Welcome to Content Management Systems

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 01/31/2022 - 17:38

This module will provide you with an understanding of content management systems. You will determine the communication skills necessary to interact with clients effectively and produce a CMS for a real client. You will assemble a business agreement prior to production and produce documentation for administration on project completion.

You will also learn how to hook into a content management system’s inbuilt code to create custom themes and functionality. The websites will be compatible across browsers, devices and platforms and will follow best practices for CMS security.

The purpose of this module is to build a custom theme with a set of useful plugins that fulfil use cases and developer needs. To support your learning, we will explore modifying and adapting child or starter themes. This can be a useful stepping stone. However, the expectation for assessment is to produce a fully custom theme, not a derivative.

Topic Formative Assessment
Getting started Setting up a sandbox
Leveraging CMS Functionality Configure a theme
Typography Pullquote block
Custom theme development Custom theme
Client relationships Modify a contract
Testing Production-ready site
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A designer working on a CMS on a laptop
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