The platform

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Tue, 04/12/2022 - 16:04

As outlined previously, for the online Bachelor of Business program, eddy provides a range of products and services to ICHM which includes the eddy learning platform. The eddy learning platform is designed to provide a truly mobile learning experience using inclusive design standards and seamlessly passes data through the ecosystem providing real-time insights.

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The following video provides an overview of the features available within the eddy learning platform.

The eddy learning platform is more than just a Learning Management System. We provide an API-driven ecosystem that is modular by design, this ensures that each component can operate independently or come together as a complete education ecosystem dependent on the needs of the partner.

What does API mean?

API is an acronym for 'Application Programming Interface'. It means that there are connections between two or more applications enabling them to pass data between systems (talk to each other).


As a facilitator your primary tool will be the Learning Management System, however, students will also have access to a dedicated Student Portal which they will access via their profile picture. This student portal acts as their course homepage / online campus and provides access to all relevant information and services required.


The following video outlines the features of the Student Portal and how students will access them:



The eddy learning platform provides partners with the following functions:

Functions Tools
  • Customisable orientation units
  • Subject Overviews 
  • Inclusively designed learning content 
  • Knowledge check functionality (H5P)
  • Bookmark learning content 
  • Mark content as read (progress tracking) 
  • Student Journals 
  • Automated Quizzes 
  • Time-bound assessment 
  • Native inline assessment 
  • File upload assessment
  • Configurable deadlines and availability
  • Group or individual assessments 
  • Assessable forum activities 
  • Assessable journal activities 
  • Assessment feedback in situ or file options
  • Easy to use rubric grading 
  • Turnitin native integration 
  • Student forums 
  • Peer-to-peer messaging 
  • Live sessions 
  • Student journal collaboration
  • Platform messaging direct to lecturer
  • Student portal provides access to a wealth of resources and support services
  • Student forums enable peer-to-peer support options
  • Student Portal provides online forms, grade information, policy and procedure and personal information management


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Man on a mobile device accessing learning
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