Types of Network Maintenance Tools

Submitted by shevorne.desil… on Mon, 02/26/2024 - 20:19
Sub Topics

This topic will introduce you to the processes and requirements of writing command-line text, which is an important skill when using command-line tools. We will also discuss functions and features of different types of network tools for maintaining high security networks.

In this topic, you will learn the following.

  • Writing command-line text
  • Command-line tools
  • Computing diagnostic tools

Let us begin.

To write command-line text, one would first need to familiarise with the general command syntax for writing command-line text. Note that the syntax rules differ according to the platform, language and tool used.

For example, the following video demonstrates how commands are structured in the Linux operating environment.

Organisational Processes and Requirements

In addition to command-line syntax, one must consider the specific organisational processes and requirements when writing command-line text. Some examples of these processes and requirements are as follows.

  • Policies and procedures: Organisational policies dictate the use of command-line tools, defining acceptable commands and scripting practices in alignment with security objectives.
  • Scripting standards: Scripting standards specify coding practices, documentation requirements, and version control (allowing for easy tracking of changes, rollbacks, and collaboration among multiple administrators) to maintain consistency and facilitate collaboration.
  • Code review processes: These processes are required to assess the security implications of command-line scripts, ensuring adherence to best practices and identifying potential vulnerabilities.
  • Documentation requirements: Thorough documentation for command-line scripts should include records of their purpose, usage instructions, and potential security implications, promoting transparency and knowledge sharing.
  • Logging and auditing: Logging and auditing mechanisms for command-line activities, ensure that all script executions are recorded for accountability and forensics.
  • Secure credential management: Secure practices for storing and managing credentials within scripts, such as using encryption or secure key management systems, help prevent unauthorised access.
  • Security testing: It is important to integrate security testing into the development lifecycle, conducting regular assessments of command-line scripts for vulnerabilities and potential exploits.

The following video demonstrates the process of writing command-line text at a shell prompt in Ubuntu Linux operating system.

Knowledge Check

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female technician working on a tablet in a data center full of rack servers running diagnostics and maintenance on the system

Functions and Features

Command-line tools offer powerful functionality for system administrators, allowing them to control system resources and tasks through text-based commands, enabling automation and scripting.

Command-line tools enable file manipulation, process management, network diagnostics, and system configuration. Command-line tools are lightweight, efficient, and often preferred for remote administration and scripting tasks in server environments. Their versatility facilitates complex operations, such as batch processing, without the overhead of graphical interfaces, making them indispensable tools for managing and maintaining computing systems efficiently.

Linux Command-Line Tools

Linux command-line tools provide powerful utilities for system management and automation. Examples include grep for searching text, ls for listing files, chmod for changing file permissions, and sed for text manipulation. These tools offer flexibility, efficiency, and scripting capabilities essential for various tasks in a Linux environment.

The following video will introduce you to the Linux shell and some examples of how to use command-line tools.

Linux Package Managers

The following video discusses the command-line tools used to install or update software in Linux operating systems.

Windows Command-Line Tools

Windows command-line tools offer functionality for system administration and automation. Common tools include dir for listing files, ipconfig for network configuration, ping for testing network connectivity, and net for managing network resources. Additionally, tasklist and taskkill are used for managing processes, while regedit allows editing the Windows registry. These tools facilitate efficient management and troubleshooting within the Windows environment.

The following video will introduce you to some of the common Windows command-line tools such as, ipconfig, netstat, nslookup and arp along with various switches/options that can be used with the commands.

Windows PowerShell

PowerShell is a powerful command-line shell and scripting language developed by Microsoft for Windows systems. It combines the ease of use of traditional command-line interfaces with the flexibility and scripting capabilities of programming languages. PowerShell allows users to automate tasks, manage system configurations, and perform administrative tasks efficiently.

The following video introduces the PowerShell tool and provides an overview of its functionality and features.

Technician using digital cable analyzer in server room

Computing diagnostic tools are essential for maintaining network security by identifying vulnerabilities, troubleshooting issues and mitigating risks. They monitor network traffic, detect anomalies, and pinpoint potential security breaches. By providing insights into network health and identifying potential threats, these tools enable administrators to fortify defences and safeguard sensitive data effectively.

These tools vary from simple CLI network tools, performance and resource monitoring GUI tools, to comprehensive vulnerability scanning software systems. Let us now explore some examples of these tools.

Ping and Traceroute

Ping is a network utility used to test the reachability of a host and measure round-trip time. It sends ICMP echo requests to the target and receives ICMP echo replies. Traceroute is a diagnostic tool that displays the route packets take to reach a destination, showing each hop's latency.

The following video discusses and demonstrates how the network diagnostic tools ping and traceroute can be used to problem-solve and troubleshoot network connectivity issues.


Netstat is a command-line network utility used to display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics. It provides information about active connections, listening ports, and protocols in use. Netstat is helpful for diagnosing network issues, monitoring network activity, and analysing network performance on both Windows and Unix-like operating systems.

The following video explains and demonstrates how active network connectivity information can be obtained using the netstat command.

Windows Performance Monitor

Windows Performance Monitor is a built-in tool in Windows operating systems, allowing users to monitor system performance in real-time. It tracks various metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk activity, and network performance. With customisable performance counters and detailed graphs, it helps diagnose system issues and optimise performance efficiently.

The following demonstrates the use of Windows performance monitor to identify performance problems.

Windows Resource Monitor

Windows Resource Monitor is a system utility in Windows operating systems, providing real-time monitoring of system resources like CPU, memory, disk, and network usage. It offers detailed insights into resource consumption by individual processes, aiding in troubleshooting performance issues and optimising system efficiency for enhanced productivity.

The following video demonstrates the use of the Windows resource monitor to identify resource usage in a system.

Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Vulnerability assessment tools are crucial for identifying and mitigating security weaknesses in computer systems and networks. These tools scan for known vulnerabilities in software and configurations, providing insights into potential risks. By prioritizing remediation efforts, they help organisations enhance their security posture and safeguard against cyber threats effectively.

The following video discusses several vulnerability assessment tools, their functionality and features.


Refer to the given resource links and differentiate the features and functionality of the following command-line, vulnerability assessment tools.

How did you go?

Congratulations on completing the topic Types of network maintenance tools .

In this topic, you learnt about:

  • Writing command-line text
  • Command-line tools
  • Computing diagnostic tools

Knowledge Check

Complete the following three (3) activities to check your ability understand the key concepts discussed in this topic. You may repeat this activity as often as you like. Use the arrows to move between the different activities.

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