SWLA Procedures and Documentation

Submitted by Ruchi.Makkar@e… on Thu, 11/23/2023 - 17:15

Before commencing SWLA 2, if you haven’t done so, you will need to familiarise yourself with the requirements of Work Placement as it is explained and detailed in the Student Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment document which is available in the Course Overview, at the beginning of the course.

Sub Topics

For SWLA 1, you already went through the required checks (eg working with children check/Police check etc.). Keep a copy of this as this is valid for minimum periods (depending on your state/territory). If you need to complete SWLA 2 in a different organisation, ensure that you provide a copy of the required documents to them as well together with your immunisation record (if applicable).

Completed theory assessments

Before commencing SWLA 2, make sure you have completed and submitted all theory assessments for the preceding modules. This is important so you can implement theory in practice during placement.

Host Organisation

Please ensure before commencement of work placement for SWLA 2 that the organisation can fulfil the requirements of all the units as per the activities within SWLA 2 portfolio. Please ensure that you have referred to the SWLA Portfolio 2 activities and checked with your Assessor/workplace supervisor that the workplace where you will be carrying out the SWLA 2 caters to the unit specific requirements. Based on the specific requirements you may need to reconsider the organisation for undertaking the placement.

Regardless of whether you need to change the host organisation or not, you will need to complete the Host Organisation Approval Form and submit it in the LMS in Module 16. Your trainer will need to approve the service BEFORE you commence placement.

If you need a new host organisation, once you have found a new organisation, complete the Host Organisation Approval Form, providing the required details about the proposed workplace, its facilities and resources and the information regarding the proposed Workplace Supervisor. Provide a copy of the Supervisor Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment (located at the beginning of the course, under 'Course Overview') to your proposed Workplace Supervisor so they can make an informed decision about taking up the supervisor role.

Note: You may continue placement at the service where you completed SWLA 1 if they meet the specific unit’s requirements. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that the organisation is able to provide you access to the required resources. Contact your trainer if you are unsure.

Work Placement Plan

Once you are ready to commence SWLA 2, your allocated Assessor will contact you and arrange a time to review the structured work placement process and customise the Work Placement Plan to your situation. The Plan includes details of the practice activities and assessment components required during your placement.

The Work Placement Plan is not an assessment, and it will be created by your allocated Assessor, who will also upload this on your behalf.

Recording your hours You are required to keep a record of hours completed during SWLA 2 in a regulated and approved organisation.

You will record the hours completed for SWLA 2 in Logbook 2, as follows:

  • Specify the date, such as 1/10/2022 or 1 October 23
  • Specify workplace hours completed, excluding breaks, in the Placement Hours section, such as 7.5 hours.
  • Calculate the total hours spent at the service, including breaks, in the Tally of hours section.
  • Jot down the main activities completed during the day.
  • Each entry will have to be signed off by your Workplace Supervisor.
  • At the end of SWLA 2, at the end of the table, calculate the total hours of completed workplace hours (excluding breaks). This should equal to a minimum of 60 hours.

SWLA2 Portfolio

Your SWLA Portfolio 2 will capture evidence of the tasks/activities set out for you during your work placement. This evidence may include, for example:

  • Photographs
  • Recordings
  • Completed documents and checklists
  • Short answer questions and your responses to them, etc.

Some of the activities require the Workplace Supervisor to complete a form or sign your work. It is advisable to print off the forms for the supervisor to sign once you complete the activity. For some forms, it is sufficient to have the Supervisor’s digital signature, and some forms require physical signatures. Read the instructions, forms, and templates carefully to ensure you meet the requirements.

SWLA2 Assessments

During SWLA 2, while being actively involved in the organisation’s daily routine, you are also required to complete certain assessment tasks to demonstrate your competence in the units of competency covered.

