
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 23:32

What to expect in this unit

This unit provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the required knowledge and skills to address duty of care requirements, work within an ethical framework, and apply relevant legislation, policies and procedures in responding to children and young people.

Within this unit, there are tasks and activities to complete as well as compulsory assessment tasks.

Why this unit is important in this qualification

Children’s safety, health, wellbeing, rights and best interests are paramount. In early childhood education and outside school hours care contexts, educators play a crucial role in providing a child a safe environment, protecting children from harm, abuse and neglect, and responding to and reporting incidents, suspected incidents and concerns.

Aim to focus on the learning here and the important role you will be playing in the lives of children and young people.

This unit will help you to Implement work practices which support the protection of children and young people. You will learn how to observe and report indicators of possible risk of significant harm. This unit will help to develop skills in making ethical decisions and developing nurturing practices in your work with children and young people in Child Safety and Child Protection and early learning environments.

a warning triangle symbol


This unit may include readings, media, and discussion around topics such as abuse, domestic violence and child harm. This content may be difficult and a possible trigger for students. You are encouraged to care for your personal safety and well-being and seek help and assistance where needed. Supporting agencies and phone numbers are listed below, which you may want to use. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact your trainer.

24/7 Mental Health Services

Is it an emergency?

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm, call triple zero (000)

Suicide call back Service - Anyone thinking about suicide

Lifeline - Anyone having a personal crisis

Beyond blue - Anyone feeling anxious or depressed

Kids helpline - Counseling for young people aged 5 to 25

Mensline Australia - men with emotional or relationship concerns

Open arms - veterans and families counselling

For further information, check out some valualble Mental Health resources that have been created by the Australian Government.

What is the definiton of a child under Child Protection legislation?

a group of children with arms around each others shoulders
  • Child: Aged 0- 15 years It is mandatory to report children aged 0 to 15 years at risk of significant harm
  • Young Person: Aged 16 or 17 years It is not mandatory to report young people aged 16 to 17 years or unborn children.


Can you report an unborn child at risk of significant harm? Yes, If the mother has other children who have been placed in other home situations because they are at risk, you can report them. If the mother is taking excessive drugs/alcohol and it is potentially impacting the child and putting them at risk.

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
an adult and a child holdings hands
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?