Advanced Menu Design Overview

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Wed, 05/11/2022 - 12:34

A menu is one of the first opportunities a restaurant has to make a good impression. 


Sub Topics

Learning Outcomes - Module 5

12.1 Plan complex menus for a variety of commercial hospitality operations. (6 credits)

12.2 Prepare, cook, and evaluate complex menus for a variety of commercial hospitality operations. (12 credits)
Week 1

Group set-up
The Brief

Researching menu options Finalising menu options. 
Draft standard recipes
Peer reviews. 
Ingredient orders.
Work plans, mis en place. 
Plate styling sketches. 
Recipe costings.
SDL Key points for Task 1.
Menu ideas & images to fit brief
Draft Task 2. 
Planning and researching menu options.
Complete Tasks 1 & 2. 
Complete initial standard recipe cards
Complete and print out recipe cards and work plan.
Checkpoint 1.
Tasks 1 & 2. 
Complete plate design sketches. 
Videos- plating techniques.
Week 2 Occasion 0.
Both groups
Mise en place day. (4 Covers)
Occasion 0.
Cook & Serve day- Group 1.
Occasion 0. 
Cook & Serve day- Group 2.
Occasion 0
Create menu cards.
SDL Work on Assessment. Respond to checkpoint. 
Food costings.
Watch Master Chef episode-the professionals. Research different plating techniques. Update recipe costings, workplans etc. Continue working on assessment Tasks 1-5.
Week 3

Occasion 1.
Both groups.
Mise en place day. (12 covers)

Occasion 1.
Cook & Serve day- Group 1.
Occasion 1 Cook & Serve day-Group 2.
Summative- OneNote self-reflection journal for Occasion 1.
Occasion 1 Review.
Formative Assessment-Submit to Checkpoint 2. 
Tasks 3-5
Continue with improvements to recipes & work plan, costings etc.
SDL Complete draft of Assessment Tasks 1-5 Group 1-OneNote self-reflection C12.1
Group 2- Written feedback on dish presented.
Group 2- OneNote self-reflection
C12.1 Group 1- Written feedback on dish presented
Update recipes for Task 3.
Recalculate food costs and selling  price.
Watch Great British Menu episode.
Week 4 Occasion 2. Both groups. Mise en place day. (12 covers) Occasion 2. 
Cook & Serve day- Group 1.
Occasion 2.
Cook & Serve day- Group 2.
Occasion 2. Review Continue with Improvements, costings etc. in response to feedback. Submit Assessment 12.1 Tasks 1-5.
SDL Respond to Checkpoint feedback- Assessment Tasks 1-5. Group 1- OneNote self- reflection C12.2 Group 2- written feedback on dish presented. Group 2-OneNote self-reflection C12.2
Group 1-Written feedback on dish presented
Complete recipes for Task 3.
Recalculate food costs.
Calculate and evaluate selling price.
Complete Tasks 1-5 and submit assessment. 
Week 5 Occasion 3. Both groups
Mise en place day. (20 covers)
Occasion 3.Cook & Serve day- Group 1 Occasion 3. Cook & Serve day-Group 2 Occason 3 Debrief.
Summative- OneNote self-reflection journal for Occasion 3
Review and feedback on course 12.
Complete assessment work.
SDL Written Assessment. Group 1-OneNote self-reflection C12.3 Group 2-Written feedback on dish. Group 2-OneNote self-reflection C12.3 Group 1-Written feedback on dish. Complete any outstanding OneNote reflection journals & FERS Watch Kitchen Nightmares-recognising & fixing kitchen problems. 
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
a fine dining menu
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