It is best to read through all assessment tasks before you commence placement, then talk them through with your Workplace Supervisor and create a brief to-do list for each day of the placement to help you keep on track. This can also be captured in the Work Placement Plan.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all SWLA assessment activities are completed within the allocated timeframe. If you think you will have issues completing any of the activities, contact your trainer as soon as possible.

SWLA2 Assessment Requirements

Throughout your SWLA2 activities, you will be required to have access to various policies, procedures, aids, appliances and equipment enabling you to demonstrate your skills, knowledge and competency whilst on work placement. 

A summary breakdown of the requirements are listed below for each Module, however, you must carefully read through your SWLA2 ensuring you have a full and detailed understanding of the tasks and activities within each Module:

Module 7: CHCCCS036 Support relationships with carer and family

  • recognise and respond to the support needs of the carer or family members of at least three different people who are using the service
  • provide support to the carer or family of one person undergoing a change in care arrangements including identification of risks and use of strategies to address risks.


Module 8: CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing

  •  safely support at least three people to enhance independence and wellbeing
  •  perform the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 120 hours of direct support work in at least one aged care, home and community, disability or community service organisation.
Important note

Please note the CHCSSS040- Support independence and well being unit (Module 8) is linked to completing a 120 hrs work placement however many performance elements within the unit will be completed during the work placement for both SWLA block 1 and Block 2. Some of the tasks that are a cross over that you may have completed in the performance elements in SWLA1 will be used as evidence of completion of part of the 120hrs that have been allocated to this unit alone. However your successfully completion of this unit and of the course will be marked completed upon completion of the both SWLA1 and SWLA 2 requirements.

Module 9 – CHCCCS031 - Provide Individualised Support

This Module has two (2) sections within the SWLA2 Portfolio.

Section 1 – Task Simulations in the workplace (i.e. role play simulated tasks)

You will complete Section 1 of the SWLA as simulated task activities. This must be conducted with the support of your workplace colleagues.

The tasks within the role plays will include simulated demonstrations for:

  • infection control – hand hygiene process
  • bed bathing
  • dressing, undressing, and grooming.
  • eating and drinking using appropriate feeding techniques (video recording)
  • shaving (video recording)
  • oral hygiene: natural teeth and gums/denture removal, cleaning and insertion/recognising ill-fitting dentures/effective and alternative brushing (video recording)
  • showering
  • toileting and the use of continence aids
  • assisting a person to take pre-packaged medication.
  • assisting a person who has fallen.
  • transferring a person:
  • between a bed and a chair o from seated to standing; and
  • in and out of a car.

Section 2 – Structured Workplace Learning Assessment

  • In this section you will work under close supervision with work colleagues, clients and their family, carer or others identified by the person.
  • On three (3) occasions you must undertake specific task activities as outlined in the task activities
  • On 1 occasion, you must support an individual with shaving
  • On all occasions you must demonstrate support activities according to workplace policies and procedures
  • Note: You must have completed all of Section 1 tasks and have had your supervisor observe your tasks as well as completed and verified each Supervisor Checklist before commencing this section.

You must not start Section 2, until you have fully completed Section 1.

You will need access to:

  • Slide sheets
  • Hoists
  • Slings/lifters
  • Showering/toileting/assistive aids/grooming equipment or continence aids

Module 10 CHCCCS038 Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support

You must work with one (1) client to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in facilitating and empowering people receiving support by familiarising yourself with their specific needs and preferences to support them to:

  • Respond to their goals and aspirations
  • Provide information to the person about the rights and check for understanding
  • Provide person centred approaches and options
  • Confirm and respect a person’s cultural needs
  • Use communication skills according to their needs to maintain a positive and respectful relationship and facilitate empowerment.
  • Encourage and empower a person to make their own choices and actions.

Module 11: CHCCCS017 – Provide loss and grief support

To complete this activity you will need:

  • Your organisations policies and procedures
  • Risk assessment tools and processes
  • Interactions with people from a diverse range of backgrounds
  • Links to other services
  • Equipment as required to support the individuals as outlined in their induvial plan
  • Documentation relating to providing grief and loss support, including individualised plans.
  • Written templates provided in this assessment
  • Three situations of loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma.

