Summary and quiz

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 07/14/2021 - 13:52
Sub Topics

The key legislation you should be aware of are: 

  • Building Act 2004 (and relevant state and territory instruments)
  • Building Regulations (relevant to each state/territory)
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (and relevant state and territory instruments)
  • Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (and relevant state and territory instruments)
  • The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (and relevant state and territory instruments)
  • The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 1979 (and relevant state and territory instruments)
  • Other state and territory-based legislation and policies affecting buildings as described in NCC2019 (See Schedule 1)
  • Relevant local laws depending on local government area

Policies vs procedures

A policy is very much a rule that is in place by the company derived from the regulations relevant to their industry, in this case, the regulations need to be relevant to the building and construction industry. The procedure is essentially the process tasks are carried out.

Planning and organising process

Regardless of the task or project that you will be undertaking, there are some common things that you will need to do each time that you begin the planning and organising stage.

  1. Clarify what you need to do
  2. Review the legislation
  3. Consider safety
  4. Break the project down into its component tasks
  5. Plan the sequence of tasks
  6. Document the plan

Manufacturing and assembly process

Regardless of the task or project that you will be undertaking, there are some common things that you will need to do each time that you work on a construction project.

  1. Utilise PPE
  2. Select and check tools and equipment
  3. Manufacture the components
  4. Assemble the components
  5. Clean up

The following links provide you with additional information.


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