Week 6

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Wed, 05/11/2022 - 12:29

In order to ensure the right ingredients and materials are being used in the kitchen, you need a system in place.

Sub Topics

The following exercise will give you an opportunity to start to think about what would be involved in establishing a system for purchases.

Exercise 25

In pairs discuss, research and make notes on the following points about Purchasing Systems. When you come to complete the assessment during your internship you can refer back to the notes you have made here – make sure you update them after the class discussion with any points you might have missed at first.

  1. Define the term “Purchasing System”.
  2. Analyse the purpose of an effective purchasing system for a hospitality business. (What are the main objectives?)
  3. What are the benefits of an effective purchasing system with regards to sustainability for a hospitality business?
  4. Who should be in charge of food purchasing?

Self-Directed Learning

Now read Chapter 6 from the 2010 Hospitality eBook The Restaurant From Concept to Operation which discusses food purchasing systems. Adjust your notes if necessary.

Task 2 - Complete your draft of 2 of the 4 topics and submit for checkpoint 2.

The Hospitality eBook The Restaurant From Concept to Operation identifies eleven steps in the food-purchasing process. During your internship you will have the opportunity to observe the entire process first-hand, however the focus of this delivery is to think about ways to incorporate sustainable practices at each step.

Compiling a product list

Explain the statement “The quality of food served must fit the clientele of the restaurant.” (Hospitality eBook, 2010)

Choosing Suppliers

The relationships a food business builds with its suppliers are very important for several reasons.

Exercise 26

Thinking about this statement, use your journal to list some of the key criteria you would use to choose ingredient suppliers for your food business (fresh perishables – meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruit, eggs, dairy etc, as well as dry goods and frozen foods).

  • Explain why each of these factors is important for a food business.
  • What are the advantages of having alternative suppliers?

During your internship placement, make a note of the suppliers they use. If appropriate, ask the chef how suppliers are chosen and whether price comparisons are made between similar products from different suppliers. How and when are orders placed with suppliers?

Now that you have a list of ingredients and some suppliers to order from, what else do you need to know before placing an order?

Self-Directed Learning

Work on changes needed for assessment 10.1 based on Checkpoint feedback.

A person delivering supplies to a restaurant

Food delivery and receiving

Every kitchen needs to receive food deliveries at various times of the day and of the week. The supply management system should detail the process of what happens to deliveries when they arrive. 

Some points to consider when designing a delivery and receiving system:

  • Where are deliveries brought into the kitchen?
  • What time do different suppliers usually arrive? Is this predictable or random?
  • Who takes delivery of the food ingredients – is there a designated person?
  • What is the procedure for checking deliveries to ensure they are correct, accurate and in a good state of food hygiene? Do you record delivery temperatures of perishables? How? What happens if food is damaged or otherwise not useable?
  • Who is responsible for putting food ingredients into storage? Is FIFO used properly? How soon after delivery is perishable food put into chilled or frozen storage?

Exercise 27

Imagine you are the person responsible for receiving deliveries. Write a checklist of the tasks you would need to go through to receive goods and put into the appropriate storage area. Detail what checks you would make. Make notes in your journal.

Self-Directed Learning

Work on changes needed for assessment 10.1 based on Checkpoint feedback.

Stock Control

This part of the process tallies how much of every food ingredient you have. It is essential is being able to order only what is needed and in the correct quantity.

Depending on the size of the organisation, this process may be very detailed, for example, a regular stocktake with information recorded in the organisation’s accounting or POS software, which is then used to generate order lists, calculate food costs, generate invoice payments etc. Or in the case of a small café or restaurant, it may be a fairly casual process, where a chef looks through stores at the end of each day to create order lists.

Exercise 28

Thinking back to some of the material covered in Delivery 1 (Menu Planning and Food Costing), explain how stocktakes and inventory control can help a food business to be more efficient and profitable.

Food Storage

How are different types of food ingredient stored? Think back to your Level 4 studies and recap the key points for different types of storage. Think HACCP, Food Control Plans, FIFO, Health and Safety etc.

Watch the video to refresh your knowledge of walk-in chiller food safety and organisation. (Note: 38°F = 3.3°C and 41°F = 5°C)

Self-Directed Learning

Submit Assessment 10.1 to Turnitin before deadline time set by tutor.

The following references refer to content in Module 4: Commercial Kitchen Operations.

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Hegnsholt, E., Unnikrishnan, S., Pollmann-Larsen, M., Askelsdottir, B., & Gerard, M. (2018). Tackling the 1.6-Billion-Ton Food Loss and Waste Crisis. https://www.bcg.com/publications/2018/tackling-1.6-billion-ton-food-loss-and-waste-crisis

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