
Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 14:57
Sub Topics

In this lesson, we'll introduce Google Analytics and Facebook Reporting, to explore valuable information about your social media and website visitors. This information is essential for optimising paid and social campaigns.
In the practical activity for this lesson, you'll analyse data from a case study, to practice gaining insights and identifying opportunities to improve a campaign.

This practical is a chance to get your teeth into some real data from a small campaign.
The work you complete in this practical may also be submitted in Assessment 2.

  1. Download the case study data.
  2. Create a report including analysis of metrics, objectives and outcomes
    • State the objective of this campaign
    • Interpret Reach vs Reactions, Comments, Shares
    • Interpret Reactions: On post vs shares? What emotional response does this ad target?
    • Comment on the Overall post clicks vs Photo views, Link clicks and Other clicks
    • Comment on the Negative feedback
    • Comments: interactions with your audience - do you think it was necessary to reply to each comment?
    • By looking at the graph that represents post engagements, what conclusions can you draw?
    • How would you interpret cost per result? Would you say it’s high or low?
    • Which demographic segments engaged the most? Why?
    • What recommendations can you give for future campaigns like this one?

Post your analysis to your thread in the Practicals Forum.
Please include the title "Practical 12: Campaign Data Analysis" in your post.

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