
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 08/26/2021 - 01:51
Sub Topics

Workplace relationships are unique interpersonal relationships with important implications for individuals and the organisations in which the relationships exist and develop. These relationships play a big role in your work. Because most work environments are culturally and socially diverse, respecting different cultures is important in your workplace.

Being respectful of different cultures will help you accomplish work tasks better. It can also help you detect problems and brainstorm solutions faster. Work tasks can be accomplished faster when you have a good workplace relationship with your co-workers. 

Maintaining and improving workplace relationships is a continuous process that takes time and effort. However, it results in the positive development of both the organisation and its employees’ wellbeing. 

Collaboration is needed in your workplace, especially when you are working in teams. This is important because it helps you finish tasks faster and will help you support team members who are having difficulties in performing work tasks. It can also help you effectively manage conflicts in your workplace.

Being aware of how you manage workplace relationships and how others are affected by it allows you to know how to adjust your methods accordingly. Managing this involves seeking, evaluating, and applying feedback. Feedback can range from comments about the processes you developed to suggestions about your leadership style. 

Refer to the following links to learn more about the relevant legislation: 

  1. Equal Employment Opportunity Act (Commonwealth Authorities) 1987
  2. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  3. Age Discrimination Act 2004
  4. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  5. Equal Opportunity Act 2010
  6. Sex Discrimination Act 1984


For more guidance policies that concentrate on co-worker relationships, you may refer to the simulated business Bounce Fitness’s policy and procedures for handling conflicts which can be accessed at Employee Relations Policy and Mediation Policies and Procedures.

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