
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 09/02/2021 - 17:56

Units of Competency

This module consists of two (2) units of competency:

  • CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
  • CHCECE056 Work effectively in children’s education and care

In this module we look at the legal requirements of working in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector, covering regulations, approved learning frameworks and service policies and procedures that guide educators’ practice to complete daily work activities. You will become familiar with the key roles and responsibilities of early childhood educators.

The learning content in this module will explain how to identify and access the authoritative sources of information and to interpret information regarding the legal obligations in the early childhood education and care sector. You will learn about the roles of the state and territory regulatory authorities and other legislative requirements and how to meet legal and ethical obligations. This module will also explore how you can work as an educator within the team.

You will learn to recognise potential ethical issues and deal with ethical dilemmas appropriately, such as:

  • Operating within the roles and the scope of responsibilities of an early childhood educator to meet the legal and ethical obligations.
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and educators’ ethical responsibilities
  • Contributing to work effectively as part of a team context using effective communication
  • Improving workplace practices. You will learn to identify some potential situations of non-compliance and report the concerns to the management to maintain the safety and wellbeing of children. You will also learn how to contribute to the workplace improvement and identify the areas to improve.

To achieve competency for the 2 units within this module, you must complete all theory assessments at the end of this module (short answer questions, case studies, project and role play) as well as the structured workplace learning and assessment (including Portfolio, logbook and any other workplace related documentation located in Module 6).

Before we begin, let us take a trip down memory lane. The children's services industry has revolutionised over the last 40 years. Watch the video below to see what childcare looked like in Brisbane "Brisbane Baby Parking Station".

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
Teacher And Pupils Using Flower Shapes In Montessori School
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?