Module 12: CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach

  • work with one(1) person with a disability to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to contribute to ongoing skills development using a strength-based approach to support person living with a disability.
  • have access to at least one (1) Individualised Support Plan and any relevant equipment that is outlined in the plan.
  • interact with the person with a disability and their family members, carers or their nominated support person and your supervisor on two(2) occasions whilst on your work placement and provide support according to an individualised plan.

Module 13: CHCDIS012 Support community participation and social inclusion

You must complete all the following tasks with one (1) client to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to identify opportunities for community participation and social inclusion.

You must interact with the person on your work placement and have access to:

  • facilities, equipment, and resources that reflect real working conditions and model industry operating conditions and contingencies
  • information on local resources, programs, agencies, transport services, aids, and equipment available to people with disability
  • individualised plans and any resources or equipment outlined in the plans
  • organisational policies and procedures
  • opportunities for engagement with people with disability or people who participate in simulations and scenarios that involve provision of disability support.

Module 14: CHCDIS020 Work effectively in disability support

  • You must complete all the following tasks with one(1) person with a mild disability to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to working effectively in disability services. You must have access to at least one (1) Individualised Support Plan and any relevant equipment that is outlined in the plan.
  • You must have access to facilities, equipment and resources that reflect real working conditions and model industry operating conditions and contingencies.
  • After each activity is completed, your supervisor must verify the task completion by signing off on the observation checklists within the assessment. 

SWLA Interview Questionnaire

  • Your SWLA interview questions are completed during your initial, final check-in with your Assessor.
  • You do not need to submit this document. The Assessor will ask you and your supervisor the questions found in this document and submit this assessment on your behalf.

SWLA Third-Party Report

Your SWLA Third-Party Report will capture confirmation by Workplace Supervisors that they have observed the student demonstrate specific skills and knowledge during the Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment (SWLA) process. The supervisor can choose to either complete this document or have the Assessor capture the evidence during the final interview.

A carer helping a client into a car

Choosing a workplace can be a pretty daunting task! There are a few things to keep in mind when finding a suitable workplace, such as the following listed below. 

You are required to submit a Host Organisation Approval Form for each workplace. You cannot commence work placement until the workplace and the Workplace Supervisor are approved.

Workplace supervisor requirements

It is important that the Workplace Supervisor is able to provide you with effective guidance and support to perform safely in the workplace, therefore it is imperative that the Workplace Supervisor has the appropriate experience and qualifications.

The Workplace Supervisor is required to:

Provide guidance and support to you during your SWLA in a safe and reliable environment. You will gain a lot of knowledge from the Workplace Supervisor’s experience in the industry.

NOTE: The Workplace Supervisor does not formally assess you, the student. The Assessor conducts the assessment. The Workplace Supervisor possesses the relevant experience and/or qualifications to support the student. This should include a minimum of 2 years’ experience and/or a Certificate III in Individual Support or higher related qualification.

