside technical experts to develop cyber security risk-management strategies. The module addresses consulting with stakeholders, reviewing risk management strategies and developing suitable cyber security response options. It also includes documenting and communicating strategies to required personnel and assisting with monitoring and determining compliance with cyber risk mitigation strategies, addressing non-compliance (within the scope of your role) and escalating as required. You will contribute to establishing feedback processes to provide warning of potential new risks and identify benchmarks to track effectiveness and support evaluation of implemented strategies. Lastly, you will update risk management strategies with new information as required.

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