Systems Dynamics and Scripting

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 18:42

This topic introduces the fundamentals of writing C# scripts for Unity, an industry-standard tool that game developers, designers and engineers can use. C# is written outside of Unity, often in Visual Studio, Mono-develop, or another Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Sub Topics

These Unity learning opportunities could take you about 14 hours, don't rush. We'll see you back here when you're done.

If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask for help, remember that you can book in a contact time with a tutor.

Welcome to the next Unity Learn series.
Total Tasks: 2
Description: You will: Create a script. Connect the script to an object. Modify the script and see how that changes an object’s behaviour. Create obstacles. Ensure that obstacles can interact with the player avatar truck.
Total Time Budget: 13 hours
Time budget: 6 hours 30 mins

Description: In this Unit, you will program a car moving side-to-side on a floating road, trying to avoid (or hit) obstacles in the way. In addition to becoming familiar with the Unity editor and workflow, you will learn how to create new C# scripts and do some simple programming. By the end of the Unit, you will be able to call basic functions, then declare and tweak new variables to modify the results of those functions.

Access Task: Player Control - Unity Learn


Time budget: 6 hours 20 mins

Description: In this Unit, you will program a top-down game with the objective of throwing food to hungry animals - who are stampeding toward you - before they can run past you. In order to do this, you will become much more familiar with some of the most important programming and Unity concepts, including if-then statements, random value generation, arrays, collision detection, prefabs, and instantiation. In completing this Unit, you will learn how to program a basic game with the ability to launch projectiles and manoeuvre the player to keep the game alive.

Access Task: Basic Gameplay - Unity Learn


Welcome back!

Did you enjoy learning about Player Control and Game Play Mechanics?

Let’s reflect on your Unity Learn experience and complete the following activity.

Let’s review how scripts are created and used by Unity.

  1. Define the “anatomy” of a script.
    Identify the:
    • headers/imports,
    • the class declaration,
    • variable declarations,
    • any functions in the script.
  2. Explain what a Start and Update function are, and how they are different. If you get stuck, utilise the Unity Glossary and the Unity Manual.

Share, discuss and comment on each other’s findings in the forum.

These Unity learning opportunities should take you about 3.5 hours, don't rush. We'll see you back here when you're done.

If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask for help, remember that you can book in a contact time with a tutor.

Welcome to the next Unity Learn series.
Total Tasks: 2
Description: In the following series you will learn to use C# to launch projectiles and learn beginner scripting.
Total Time Budget: 3 hours 15 minutes
Time budget: 30 mins

Description: In this tutorial, you will create a C# script which takes advantage of the Rigidbody component’s physics properties to launch projectiles from a cannon.

Access Task: Using C# to launch projectiles

Time budget: 2 hours and 45 minutes

Description: Learn about programming for game development, from the very beginning with these easy to follow video tutorials. This covers basic programming skills which will enable you to write efficient, organized, and comprehensible code by correctly implementing the principles of object-oriented programming.

Access Task: Beginner Scripting

Welcome back!

Did you enjoy learning about Systems Dynamics and Scripting?

Let’s reflect on your Unity Learn experience and complete the following activity.

The following is a great video explanation on how to implement satisfying player controls. After watching the video, share and discuss your thoughts on the top three takeaways in the forum.

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