Messaging Framework

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 14:44

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Messaging Framework is about giving personality to your brand. Once you are done and sorted out your key to brand, you are going to bring it to life through messaging framework. It's like your brand's cheat sheet that makes everyone involved in your business speak the same thing.

Messaging Framework is made of three things, a Brand Positioning Statement, Benefit Messaging, and Hygiene Messaging.

Brand Positioning Statement is how your brand introduces itself in an epic way that would hyped up the market. It tells the people what you do, who you do it for, and what makes you awesome. From your Key to Brand, think of the points that stood to you and summarize them in few sentences. Just highlight your points that really spoke to you and figure out how you'd say it in one snappy sentence, like a headline.

Benefit Messaging is how you tell people your major benefits from the Key to Brand. It's telling people how they would benefit from your brand coupled with proof of those benefits, and followed by call to action which tells your audience what you want them to do.

Hygiene Messaging comes from your root strength. They are the foundation that you've built your business and your reputation on. Hygiene messaging is the sort of stuff you would post on Facebook everyday. So when you're writing, imagine it as a Facebook post with a picture and a caption. Your message is the words on your picture, then your proof is the caption that tells your customers what you want them to do.




This example Messaging Framework is based on a brand called OLT. OLT partners with businesses to make it cheaper and easier to establish and run a power company.

Use this template (make a copy) to start drafting your Messaging Framework. Once your draft is complete, share a link or copy of the document to the Module 1 Practicals Forum.

NOTE: This is a writing exercise, so if you have trouble with writing, you can use this app called Otter to write for you, then edit from there. Tools like Grammarly will also help.

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Messaging Framework
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