Welcome to the Campus

Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Thu, 01/25/2024 - 13:18
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Kia ora! Talofa! Bula! Namaste! Mālō e lelei! Kia orāna! And greetings in every other language. 

Welcome to the Online Campus. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what you are studying, we welcome you to the first days of your learning journey. Take the first step of your programme by working through this Orientation section. It is designed to get you started and connect with your tutor and the other students in your intake — your classmates.

As part of the Yoobee Online campus tribe, you are connected to your classmates, your tutor and Online Learning Support. All the information you need for your study is right here, so please do refer back to this Orientation course if you have any questions at all.

As you work your way through your programme of study, submit the assessment(s) for each course, which will indicate your completion of it and unlock the next course.

We look forward to supporting you achieve your goals while with us.

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Checklist: Are you ready?

By now you have accessed the course Ready Set Go! to introduce you to online studies. Now it is time to start your programme and this Orientation section is designed to support you in your first week of study. Use the checklist below to complete the tasks that will grow your knowledge and connect you to your tutor and fellow students in your intake. To complete each task, you may need to access information in The Hub (the following course.)

▢ Watched the welcome video above.

▢ Watched the Meet my tutor video in the forum, Day 1 / Week 1.

▢ Introduced myself to the rest of the intake.

▢ Reviewed the Programme Guide located in the forum, Day 1 / Week 1.

▢ Scheduled the first 2 weeks of the programme by reviewing Ready Set Go!

▢ Scheduled the due dates for the assessments into a calendar with reminders.

▢ Accepted or rescheduled the prebooked QTime invite and noted the meeting in my calendar.

▢ Submitted the Time Capsule at the end of Orientation, or have planned to do so.

▢ Registered for the Day 5 meeting and put it in my calendar to remind myself. (See link in Day 1 / Week 1 forum.)


▢ Have scheduled a time to watch the recording. (See Kāpehu - Live Session Recordings)

Check out this video to get to know the Online Campus:


Hot Tips from Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go! is a resource that gives you all the information you need before starting your programme. If you haven’t already, take some time to work through the sections. You were provided with this helpful course when your enrolment was confirmed with Yoobee.

Let’s just summarise some really good tips so that you are ready to go:

Be an active learner: This means you connect with your fellow students as well as your tutor. It means you engage not just in the content but in giving and receiving feedback on your work, attending or watching the live sessions and seeking the answers to your questions through your own research, your colleagues and not just from your tutor.

Balance Study/Work/Life: This might be a constant battle for you. But it’s a “give and take” situation. The more you take from one, the less there is to give to the other. Your study time is important to include in the week.

Schedule your time: However you do this, the goal is always the same — to ensure that you have focused time on focused activities across the week. Scheduling will help with the work/study/life balance you are trying to achieve.

Motivation: We all have external and internal motivators. The reward of a coffee and a bikkie might be a good short-term external motivator to get you through the next 30 minutes, and knowing that you will get a pay raise after gaining a qualification is a really good long-term external motivator. But note that it’s the internal motivation — the driver you have to keep you focused and learning —  that truly gets you through the tough times. Have a quick read at The Education Hub about the role of motivation in education. 

Preparation: Planning is just as important as doing. Preparing yourself for the journey ahead includes knowing who is around to support you and having a great space where you are comfortable studying. It’s about knowing the systems and requirements and having the learning strategies and the flexibility to adjust. And finally, knowing that there will be ups and downs along the way, but with everyone behind you and your willingness to be open and honest, you will get through and enjoy the ride.

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

Alexander Graham Bell

The Yoobee Student Handbook is an excellent place to start your student journey. The handbook has answers to questions you may have throughout your studies and should be read in conjunction with your Programme Guide for specific programme and academic information.

Please take some time to read through the handbook and refer back to it whenever you have a question about how things work at Yoobee Colleges. 

Download a copy of the Yoobee Student Handbook now.


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