Monitor and maintain performance of a contract

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 03/09/2022 - 14:35

Monitoring and maintaining the performance of a contract involves using monitoring and control measures, performance indicators, and effective communication to manage the performance of the contract and ensure that all obligations under the agreement are being fulfilled.

Contract variations may arise during the course of the contract and need to be managed effectively. Additionally, disputes and complaints may arise, which require investigation, resolution, or referral. Negotiating contract issues and maintaining communication with all stakeholders on the performance of the contract are also critical aspects of effectively monitoring and maintaining contract performance.

In this topic, we will delve into these key areas in more detail to provide insights on how to effectively monitor and maintain the performance of a contract.

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Ensuring that obligations to the contractor and stakeholders are met is of paramount importance in contract management for several key reasons:

  1. Contractual compliance: Fulfilling contractual obligations is a fundamental aspect of maintaining compliance with the terms and conditions agreed upon in the contract. It ensures that both parties, i.e., the contractor and stakeholders, uphold their commitments and responsibilities as per the agreed-upon terms. This helps in avoiding any potential breaches or disputes that may arise due to non-compliance and maintains a healthy working relationship between the parties.
  2. Performance management: Monitoring and managing contractual obligations enable effective performance management. By tracking and measuring progress against the agreed-upon obligations, performance indicators, and milestones, it becomes easier to assess whether the contractor and stakeholders are meeting their targets and delivering the expected outcomes. This allows for proactive intervention and corrective actions, if required, to ensure that the contract is progressing as planned and achieving its intended objectives.
  3. Risk mitigation: Failure to meet contractual obligations can lead to risks and liabilities for both parties. It can result in delays, substandard deliverables, financial losses, or even legal disputes. By diligently ensuring that all obligations are met, risks associated with contractual non-compliance can be mitigated. Early identification and resolution of issues related to non-compliance can prevent potential negative impacts on the project, business, or reputation of the parties involved.
  4. Stakeholder satisfaction: Meeting obligations to stakeholders, such as timely payments, accurate reporting, and fulfilling commitments, is crucial for maintaining stakeholder satisfaction. This includes not just the immediate stakeholders directly involved in the contract but also other relevant parties such as customers, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and other external entities. Satisfied stakeholders are more likely to maintain trust and confidence in the contract, leading to improved relationships and potential future business opportunities.
  5. Contractual effectiveness: A contract is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for the parties involved. Ensuring that obligations are met enhances the overall effectiveness of the contract. It ensures that the contract is being executed as per the intended purpose, meeting the objectives and requirements of the parties involved. This, in turn, enhances the overall value and success of the contract, leading to positive outcomes for all parties.
  6. Legal and financial implications: Non-compliance with contractual obligations can have legal and financial implications. Breach of contracts may result in legal disputes, penalties, and damages, which can be time-consuming, costly, and disruptive. Meeting contractual obligations helps in avoiding such negative consequences and maintaining legal and financial compliance.

In summary, ensuring that obligations to the contractor and stakeholders are met is crucial for effective contract management. It helps in maintaining contractual compliance, managing performance, mitigating risks, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction, enhancing contractual effectiveness, and avoiding legal and financial implications. Diligent monitoring and management of contractual obligations contribute to the successful implementation and completion of contracts, fostering positive relationships, and achieving desired outcomes. 

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There are several examples of monitoring and control measures that can be used to manage the performance of a contract and ensure that all obligations under the agreement are being met. Some examples include:

Regular progress reports submitted by the contractor can provide insights into the status of work, milestones achieved, and any challenges faced. These reports can be reviewed to assess the contractor's performance against the established performance indicators and to identify any deviations or deficiencies.

Inspections and audits can be conducted to verify the quality and compliance of work performed by the contractor. These can include site visits, technical inspections, financial audits, and other assessments to ensure that the contractor is meeting their contractual obligations.

Reviews and assessments can be conducted at various stages of the contract to evaluate the contractor's performance. These can include formal reviews, assessments, or evaluations by designated personnel or third-party experts to assess the contractor's progress, adherence to contract requirements, and overall performance.

