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Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 10/14/2021 - 00:55

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Yoobee Student Handbook

 Download and view a copy of the student handbook.

Communication and Help information

Academic Help

Contact your tutor via Yoobee Online messaging for issues such as:

  • Content support
  • General course issues
  • Assessment support, extensions, progress
  • Understanding assessment feedback.

How to book a 1:1 chat with your tutor

If you would like to chat to your tutor about any aspect of your study, you can email them or send them a message through the Yoobee Online messaging. Or use their Calendly link and book a 1:1 meeting directly.

Online Learning Support

For most other issues, the Online Learning Support person is there for you. This might include aspects of your study such as learning support (strategies to study, support tools to use) but also extend to areas such as pastoral care, taking a break from studies, StudyLink problems, visa questions and many more. You can book a 1:1 meeting with them, the same way you book with your tutor. They will also pass on messages and requests to the right person if this is necessary.

Enrolment Issues

Before you started your programme of study, your enrolment communication was through the Yoobee Sales team. Please contact them for problems with your enrolment or logging into Yoobee Online.
For any queries about your VOS (Verification Of Study) or your Student ID, please contact the Online Learning Support person, and they will pass it forward.

IT Help

Sometimes, technology isn’t playing on your team. If you have any technical issues with Yoobee Online, please send an email to Include as much information as possible: what browser you are using, the tool that has the issue, any techno messages popping up, as well as screenshots of the issue. This information will help the online support team to identify the problem and provide the appropriate support.


Yoobee has external counsellors that provide completely confidential support to students. Students often have a range of concerns, such as stress, relationship issues, management of studies and every day worries. Three free sessions are delivered through a secure telehealth platform focusing on students' well-being while studying. To register for the online session, please go to ACS COUNSELLING. Online Learning Support can help you with registration if you like.


Sonder is an external safety and well-being service that you can access 24/7 via an app on your phone. It’s free, confidential, and really easy to use. Check out this Video link introducing Sonder.
If you would like to use this service, sign up for it by filling in the form and sending it to Online Learning Support. Yoobee will send Sonder your details, and then Sonder will email you step-by-step instructions on how to access the app.

Sonder has lots of amazing features:

  • Available through live chat and phone in any language 
  • Connect with registered nurses, psychologists, doctors, and emergency services 
  • Library of information in the app with articles, videos, and advice to support your well-being, e.g., managing anxiety when you are due to take a test, struggling with sleep, or relationships or stress 
  • You will get safety alerts if there are any potential health or security risks or weather threats in our area. It also alerts you if there are transportation disruptions in your area.
  • Financial advice 
  • Function to track your journey or check on you to make sure you get to your destination safely, e.g., if you are going somewhere new or meeting someone for the first time.

External Services/Pastoral care help

Please refer to the Yoobee Student Handbook, as there is a directory of all the relevant services within New Zealand — perfect for any student.

Complaints procedure

We are committed to ensuring that every student has a positive and enriching educational experience on our campus. It is our utmost priority to be aware of any issues or concerns that students may be facing. We value open communication and encourage students to share their feedback, including any grievances they may have.

While our goal is to address and resolve issues promptly, we understand that there may be instances where students feel unhappy about certain aspects of their experience. In such cases, we have complaints procedures (both informal and formal)  to ensure a fair and transparent resolution process.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are dissatisfied or have a complaint, we encourage you to follow our complaints procedure, starting with the informal step: 




Withdrawal information and fee refunds for online students

Withdrawal from courses of 13 weeks or more:

Online students can withdraw within ten working days after and including the scheduled start date of your programme, and all tuition fees will be refunded minus a deduction of 10% of the fees paid or $500 (whichever is the lesser amount).
If you withdraw from your programme from 5pm on the 10th working day and before the completion date, there can be no refund. You would only be eligible for a refund of tuition fees in exceptional circumstances at the Financial Controller’s discretion.
You would need to provide documentation to support any such application, which must be made within one month of the last day of attendance.
From 5pm on the 10th working day and before the completion date, there can be no refund where you wish to transfer to another provider; you have been expelled; inaccurate or false information was included in your enrolment application.

Written confirmation of withdrawal:

Before processing a refund of fees, you may be required to provide written confirmation of the withdrawal from your parents or guardian (if under 18 years old). If you obtained a bank loan for the purpose of studying with Yoobee, we may require confirmation that the lender consents to your withdrawal. If, for any reason, your programme of study is discontinued before the planned start date, all paid tuition fees will be fully refunded.