The Workplace Supervisor role is to:
  • Read and confirm understanding of the Supervisor Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment, including these responsibilities
  • Accurately and honestly complete sections of the Host Organisation Approval Form, which includes an agreement between the Workplace Supervisor and the student
  • Provide full and accurate information relating to the specified resources and equipment required to be available in the workplace for assessment by the Assessor
  • Discuss learning opportunities available, as well as the core objectives of SWLA with you and the Assessor
  • Discuss and develop a plan with you and the Assessor regarding the type of activities you will undertake during SWLA to ensure they are: orelevant and directly related to, and at the appropriate skill level, for the training outcomes of the course you are undertaking, and useful for the vocation and employment outcomes of the course
  • Collaborate with you and the Assessor in the development and ongoing adjustment of the Work Placement Plan, Interview Questionnaire process and Third-Party Report (if appropriate), providing sufficient time and resources for you to complete the required tasks
  • Provide you with an appropriate orientation/induction to the work environment including workplace health and safety and other key policies and procedures
  • Provide a work environment that complies with relevant workplace health and safety and workplace relations legislation and standards
  • Provide guidance and support to you in line with your learning and assessment tasks throughout the SWLA
  • Sign off on your placement hours and performance of the tasks outlined in the Work Placement Plan, Logbook and Third-Party Report as agreed in the Assessor interview process
  • Confirm whether you have met the standard considered acceptable in the workplace for the completed tasks
  • Maintain confidentiality of any medical or other sensitive information that has been disclosed and disclose information to another party only if permission has been given, or in the case of a medical emergency
  • Contact the Assessor as soon as practicable if you are absent, injured or become ill in the course of undertaking SWLA
  • Contact your emergency contact person and the Assessor in the case of an emergency
  • Contact and consult with the Assessor if they consider it necessary to modify or terminate the arrangement prior to the end of the placement
  • Provide feedback on your performance in the workplace and ensure that you gain the most from your workplace experience.

Here is the link to workplace supervisor guide

Once you have a suitable service in your area, there are a couple of things you need to prepare for approaching the selected service. You should approach work placement the same as if you were applying for a job. This means you need to prepare:

  • A cover letter
  • A resume
  • An outfit for an interview!

Cover Letter

A cover letter is an introduction letter that should complement your resume and give an explanation as to why you are the ideal candidate. The explanation could include:

  • information about your skills
  • information about your experience
  • achievements
  • what you are currently studying (for the purposes of work placement)

Your cover letter should be around 3-4 paragraphs. The cover letter should highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements that relate to the job you are applying for. This is the employers/workplaces' first impression of you!


Watch the following 13-minute video on how to write a cover letter:


A resume or CV is a document that provides details of your: 1. Work experience 2. Education 3. Skills 4. Achievements

The information in your resume is essential information that your workplace or employer needs to know to be able to determine if you are a suitable fit for the role.

What to include in your resume:

Personal details

You should include your name and contact details (phone number & email address)


This includes courses and qualifications you have completed/or you are in the process of completing that relate to the role you are applying for. You should also include your schooling if you completed school within the last 5 years. When listing your qualifications or schooling achievements, you should start at the most recent and work backward. You should also include the qualification you received, where you studied, and the start and finish date of the study.

Work experience 

This includes your roles, previous employers and responsibilities over the past 5 years.

Skills, strengths & interests

Here you can list any skills, strengths, or interests that relate to the role you are applying for, for example playing on an instrument, speaking another language, gardening, art, and craft, etc. These skills may come handy during your placement.


A reference is a professional that can provide a recommendation and vouch for your skills and work ethic. This could be a manager or supervisor from a previous role. You could also include an academic reference. This could be a previous teacher or career advisor, or it could be a current teacher. For each reference, you should include company and contact information. It is a good idea to include at least 2.

Your resume should not be more than 1-2 pages. Keep it short and sweet! You also want to make sure the format and colours used are neat and professional.

Here is a link to a resume template you could use.

At the interview

Once you organised an appointment with the service’s director, you should consider this meeting as a job interview. Although this is not the main purpose of the placement, but students who demonstrate passion for working in the sector and are able to be part of the team during placement are often offered work opportunities as well.

The Assessor may contact the Host Organisation to ensure that you will be still able to complete your workplace assessment tasks and that you will be covered by the employer’s Workers Compensation insurance. It is important for Host Organisations to understand that even if you are employed to work with one specific age group, if the assessment task requires you to work with a different age group, the Host Organisation will need to accommodate this requirement. It is recommended that while you are completing SWLA, you work on a part-time or casual basis to be able to focus on assessment tasks.

You should prepare an outfit for the interview in the instance you are successful in securing an interview. Your attire should be professional, and your appearance should be neat and tidy.

Here is a link to some tips and tricks for dressing for an interview.

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Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?