Description of the industry

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 10/12/2023 - 14:14

There is no unifying organisation type which uses business services, rather workers in the sector provide professional assistance to all organisations. According to 2018 statistics, there are 2 million people working in business services occupations, down 7 per cent over the past two years, but still representing a high proportion (17 per cent) of Australian jobs. The three industries that employ the most business services graduates are: Health Care and Social Assistance, Retail Trade and Public Administration and Safety.

The rise of security concerns brought about by an increase in the number of employees working from home during the pandemic, has contributed to the need for cyber security workers at all levels. The rising threat of cybercrime has led to exponential growth in the cyber security industry. The Australian government has passed data protection regulations that have caused a steep rise in the demand for cyber security professionals across the country. Because of this increase in demand, Australia is facing a severe skills shortage in the cyber security sector.

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