This module has introduced you to the legislation that construction managers need to be familiar with. Remember that adherence to Acts and regulations is compulsory, so it is essential that you understand your responsibilities under these edicts.
You have also learned about some of the non-legislative mechanisms which impact the construction sector. These include:
- Codes of Practice
- Standards
- Good Practice Guides
- Fact Sheets
- Safety Data Sheets.
Adherence to most non-legislative controls is voluntary. However, best practice dictates that a construction manager will apply all mechanisms that will improve project quality.
Adhering to legislative requirements and best practice suggestions will result in successful projects that:
- Conform to the required standards for construction design to ensure building safety and durability.
- Fulfils requirements for obtaining the correct consents and signoffs.
- Protect the health and safety of workers on the site.
- Protect the environment during design and construction.
- Protects the employment rights of people working on the project.
The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi have been incorporated into some of the legislation that impacts construction. Where your stakeholders include mana whenua, remember to keep in mind the three Tiriti principles:
- partnership
- participation
- protection
Legal risk has also been discussed. A construction manager needs to be able to identify and avoid potential legal risks. The best way to avoid legal risks is to adhere to legislative requirements and to keep up to date with changes in the law.
This activity encourages you to consolidate your knowledge on the topics covered in this module.
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Assessment 02A1
It is now time to complete Assessment 02A1.
Once the assessment has been submitted, you will have finished Module 2 of the New Zealand Diploma in Construction. Mahi tika ana – well done.