We deliver our learning on a system that’s purpose-built for the modern student, Yoobee Online. Your tutorials are asynchronous, which means they’re ready to go when you are, and you’ll never miss a beat. You can replay, start and stop whenever it suits you, giving you the true freedom of flexible online study. And you can easily access your tutorials and complete activities from your phone if you want to listen while you’re out and about.

Each Module will be 'unlocked' as you complete the previous Module, by submitting your assessment.
Asynchronous learning means you can access all your learning material at any time through our online learning management system (Yoobee Online) over the period of your study. You can schedule your learning around your life as long as you submit your work at the required deadline.

You will have a network of fellow students that you can chat with in Yoobee Online, and you can message or schedule time to chat with your tutor and Learning Support, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. Asynchronous also means that your fellow students could be online at different times, so there is plenty of opportunity to interact. It might just take them some time to respond. At times, your tutor will post a webinar for extra learning. You can watch this live or watch a recording at a time that suits you.
We recommend using the following operating systems to access Yoobee Online: Computer: Chrome. Latest version (if possible). Mobile phone: Android 4.4.2 and above. iOS 9 and above (the latest systems are always the best to use).

If you are having technical issues with Yoobee Online, please send an email to: In order to help resolve your issue, please give as much information about your issue as possible, including which browser you are using and screenshots that may help us identify the problem.
Yes, a lot! You’ll develop practical skills with the software(s) and the resources used in your study. The content will walk you through the tasks that build on your skills. Being asynchronous means you have plenty of time to revisit and hone those skills.
You decide! That also depends on whether you’re studying part-time or full-time. Part-time students will need to allocate an average of 15 hours a week, whereas full-time students will allocate an average of 30-35 hours a week. Some weeks, you may allocate more and some less, and that is okay. Regardless of part-time or full-time study, you have the control to set your own schedule and create a timetable that suits your lifestyle and commitments.

The only thing you need to schedule will be your hand-in deadlines. These will be communicated to you before your study begins and are particular to each area of study.
No way, you’re part of the Yoobee Tribe now! Even though you’re studying online, you’ll be joining lots of other like-minded students who prefer asynchronous learning. You’ll get access to chat forums so you can engage and support one another, peer feedback rounds and even optional group work. We want you to stay connected and never feel isolated.
We have a friendly team of subject matter experts who are dedicated to supporting our online students throughout their journey with us. You can always reach out to your tutor for help or even arrange a 1:1 session for some further practical training. Our team is there to support you, and you can message or schedule time to chat with your tutor and Learning Support, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. If you feel like chatting to a counsellor, that is also an option. 
Yes. It’s important that you complete your study in the order it’s been laid out. We carefully designed the sequence of your learning so that it builds with each module, and each part is critical to understanding the next. As you complete each module, submitting your assessment will 'unlock' the next module.
We like to mirror in-person learning and the professional world as much as possible, so you will have due dates and deadlines. Your tutors will monitor and check your assessments and activities.
When studying and you are struggling with motivation, time management or simply need help with an assignment or some technical support, you can get in touch with our Learning Support team. Yoobee Online also features a dynamic live chat so you can find out who else is online at the same time as you and ask other students questions.
You won’t normally have to be online at a specific time. Your course material is available for you from the beginning of each teaching period, and you can work through it in the hours that suit you. There are some live webinar sessions that run approximately once a month. These are a special opportunity for students to sign in at the same time as their tutors, normally before an assessment deadline. It gives you the chance to ask any questions relating to the assignment in real-time and hear other students’ questions and thoughts. We understand that students won’t always be able to make these sessions, so they can be replayed the next day.
You have everything you need for your study in our online platform (Yoobee Online); however, your local campus may have events that you will be invited to from time to time. Attendance for these events is optional.
You can message your classmates through the Yoobee Online messaging system or chat with them about coursework in the forums in Yoobee Online.
You can message your tutor through the Yoobee Online messaging system.
Yes, students of Yoobee Online graduate with the exact same qualifications as a student at Yoobee Colleges on-campus. Not only does your graduation certificate look exactly the same, but your coursework will cover all the same topics — we just transpose the information and assessment tasks so that they are perfectly suited to an online classroom.
Every area of study is different, and so are the software and tool requirements for each one. Please see 1.2.4 Resources needed for Yoobee Online. Our Student Recruitment Advisors can provide you with more details if you need them.
When students graduate from our programmes, they will receive the same accredited qualification as a Yoobee Colleges on-campus student. The graduation certificate awarded will also be the same. Our courses and learning outcomes are the same as Yoobee Colleges’, but we adapt the material and its delivery to enable students to enjoy the most engaging online environment.
Yes, you can apply for a Student Loan with StudyLink. Click on the link for more information:

