Sylvia's Play Topic

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 11/22/2021 - 15:26
Sub Topics
Today is a freaking cold day!

Sylvia (Wong) Celima


We want to hear from you. Speak up. It's time to make some noise
Sylvia Celima | Head of Course Development

Person-centred therapy

Person-centred therapy, also called person-centred counselling or client-centred counselling, is probably the most commonly used approach in counselling today. Its principles have also been widely incorporated into other human services and healthcare disciplines, as the importance of centring a client in their own care has become the focus.


This role-play demonstrates the use of counselling skills in a non-directive counselling style. It focuses on the relationship between the client and counsellor as the primary means of therapeutic change.

  • Carefully observe the session in the following video.
  • Look for the use of the ‘core conditions’ of person-centred therapy.
  • After watching the video, complete the multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of ‘techniques’ used to facilitate change within the client in person-centred therapy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Create a Diverse Portfolio (Assessment hint)

As you prepare for your upcoming assessment, here's a valuable tip. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis. Curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim. Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo.

By presenting a well-rounded portfolio, you'll stand out as a proficient graphic designer during your assessment. Good luck with your preparation, and keep refining your portfolio to unlock your full potential

I call my horses ‘divine mirrors’ — they reflect back the emotions you put in. If you put in love and respect and kindness and curiosity, the horse will return that.
Allan Hamilton


Case Study
A typical workday for Caleb.

As a dog groomer, my day starts early in the morning. The first thing I do is check the appointment schedule to see which dogs I'll be working with throughout the day. Each dog is unique, with its own temperament and grooming needs, so I must be mindful of their individual requirements.

Safety is a top priority in our shop, and I make sure to inspect all grooming equipment before starting. Sharp scissors, clippers, and grooming tables can pose hazards if not handled carefully, so I ensure they are in perfect working condition. I also double-check that the grooming area is clean and free from any potential tripping hazards.

When it's time to start grooming, I approach each dog with patience and care. Some dogs may be anxious or nervous, so I use soothing techniques to calm them down. I handle them gently and securely to avoid any accidental injuries. Ensuring their safety and comfort is paramount, and I always keep an eye on their body language to gauge their stress levels.

While grooming, I'm careful with the handling of sharp grooming tools and hot dryers to prevent any accidents. I pay close attention to the specific instructions from the pet owners, whether it's a specific haircut style or any skin conditions that need special care.

Throughout the day, I maintain a clean and organized workspace, disinfecting tools and surfaces regularly to prevent the spread of germs and ensure a hygienic environment for the dogs and my colleagues.

Interacting with pet owners is another crucial part of my job. I provide updates on their pets' progress and address any concerns they may have. Effective communication helps build trust and ensures that the grooming process meets their expectations.

At the end of the day, I reflect on the satisfaction of transforming shaggy puppers into clean and happy dogs. It's a rewarding job, but it requires constant vigilance and care to ensure the safety and well-being of the dogs in my care.


Join the Animal Shelter Officers Team | Auckland Council

A look at a day in the life of animal shelter officers who work for Auckland Council.

Duration: 3.10

  • Pre-watch question: What kind of tasks do the animal shelter officers do on a daily basis?
  • Post-watch question: What was something that you did not know about this kind of role?


Newbie Activity - Matching voice and visuals

Let's jump right in:

  1. Download the activity files in the following list. Unzip (extract) part 1, 2, 3 and 4 folders, noting where you are placing these files. Part 5 will download directly when you click on the link. It does not require extraction:
    1. SW activity files - part 1_Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save
    2. SW activity files - part 2_script section
    3. SW activity files - part 3_img
    4. SW activity files - part 4_img
    5. SW activity files - part 5_audio
  2. Open the extracted folder and take note of all of the subfolders and their contents: the Wars of Stars.prproj project file, a PDF script file, and the asset folders.
  3. Watch Dan's instructional video. He'll walk you through what you'll need to get started.
  4. Create voice recordings of the dialogue in the Star wars script section.pdf documentWe encourage you to find partners to collaborate with. You might use the Messages feature here to reach out to your peers, or you can ask friends or family to help. Otherwise, dust off your acting skills and take on all the characters yourself.
  5. Bring in your newly recorded audio clip(s) into Premiere Pro. 
  6. In the Premiere "assembly" workspace, make sub-clips from your main recordings of the best takes from the recording session.
    • Head over to the Software Tutorials course from the content menu on the left in the Premiere Pro section and review the YouTube videos provided to show you how to make sub-clips. 
  7. Once the sub-clips are made, change to the editing workspace to edit the dialogue over the images.
  8. Use the images from the folder as a visual backdrop to support the script.
  9. When your project is complete, create a Journal Post and attach your final version. If the file size is too big, please upload it to YouTube, set the permissions to those who have the link, and paste the link into your Journal post.
  10. Include the following information in your post:
    • Provide a critical review of your own work for this assignment.
      • What are some things you did really well on this assignment?
      • If you could do this assignment over, what would you do differently?
    • If you chose to work with others, did you find the collaborative part of this challenging?
    • What did you learn by doing this project?
  11. After posting, view the work of your peers and provide helpful feedback on at least two projects. 

Ka pai rā tēnei mahi. You have done great work to get this far. Take genuine time to reflect when you post your answers to the questions above. 

VIEW EXAMPLES! Expand the label below to listen to an audio recording of the project and the finished activity by past students.

Listen to a voice recording session only:

Final version from a past student. (Audio + Video)

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