KPIs are specific metrics or indicators that are established at the outset of the contract to measure performance. These can include parameters such as quality, timeliness, cost, safety, and customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring and tracking of KPIs can provide a quantitative assessment of the contractor's performance against the agreedupon targets.

Milestones are specific events or achievements that mark significant progress in the contract. Tracking and monitoring milestones can provide a clear picture of the contractor's progress towards meeting contractual obligations and can help identify any delays or deviations.

Financial monitoring involves tracking and analysing the contractor's financial performance, including budgeting, expenses, and invoicing. This can help ensure that the contractor is adhering to the financial terms of the contract and managing funds appropriately.

Contract compliance reviews involve reviewing the contractor's adherence to the terms and conditions of the contract. This can include reviewing deliverables, documentation, records, and other contract-related requirements to ensure that the contractor is fulfilling their obligations.

Monitoring and control measures can also include risk management activities, such as identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with contract performance. This can help proactively address potential issues that may impact the contractor's ability to meet their obligations.

These are just a few examples of monitoring and control measures that can be employed to manage contract performance and ensure that all obligations under the agreement are being met. The specific Commented [KK90]: Accordion measures used will depend on the nature and complexity of the contract and should be tailored to suit the specific requirements of the contract and the needs of the stakeholders involved. 

Contract variations refer to changes or modifications that may occur during the course of a contract, which may impact the original terms and conditions of the agreement. Contract variations can arise due to various reasons, such as changes in project scope, timelines, budget, or other unforeseen circumstances. Managing contract variations effectively is important to ensure that the changes are properly documented, communicated, and implemented in accordance with the contract requirements.


Watch the video below from Contracts Specialist to find out more about Contract Variations.

Steps to manage contract variations

Steps to manage contract variations

When a variation occurs, it is important to clearly identify and document the changes. This includes documenting the nature of the variation, the reasons for the change, and the potential impacts on the contract, such as changes in scope, cost, timelines, or other contractual terms.

Assess the impacts of the variation on the contract. This may involve evaluating the financial, schedule, and performance implications of the change. It is important to assess the impacts comprehensively and objectively to determine the appropriate course of action.

Review the contract provisions related to variations, including any specific clauses or terms that govern changes to the contract. This may include provisions related to variations, change orders, or amendment processes. Ensure that any proposed variations are consistent with the contract requirements and seek legal or expert advice if necessary.

Once the impacts of the variation have been assessed, negotiate and agree on the changes with the contractor. This may involve discussions on the scope of work, timelines, cost adjustments, and any other contractual terms that may be affected. It is important to document any changes in writing and obtain mutual agreement from all parties involved.

After reaching an agreement on the contract variations, update the contract documentation accordingly. This may include amending the contract,change orders, or other formal documents that reflect the changes to the contract. Ensure that all changes are properly documented, signed, and shared with relevant stakeholders.

Communicate the contract variations to all relevant stakeholders, including the contractor, project team, and other impacted parties. This includes sharing the updated contract documentation, notifying any changes in timelines, deliverables, or other relevant information, and ensuring that all parties are aware of the updated contractual requirements.

Once the contract variations are implemented, it is important to monitor and track the changes to ensure that they are being properly executed. This may involve regular progress reviews, inspections, audits, or other monitoring measures to ensure that the contractor is adhering to the updated contract requirements.

Contract variations can introduce new risks or impact existing risks. It is important to proactively identify, assess, and manage any risks associated with the contract variations. This may involve implementing risk mitigation measures, updating risk registers, and addressing any issues that may arise as a result of the changes.

Managing contract variations requires careful attention to detail, effective communication, and adherence to contractual provisions. It is important to follow established processes and documentation requirements to ensure that contract variations are managed effectively, and that all parties are informed and aligned with the changes. Regular monitoring and communication with stakeholders throughout the process can help ensure the successful management of contract variations.

usiness executives working together at office desk

Investigating and resolving disputes and complaints is an important aspect of contract management to ensure that any conflicts or issues that arise during the course of a contract are addressed in a timely and effective manner.

