Welcome to Development Principles I

Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Mon, 04/22/2024 - 16:00
Sub Topics

Welcome to Development Principles I. In this module you will be introduced to the foundational principles, programming languages, tools, frameworks, and best practices for the development of software products.

You will learn specific web and app development languages, some common software libraries, frameworks and SDKs (Software Development Kits). You will be introduced to a number of foundational programme concepts, information and database architecture, methods for backing up code, as well as development and problems solving techniques.

Through a combination of instructions, videos, self-directed learning and research you will apply your learning in the completion of practical projects where you will investigate, propose, make, critique, user-test, reflect and refine actual software products and prototypes.

This Learning Task Forum activity will allow you to prepare for your Development Principles I assessment. Complete the task and then share your answers in a forum thread with your name in the subject.

Female hands typing on the keyboard.

Activity 1 

Task 1 

You are required to solve basic development problems in the following application.  

Unit Converter: 

A programme that converts units such as length, weight, and volume from one system to another. Users can input a value in one unit and choose the desired conversion to get the equivalent value in another unit. 

Your programme should convert length, weight, and volume from one SI unit to the Imperial system unit (FPS). 

The programme should prompt the user to: 

  1. Choose in the menu for length, weight, and volume. 
  2. Ask the user to input in meters for length, kilograms for weight, and litres for volume.  
  3. Convert the input to an imperial system unit – feet for length, pounds for weight, and gallons for volume. 

You need to provide evidence for: 

  1. Your understanding of the application and its intricacies. 
  2. Writing an algorithm for the application. 
  3. Creating a flow chart. 
  4. Using a professional application like Lucidchart, Miro, Visio, etc to create the flow chart.  

Task 2

Once you have written an algorithm and created a flow chart to solve basic development problems in the above application, you are required to implement the solutions by writing programmes for these applications in C++. Your programme should follow the algorithm and flow chart you created earlier.  

Your programme should convert length, weight, and volume from one SI unit to the Imperial system unit (FPS). 

Provide necessary screenshots of  your execution of this task.

Task 3 

You are now required to review the approach you have taken to understanding the problem, writing the algorithm, creating the flowchart in Task 1; and implementing the solutions while writing the codes in Task 2, and think of ways you could improve them. 

Review the approach you have taken to implement the unit converter application by identifying the two strengths and weaknesses of your approach and provide two suggestions for improvement. 

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