What is the TTAF, and how do I know if my programme is covered by it? (domestic students only)
The Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) supports our tech-minded learners to undertake vocational education and training without fees. Check our website to see if the course you’re interested in is covered by TTAF, or contact us on 0800 66 55 44 to ask one of our team.
After a few weeks of your programme, an email from Student Card will be sent to your Yoobee email account outlining the process to order a New Zealand Student ID card.
PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDER if you have not received it.
Once you receive this email from Student Card, you can then use that link to log onto the Student Card website
 and sign up for your Student Card. Only use the emailed link from Student Card to log in. You cannot log in directly to the Student Card website.
You will need a current passport-style photograph of yourself, and you will need to confirm your mailing address. Student Card will then send you a card to your mailing address. You can also download the Student Card app and receive a digital Student Card immediately. 

If you haven't received an email from Student Card to your Yoobee email address after three weeks of your programme start date AND you have checked your SPAM/JUNK FOLDER, please let your tutor know. 

If you would like an AT student discount sticker (Auckland only), once you have received your Student ID card, please visit your nearest Yoobee campus to obtain a sticker (bring your Student ID card with you).
You can still study on a public holiday, but tutors and Learning Support will not be available.
Providing the holiday is short, go ahead and enjoy the break. Remember your study fits around your schedule, and you are only bound by the due dates of the assessment. If you are planning on a 2-month long safari, then there may be other options available so you can still see the elephants and complete your qualification.
Contact your tutor to discuss before you book any holiday that you think might impact your study.
Sometimes, life becomes too much, and everything happens at the same time. Don’t worry, as Yoobee is here to support you. Extensions can occur on your assessment submissions, and you have opportunities to chat with your tutor and Learning Support about any academic issues.
A list of support services is found in the Yoobee Student Handbook, and Yoobee’s counselling service is available free of charge for a confidential appointment. Just reach out to your tutor or Learning Support.
Sometimes things happen in life: your computer suddenly dies, the system locks you out, you have won the Lotto or broken your arm – what should you do?
Communication is the key here. Reach out to your tutor and let them know. Usually, there is a solution that is best for all to help to achieve your study goals.

1A. Assessment Extension Guide and form

Sometimes, things happen that are out of our control that can affect our studies. You may apply for an extension to the assessment when extenuating circumstances beyond your control seriously affect your ability to:

  • attempt an assessment or
  • prepare normally for an assessment or
  • perform successfully during an assessment or
  • complete an assessment on or by the due date.

Here, you can download the Extension Request Guide and the Extension Request form.

The completed form with the evidence should be sent to your tutor for consideration.

1B. Special Consideration guide and form

In the rare occasion that you have not achieved success after your third and final attempt, you may apply for special consideration for a fourth attempt. This situation is when extenuating circumstances beyond your control seriously affect your ability to:

  • complete the third and final submission attempt and pass the course.

You can apply to the Board of Studies to grant you one more submission attempt if you can provide supporting documentation.

You can read the Special Consideration Guide and download the Special Consideration form.

2. International Students

For International Student support, please email

3. Next steps

Now you should be all ready to start your programme. But before you jump into your learning, review/implement what was covered in Orientation.

  • Take some time to map out your schedule. Use the Weekly planner that was included in your Welcome Pack to organise your time. Make a note of when your assessment due dates are and put them in your calendar.
  • Set your space up, order the stationery needed, and tell people about your studies.
  • Organise the Creative Cloud apps, if needed, for your programme.
  • Confirm you know how to contact people if you need to.

What’s happening in the next five days, month...

First week
  • Login to Yoobee Online and get familiar with the platform.
  • Do the first activity, which is probably an introductory task.
  • Note the time for the Day 5 Meet the tutor session.
Second week
  • Do the Welcome survey. It’s a chance for you to tell Yoobee how your Orientation and your first steps into online learning went. Without this feedback, Yoobee cannot continue to develop and improve, so please be honest and helpful with your feedback.
Third week
  • By now, you will have settled into a routine, be familiar with the requirements of online learning and have worked out how to fit it in with your other activities. However, if you haven’t logged into Yoobee Online, then Yoobee starts to get worried. Someone will be contacting you to see if you are okay.



You aren't there yet, but you soon will be. So here are some things to be aware of for the end of your programme:

  • In the final month, review your progress to ensure you have a good schedule to complete.
  • If you feel you won't be able to complete, book a 1:1 meeting with your tutor. Read the Student Handbook for further information regarding this.
  • Assessments are marked with successful results needing ratification by the Board of Studies. All results are provisional until ratification.
  • The transcript and qualification are posted to the same address you gave at enrolment. Have you moved during your studies?


Then celebrate! 


Module Linking
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?