Using Agile Scrum Methodology

Submitted by on Thu, 06/06/2024 - 12:32
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Agile Scrum methodology is widely used in software development projects due to its iterative and incremental approach, which promotes flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. 

The Agile Scrum methodology is highly suitable for software development projects due to the following reasons.

A circular diagram showing the iterative nature of Agile Scrum. It should include phases like Sprint Planning, Sprint Execution, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. Use arrows to indicate the flow between these phases, emphasizing the cycle's repetition.

Iterative and Incremental Development

Agile Scrum promotes iterative and incremental development, breaking down the project into smaller, manageable chunks called sprints. Each sprint typically lasts 1-4 weeks and results in a potentially shippable product increment. This approach allows for early and continuous delivery of valuable software, enabling the team to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments throughout the development process. 

Flexibility and Adaptability

Scrum embraces change and accommodates evolving requirements even late in the development cycle. The product backlog, containing a prioritised list of user stories and features, can be adjusted based on feedback from stakeholders and changing market conditions. Scrum Teams regularly inspect and adapt their processes, ensuring that the project stays aligned with customer needs and business goals. 

Clear Roles and Responsibilities

a Venn diagram highlighting overlaps and interactions

Scrum defines clear roles and responsibilities for team members, fostering accountability, collaboration, and efficiency. The Product Owner is responsible for prioritising the backlog and representing the customer's interests, while the Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and removes impediments. The Development Team is self-organising and cross-functional, collectively responsible for delivering high-quality increments of work during each sprint. 

Continuous Feedback and Improvement

Agile Scrum encourages frequent communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders. Daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and retrospectives provide opportunities for feedback and reflection, enabling the team to identify areas for improvement and adjust their approach accordingly. This continuous feedback loop promotes transparency, trust, and a culture of learning and innovation. 

Focus on Customer Value 

Agile Scrum prioritises delivering value to the customer early and often. By breaking down the project into small, deliverable increments, the team can quickly respond to changing customer needs and market demands. The Product Owner collaborates closely with stakeholders to ensure that the most valuable features are developed first, maximising return on investment and customer satisfaction. 

Effective Project Management

Overall, the Agile Scrum methodology offers a flexible, collaborative, and customer-centric approach to software development, making it well-suited for projects where requirements are subject to change, and delivering high-quality software efficiently and effectively is paramount. 

Watch- Intro to Scrum (3:57 minutes)

Watch this easy overview of how Agile Scrum works. How long do Sprints usually take?

Agile Scrum Stage Breakdown Flowchart

Agile Scrum is an iterative and incremental software development framework that divides the project into smaller cycles called sprints. Each sprint typically lasts 1-4 weeks and follows a set of stages to ensure efficient and effective development. Following are the various stages of a software development project using Agile Scrum.

Project Initiation

  • Define Project Vision: The project begins with the identification of stakeholders and the establishment of a shared vision for the product. 
  • Form Scrum Team: The Scrum Team is formed, consisting of a Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. 
  • Create Product Backlog: The Product Owner collaborates with stakeholders to create a prioritised list of features, user stories, and requirements known as the product backlog. 

Sprint Planning

A simplified diagram showing the Sprint Planning process

  • Select User Stories: The Scrum Team conducts a sprint planning meeting to select a set of user stories from the product backlog for implementation during the sprint. 
  • Define Sprint Goal: The Product Owner and Development Team define a sprint goal, which describes the purpose and desired outcome of the sprint. 
  • Estimate Effort: The Development Team estimates the effort required to complete each selected user story, ensuring that the sprint backlog is realistically achievable within the sprint timeframe. 
Watch- Sprint Planning (7:34 minutes)

Sprint Execution 

  • Daily Stand-up Meetings: The Development Team holds daily stand-up meetings to provide updates on progress, discuss any impediments, and plan their work for the day. 
  • Implement User Stories: The Development Team works collaboratively to design, develop, test, and integrate the selected user stories, focusing on delivering a potentially shippable product increment by the end of the sprint. 
  • Adapt as Needed: The Scrum Team adapts to changes and challenges that arise during the sprint, making adjustments to the sprint backlog and sprint plan as necessary to achieve the sprint goal. 
Watch- Scrum Stand-ups (2:35 minutes)

Sprint Review

  • Demonstrate Completed Work: At the end of the sprint, the Scrum Team holds a sprint review meeting to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders, including the Product Owner and other relevant parties. 
  • Gather Feedback: Stakeholders provide feedback on the delivered features, offering insights and suggestions for improvement. 
  • Update Product Backlog: Based on the feedback received during the sprint review, the Product Owner updates the product backlog, reprioritising items and adding new requirements as needed. 
Sprint Retrospective
  • Reflect on Process: The Scrum Team conducts a sprint retrospective meeting to reflect on the sprint process and identify what went well, what could be improved, and any action items for future sprints. 
  • Continuous Improvement: The team discusses ways to improve their processes, tools, and collaboration to enhance productivity, quality, and overall effectiveness. 


  • Iterative Development: The process repeats for multiple sprints, with each sprint resulting in a potentially shippable product increment. The Scrum Team continuously refines and improves the product based on feedback and changing requirements, delivering value to stakeholders incrementally and iteratively. 