How to investigate and resolve or refer disputes and complaints:

  1. Identify and document the dispute or complaint: When a dispute or complaint arises, it is important to clearly identify and document the issue. This includes capturing details such as the nature of the dispute or complaint, the parties involved, relevant contract clauses, any supporting documentation, and the timeline of events.
  2. Review contractual provisions: Review the contract provisions related to dispute resolution or complaint handling. This may include any dispute resolution clauses or procedures specified in the contract, such as mediation, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution methods. It is important to understand and follow the contractual provisions related to dispute resolution to ensure that the process is conducted in accordance with the contract requirements.
  3. Communicate with parties involved: Communicate with the parties involved in the dispute or complaint, including the contractor, project team, and other relevant stakeholders. This may involve holding meetings, conducting interviews, or exchanging written correspondence to gather additional information, understand perspectives, and identify potential solutions.
  4. Investigate the issue: Conduct a thorough investigation of the dispute or complaint to gather all relevant facts, evidence, and information. This may involve reviewing contract documents, project records, emails, correspondence, and other relevant information. It is important to conduct the investigation objectively, impartially, and thoroughly to ensure that all perspectives are considered.
  5. Evaluate potential solutions: Once the facts and information are gathered, evaluate potential solutions to resolve the dispute or complaint. This may involve considering different options, assessing the feasibility and impact of each solution, and identifying potential risks and benefits. It may be helpful to involve legal or expert advice in this process to ensure that the proposed solutions are legally sound and aligned with the contract requirements.
  6. Communicate proposed solutions: Communicate the proposed solutions to the parties involved in the dispute or complaint. This may involve presenting the findings of the investigation, explaining the proposed solutions, and seeking agreement from all parties. It is important to communicate in a clear, concise, and professional manner and ensure that all parties have an opportunity to provide input and feedback.
  7. Resolve or refer the issue: If a resolution is agreed upon, document the resolution in writing and update the relevant contract documentation accordingly. Ensure that all parties are informed and aligned with the resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached, or if the dispute or complaint is complex or involves legal implications, it may be necessary to refer the issue to higher management, legal counsel, or other appropriate authorities for further resolution.
  8. Follow up and monitor: Once the dispute or complaint is resolved or referred, it is important to follow up and monitor the implementation of the agreed-upon resolution. This may involve tracking progress, conducting reviews, and verifying that the resolution is being effectively implemented. Regular communication with the parties involved can help ensure that the resolution is being adhered to and that any further issues are addressed promptly.

Investigating and resolving disputes or complaints requires thoroughness, objectivity, and effective communication. It is important to follow established processes, contractual provisions, and legal requirements to ensure that disputes or complaints are addressed in a fair and timely manner and that relationships with contractors and stakeholders are effectively managed. 

Mature businessman going over a paperwork with a colleague while sitting together in the lounge area

Managing negotiation of contract issues involves addressing and resolving any disagreements or disputes that may arise during the course of a contract.


Watch the video below from Master Contract Management to find out more about Negotiation strategies for business and personal interactions.

Why and how to manage negotiation of contract issues

  1. Protecting the interests of parties involved: Contract negotiations allow parties to protect their respective interests and ensure that their rights and obligations under the contract are upheld. Negotiating contract issues provides an opportunity to discuss and resolve any conflicts, disagreements, or misunderstandings that may arise during the performance of the contract.
  2. Avoiding potential disputes and litigation: Effective contract negotiation can help prevent potential disputes and legal actions in the future. By proactively addressing contract issues through negotiation, parties can find mutually acceptable solutions and avoid costly and time-consuming legal proceedings.
  3. Maintaining business relationships: Contract negotiations can help preserve business relationships between the parties involved. By addressing contract issues in a collaborative and constructive manner, parties can maintain a positive working relationship, which can be beneficial for future business endeavours.
  4. Ensuring contract compliance: Contract negotiations help ensure that both parties comply with the terms and conditions of the contract. By addressing any issues or deviations from the contract, parties can align their actions with the contractual requirements and expectations.

