Running a Key to Brand Workshop

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 12:49

Component Overview

Sub Topics

Watch this video to learn how to run a Key to Brand workshop for your own business, or for any clients you might work for. The script to this video is here if you need it.

  1. For the second practical, you’ll be running a practice Key to Brand (KTB) workshop with a group. Your group should ideally be other students in your course, but you can also do it with friends and whānau. 
  2. If you’re working with other students, you can split the elements of the KTB between you, so you can practise explaining 3-4 components each. 
  3. If you’re working with other students, meet up with your group to plan how to run your workshop, and write your plan down in a shared Google Doc. You’ll also want to decide who will facilitate each session. 
  4. Whether you’re in a student group or working solo, plan your intro with the help of this transcript (for groups, only one of you will actually introduce the workshop, but you should all plan out your intro), and map out how much time you'll spend on each section (max 10 minutes). 
  5. Sign up to Miro and practise using it. You can use this template (optional) in Miro when running the Key to Brand workshop. Please remember to make a copy! (We’ve included instructions.) If Miro makes things more complicated, ditch this tool and use your preferred note-taking tool to write down the words and ideas that come out of the session. 
  6. Pick one real or imaginary business that you’ll take through a KTB workshop. When you’re doing the workshop and it's your turn to run through a component, just imagine you are the facilitator and the others are the owners of that brand who you’re taking through the workshop.
  7. You will need to record this session on Zoom so make sure you know how to do that. If you don’t have a Zoom account, Zoom gives you a 40min session for free. 
  8. Remember, the purpose of running a KTB Workshop is to gather insights and information from the business owners and team, then distill that information into a succinct document that informs who they are and how they communicate. Here is an example of a distilled Brand Key (that was collected during a 2-hour KTB workshop). It resulted in the copy they use on their website and how the aesthetic of their design was developed.
  9. Post your documents and links to to your thread in the Module 1 Practicals Forum.
  1. Remember you can use Miro as your whiteboard to help you run the session. Here is a template whiteboard that you can copy, with all the elements that you’ll need. Otherwise, you can just use your preferred note-taking tool to write down the words and ideas that come out of the session. 
  2. Conduct the KTB workshop using Zoom and record the session. Here is an example KTB recording from the Manaaki Digital Doers Academy.
  3. Practice makes perfect, so keep running more workshops with participants, friends, and whānau to get even better at it. This is a skill you will be able to sell!

Share the Zoom recording of your Key to Brand session to your thread in the Module 1 Practicals Forum.
Even if it cuts out at 40mins, we still want to see how you got on.

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Running a Key to Brand Workshop
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