Business in Action - Record stakeholder interactions

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 10/15/2021 - 18:28

Meet Tyler …

Tyler has recently started work at World Traveller as a customer service representative. World Traveller is a travel management company based in Melbourne, primarily specialising in inbound and outbound tours. They are a small business, and they pride themselves on their ability to service a wide range of clients, leisure travellers, businesses, government delegates and student educational tours between Australia and Asia.

As a customer service representative, Tyler’s is required to record information on customer interactions in the World Traveller Customer Management System (CMS).

Tyler’s duties include:

  • responding to customer enquiries (inbound and outbound calls and emails)
  • providing information to customers
  • liaising with travel suppliers (e.g., hotels, airlines, transfers)
  • recording customer interactions clearly and accurately for future reference
  • keeping customer details up-to-date in the customer management system
  • solving problems (both predictable and less predictable problems)
  • following organisational policies and procedures.

In this module, you will learn the skills and knowledge that enable Tyler to perform his role relating to recording stakeholder interactions, including to:

  • prepare to record stakeholder interactions
  • create records of stakeholder interactions
  • finalise and review the recording process.

There will be opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills throughout the module, so you are ready for your assessment. This includes looking at the World Traveller Recording Stakeholder Interaction Policy and Procedure.

Let us begin by asking Tyler the following three questions.

Sub Topics

Tyler answers:

Positive interactions with customers are vital to the success of the World Traveller company. We believe that a totally engaged customer with the company is likely to be a return customer and use our services again. Word of mouth is important for maintaining our reputation and attracting new customers. Happy customers are likely to recommend our company to others and generate more revenue than unhappy customers. Who doesn’t want that?

Tyler answers:

  1. Assisting potential customers looking for information
  2. Helping customers evaluate different options
  3. Documenting customer experiences with our services and products
  4. Onboarding customers (for example, providing initial information about a purchase or service)
  5. Resolving customer enquiries quickly
  6. Handling unhappy customers venting their frustrations
  7. Helping confused customers searching for a way forward
  8. Catering to loyal customers and their needs.

Tyler answers:

  • Using the phonetic alphabet to make sure that records are accurate
  • Ensuring that records are complete by making sure that no fields in the CMS are left empty
  • Making sure that other representatives are able to find customer records quickly (discoverability)
  • Following policies and procedures, especially the World Traveller Recording Stakeholder Interaction Policy and Procedure
  • Representing customer views without personal bias and opinion.
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A shot of Tyler, working in his new role at World Traveller
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