Digital Marketing - Introduction

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 16:02
Sub Topics

In this lesson, we'll take a quick look at the many moving parts of digital marketing. We'll start with current statistics and trends, including the impact of Covid-19. We'll take a high-level look at social media and where it's heading. Then finish up by exploring two fundamental starting points for your marketing: your Unique Selling Proposition and Customer Value Proposition.

First: Make a Thread

Before you can post your first practical activity, you'll need somewhere to post it to!

Head over to the Practicals Forum and start a new thread called "My Practicals".

Your thread in the Practicals Forum is where you'll post the results of the activities you complete throughout the course. Your tutor will keep an eye on your thread, provide feedback and answer any questions.

Practical 1

When you have your thread set up, it's time for your first practical activity:

  1. Choose a brand or a product you are familiar with
  2. Identify their Unique Selling Point (sometimes is related to the well-known slogan)
  3. What was your first impression of the USP?

Post your answer to your thread in the Practicals Forum.
Please include the title "Practical 1: Unique Selling Point" in your post.

Learning together: We learn better with a little encouragement and discussion. Check out the answers of other students and leave a comment on their posts too.

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