Roles and Responsibilities of members within a Software Application Development Project Using Agile Scrum Methodology 
In a software application development project using Agile Scrum methodology, there are several key roles with distinct responsibilities. Here are the main roles and their respective responsibilities: 

Product Owner (PO)


  • Represents the stakeholders, customers, and end users by defining and prioritising the product backlog. 
  • Collaborates closely with stakeholders to gather requirements, understand business needs, and define the product vision. 
  • Prioritises user stories and backlog items based on business value, customer feedback, and market needs. 
  • Accepts or rejects completed work based on the Definition of Done (DoD) and ensures that the product increment meets the acceptance criteria. 
  • Provides guidance and clarification to the Development Team on product features and requirements throughout the project. 

Scrum Master (SM)


  • Facilitates and coaches the Scrum Team on Agile principles, values, and practices, ensuring adherence to the Scrum framework. 
  • Removes impediments or obstacles that hinder the Development Team's progress, fostering a productive and collaborative work environment. 
  • Facilitates sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, sprint review, and sprint retrospective meetings, ensuring that they are conducted effectively. 
  • Guides the team in self-organisation and cross-functionality, empowering them to make decisions and solve problems independently. 
  • Acts as a servant-leader, supporting the team's continuous improvement efforts and advocating for Agile best practices. 

Development Team


  • Designs, develops, tests, and delivers increments of potentially shippable product functionality during each sprint. 
  • Collaborates closely with the Product Owner to understand requirements, clarify user stories, and ensure that the product backlog is refined and prioritised. 
  • Estimates the effort required for user stories and tasks, committing to completing the selected work within the sprint timeframe. 
  • Participates in daily stand-up meetings to provide updates on progress, discuss any challenges or blockers, and plan the day's work. 
  • Ensures that the product increment meets the Definition of Done (DoD) and fulfills the acceptance criteria defined for each user story. 



  • Provide input, feedback, and requirements to the Product Owner to help shape the product backlog and prioritise features. 
  • Participate in sprint review meetings to evaluate the completed work and provide feedback on the product increment. 
  • Collaborate with the Product Owner and Scrum Team throughout the project to ensure that the delivered product meets their needs and expectations. 
  • Support the Scrum Team by providing timely feedback, resolving dependencies, and making decisions that impact the project's success. 

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer


  • Collaborates with the Development Team and Product Owner to define acceptance criteria for user stories and ensure that they are testable and measurable. 
  • Develops and executes test cases, scripts, and procedures to verify and validate the functionality of the software product. 
  • Identifies defects, bugs, and issues in the software and communicates them to the Development Team for resolution. 
  • Participates in sprint planning and review meetings to provide input on testing efforts, timelines, and quality assurance activities. 
  • Works closely with stakeholders to gather feedback, prioritise testing activities, and ensure that the product meets quality standards and customer expectations. 

In a project plan for a software application development project using Agile Scrum methodology, several important team members play key roles in defining the stages, goals, timeframes, tasks, and responsibilities of the team members. These entities help to structure the project plan and guide the team through the software development process. Below are the important entities and their roles in the project plan:

Goal: Define the project vision, goals, and scope. Identify stakeholders and establish communication channels. 

Timeframe: Typically occurs at the beginning of the project. 


  1. Define project objectives and success criteria. 
  2. Identify stakeholders and their roles. 
  3. Create initial product backlog. 
  4. Establish communication plan and project governance. 
Key role's Responsibilities: 
  • Product Owner: Leads project initiation, defines project objectives and success criteria. 
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates stakeholder identification and communication planning. 
  • Development Team: Provides input on project scope and objectives. 

Goal: Select and commit to sprint backlog items for the upcoming sprint. 

Timeframe: Conducted at the beginning of each sprint. 


  1. Review and refine product backlog items. 
  2. Select user stories for the sprint backlog. 
  3. Estimate effort for selected tasks. 
Key role's Responsibilities: 
  • Product Owner: Prioritises backlog items, clarifies requirements. 
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates sprint planning meeting, ensures understanding of user stories. 
  • Development Team: Participates in task selection, estimates effort, commits to completing selected items. 

Goal: Develop and deliver sprint backlog items. 

Timeframe: Lasts for the duration of the sprint (typically 2-4 weeks). 


  1. Implement user stories from the sprint backlog. 
  2. Conduct daily stand-up meetings. 
  3. Collaborate on development, testing, and integration. 
Key role's Responsibilities: 
  • Development Team: Designs, develops, and tests features. 
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates daily stand-ups, removes impediments. 
  • Product Owner: Provides clarification and feedback on user stories. 

Goal: Demonstrate completed work and gather feedback from stakeholders. 

Timeframe: Occurs at the end of each sprint. 


  1. Demo completed features to stakeholders. 
  2. Gather feedback on sprint deliverables. 
  3. Update product backlog based on feedback. 
Key role's Responsibilities: 
  • Scrum Master: Organises sprint review meeting. 
  • Development Team: Presents completed work. 
  • Product Owner: Gathers stakeholder feedback and updates backlog. 

Goal: Reflect on the sprint process and identify improvements. 

Timeframe: Occurs after the sprint review. 


  1. Conduct retrospective meeting to discuss what went well and what could be improved. 
  2. Identify action items for process improvement. 
Key role's Responsibilities: 
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates retrospective meeting. 
  • Development Team: Identifies process improvements. 
  • Product Owner: Provides input on prioritising improvements. 

These stages, goals, timeframes, tasks, and responsibilities outlined in the project plan ensure that the software application development project progresses smoothly and efficiently, following Agile Scrum methodology principles. They promote collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement within the Scrum Team, ultimately leading to the successful delivery of the project.

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