Steps on how to manage negotiation of contract issues 

Clearly identify and document the contract issues that need to be addressed through negotiation. This may include discrepancies in performance, scope, timeline, pricing, or other contractual obligations.

Gather all relevant information and documentation related to the contract issue, including contract terms, project records, communication history, and any supporting documentation. This will help in understanding the context and basis for the negotiation.

Evaluate the impact and risks associated with the contract issue, considering factors such as financial implications, project delays, legal implications, and potential risks to the parties involved.

Develop a negotiation strategy that aligns with the contract goals and objectives, and consider the best approach to achieve a mutually acceptable resolution. This may involve identifying potential solutions, understanding the interests of all parties, and preparing arguments and counter-arguments.

Initiate negotiations with the parties involved, following the established negotiation strategy. This may involve discussions, meetings, or written communication to present and discuss the issues, proposed solutions, and potential compromises

If the contract issue involves complex legal or technical matters, it may be necessary to seek legal or expert advice to ensure that the negotiation process is informed and aligned with applicable laws and regulations.

Document and implement agreements that all parties are aligned with the agreed-upon resolution. Implement the agreed-upon resolution and monitor compliance moving forward

It is important to follow up and monitor the implementation of the negotiated resolution to ensure that it is being adhered to and that any further issues are addressed promptly. Regular communication with the parties involved can help ensure that the resolution is being effectively implemented.

It is important to follow up and monitor the implementation of the negotiated resolution to ensure that it is being adhered to and that any further issues are addressed promptly. Regular communication with the parties involved can help ensure that the resolution is being effectively implemented.

Maintaining effective communication with all stakeholders is critical to ensure the smooth performance of a contract.

Methods to maintain communication with all stakeholders on the performance of the contract

  1. Regular progress meetings: Schedule and conduct regular progress meetings with all relevant stakeholders, including the contractor, project team members, and other key stakeholders. These meetings can be conducted in person, via phone or video conference, or through other communication channels such as email or project management software. Progress meetings provide an opportunity to review the status of the contract, discuss any challenges or issues, and ensure that everyone is aligned on the performance of the contract.
  2. Status reports: Prepare and distribute regular status reports that provide updates on the performance of the contract. Status reports can include information such as project milestones achieved, progress against deliverables, risks and issues, and any changes or variations to the contract. Status reports can be distributed to all relevant stakeholders, including the contractor, project team members, and other key stakeholders, and can serve as a formal means of communication to keep everyone informed.
  3. Performance indicators and dashboards: Establish performance indicators and dashboards to track and report on the performance of the contract. Performance indicators can be used to measure progress against contract objectives, key performance metrics, and other relevant parameters. Dashboards can be created to provide a visual representation of the contract performance, allowing stakeholders to quickly assess the status and progress of the contract.
  4. Communication plans: Develop and implement a communication plan that outlines the communication channels, frequency, and content of communication with all stakeholders. The communication plan should be created at the beginning of the contract and should be reviewed and updated periodically throughout the contract duration. The communication plan can serve as a guide for maintaining regular and effective communication with all stakeholders, ensuring that important information is shared in a timely and consistent manner.
  5. Collaborative tools: Utilise collaborative tools and platforms, such as project management software, communication apps, or shared document repositories, to facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders. These tools can provide a centralised location for communication, document sharing, and collaboration, making it easier for stakeholders to access and share information related to the performance of the contract.

Effective communication with all stakeholders is essential to ensure that everyone is aligned and informed about the performance of the contract. By utilising a combination of scheduled and ad-hoc communication methods, implementing performance indicators and dashboards, developing communication plans, utilising collaborative tools, and engaging in relationship-building activities, contract managers can maintain effective communication and foster a positive working relationship with stakeholders throughout the contract duration.


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