Manage Candidate Outcomes

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 16:00
I'd rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person.
Jeff Bezos

In this topic, we will examine ways to inform candidates of selection decisions. We will examine various processes of providing feedback to internal and external candidates. We will examine the various necessary documentation that needs to be organised and completed in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

By the end of this topic, you will understand:

  • How to inform candidates of selection decisions and provide feedback
  • The process to secure preferred candidate’s agreements and coordinate necessary documentation
Sub Topics

Each organisation may have a different process for advising applicants of the selection outcome, including those that have been chosen for short-listing and those whose applications will not be progressed further. Unsuccessful applicants need to be notified, and you must ensure that the message sent is positive and objective. This may be done through advising in person or via phone or email.

It is essential to clearly explain why you are not progressing further with the candidates and show the candidates that you appreciate the time and effort they took to apply for the role. If an applicant was not interviewed and requests feedback, the hiring manager or chairperson of the interview panel should advise them that all decisions made have been based on merit and that applicants have been interviewed who most closely matched the selection criteria.

Suppose the interviewer(s) or selection panel is requested to provide feedback to internal and external applicants who were unsuccessful in obtaining the role. In that case, it is to be reiterated that all decisions have been based on merit and that the applicant who most closely matches the selection criteria successfully obtained the role.

In particular, the following should be avoided:

  • Discussing specific reasons why any person was unsuccessful. Advise only that short-listed applicants better satisfied the selection criteria
  • Providing information received during the reference check
  • Debating issues with the applicant
  • Referring to any personal, irrelevant or unlawful criteria

Suppose the internal applicant is from the department which the vacant position has been advertised. In that case, the hiring manager or chairperson of the panel should meet with the unsuccessful internal applicant(s) to discuss their career aspirations and expectations with the employee. This may include providing relevant information and advice on any available training and development available to the unsuccessful employee.

Many large organisations, including the public service, have appeal processes for existing employees. If an existing employee (including casuals) was interviewed but unsuccessful, the chairperson of the selection panel usually advises the employee of the decision as soon as possible. The chairperson should also notify human resources as current employees have a set period (two-five days) from when they were informed that their application was unsuccessful to lodge a submission. This submission is usually lodged with the human resources department and a review of the recruitment process is undertaken.

For any additional feedback for the unsuccessful internal employee, the hiring manager or chairperson of the interview panel should discuss their career aspirations and expectations with the employee, offering career advice and information. Where the unsuccessful applicant is an employee in the department where the vacancy exists, ensure that the performance appraisal process for the employee identifies the skill development and training needed to enhance their career opportunities. Additionally, develop a strategy to assist the employee in improving their job and career-related skills and experience, i.e., job rotations or training in resume and interview techniques.

a manager looking over some materials

Important Readings

Read the following information by The Australian Government titled ‘Selection process’ for advising applicants on the selection outcome.

Read the following information by NSW Government titled ‘A brief guide: Providing good feedback to unsuccessful interviewed job applicants’.

Watch the following video by Work It Daily titled ‘The Right Way To Tell Candidates They Didn’t Get The Job’.

Check your understanding of the content so far!

Some documentation should be organised before a new employee takes up their position. When coordinating the necessary documentation, ensure that you observe and follow confidentiality and privacy requirements.

The proceedings of the interview panel, including all documents and correspondence considered by the hiring manager or interview panel, are confidential and for the information of the interviewer(s) and panel members only. These matters remain confidential even after the results of the hiring manager, interviewer(s) or panel's recommendation are made known. Information should be securely stored and must ensure that the confidentiality requirements, as per the Privacy Act and relevant organisation privacy policies and procedures, are adhered to.

When securing the candidate's agreement, the successful candidate should receive a letter of appointment and employment contract. A letter of appointment should:

  • Welcome the new employee
  • Reiterate the position title, conditions of employment and salary
  • Outline the hours and days to be worked
  • State the starting time and date
  • Name the staff member who will act as the contact person on the first day of employment
  • Outline whether the position will be a contract and state the period of the contract
  • Outline if the position is permanent employment and ongoing
  • Outline the time frames and details of any probationary period
  • Outline all employee entitlements such as superannuation, leave and the relevant state or federal award or enterprise agreement

A contract of employment may incorporate a workplace policy. Workplace policies may take the form of guidelines or general directions to employees, such as a staff handbook. They may include other documents in the contract of employment, such as those listed in the diagram below:

A diagram depicting the terms in an employment contract
a contract signing

Important Readings

Read this article by Fair Work Ombudsman titled ‘Employment Contracts

Read the following information by WorkPro titled ‘What documents do you need to give employees on their first day of work?

For further information on confidentiality check out The Privacy Act

Check your understanding of the content so far!

Prior to moving on to the next topic, have a conversation with someone that is not in Human Resources or studying this qualification and in your own words:

  • Using two examples, explain the type of feedback that may be given to an internal unsuccessful candidate.
  • Explain what should be included in a letter of appointment/offer to the successful candidate.
  • Explain why you need to consider privacy when coordinating documentation.
  • Using three examples, explain other information and workplace policies that may be included in an employment contract.
  • Describe where you can obtain further information on privacy requirements and legislation.
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A manager interviewing an applicant for a new role in their team
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