Social Media - Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 14:53
Sub Topics

This lesson is a big one! We'll explore three more social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You'll also spend some time exploring social media for your own marketing plan and make some decisions about which platforms will be the best fit for your business and customers.

Review the social media platforms currently available. Consider the following:

  • strengths and weaknesses of each platform
  • where your customer avatars spend most of their online time
  • the types of content you will be posting
  • the advertising options available on each platform

Choose the 3 platforms that are the best fit for your business/brand and customer avatars.

Post about your decision, including a short rationale to your thread in the the Practicals Forum.
Please include the title "Practical 3: Selecting Social Media Platforms" in your post.
The work you complete in this practical may also be applied to Assessment 1.

Learning together: We learn better with a little encouragement and discussion. Check out the answers of other students and leave a comment on their posts too.

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Social Media - Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
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