Stripping the formwork

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 06/25/2021 - 14:09
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The process for stripping the formwork is:

Step 5: Stripping the formwork

  • Stripping the formwork boards and components
  • De-nailing the timber components
  • Preparing the formwork components for removal and/or storage
  • Removing the components from the site.

Once the concrete has set, it is time to strip the concrete. The process of stripping the formwork is as important as the preparation that went into erecting it in the first place. 

You have just put all that work into the quality of your slab or concrete work. You don’t want to damage it now!

Consider the following scenario.

Kurt, Adam and Steve have been working on pouring a concrete slab for a first homeowner. The formwork was erected with meticulous detail and carried out within compliance with company policies, procedures and Australian Standards. The process takes time and quite a lot of money has been put in to developing a high-quality formwork. Mitch has been employed at Up build and construction for about a month, he is fairly new to the construction industry and can see his team members have a lot on their plates, so he decides to take the initiative and start stripping the formwork. He did not check with the supervisor or other team members but is confident the process is the same. At this point, Mitch does not realise, the concrete has not cured properly, which means it is not set. He starts stripping the formwork and, in the process, has accidentally caused some damage. He notifies the team members there is some damage to the formwork as he was stripping it. The team then realise the formwork has been prematurely stripped and the concrete is starting to sink. 

From this scenario, it is clear there was inadequate communication and training when it comes to stripping the formwork. Mitch was not aware of the concrete not being cured nor was he aware of the appropriate methods of stripping the formwork. 

The following points outline what measures need to be taken when stripping the formwork. 

  • Before stripping the formwork, make sure the concrete is set and has achieved maximum strength. You can ensure this has been achieved by ensuring the concrete has been cured according to the stipulated times outlined in the formwork design.
  • If possible, obtain certification the concrete has been properly cured after a specimen has been tested.9
  • Remove nails, screws and other sharp fixings as you go.
  • Use a pinch bar or hammer as required.
  • Remove edge boards carefully.
  • Clean edge boards of cement, dirt and other debris.
  • Ensure that you don’t obstruct access ways and work areas as you remove formwork.
  • Use safe manual handling techniques.
  • Wear your PPE.
  • Stack or bundle your formwork after cleaning.
  • Dispose of rubble from edge boards according to workplace procedures.
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