SWLA Procedures and Documentation

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 06/29/2022 - 11:44

Before commencing SWLA 1, if you haven’t done so, you will need to familiarise yourself with the requirements of Work Placement as it is explained and detailed in the Student Guide to SWLA (available in the Course Overview, at the beginning of the course). As it is explained in the Student Guide to SWLA, for the first placement (SWLA 1) you will need to complete a minimum of 60 hours of work placement at an approved regulated Aged care or Disability service based on the course you are enrolled in. There is no age-group specification for SWLA 1.

Here is also the link to Student Guide for SWLA

Sub Topics


There are a few requirements you need to meet to ensure you can successfully complete SWLA 1:

Completed theory assessments Before commencing SWLA 1, make sure you have completed and submitted all theory assessments for the preceding modules. This is important so you can implement the theory in practice during placement.

Pre-employment screening

Before commencing placement, you will need to undergo police check. Registered NDIS providers may also request you to complete a NDIS Worker Screening Check. This may include:

  • Working with children check
  • National Criminal Record Check/Police Check Vaccination certificate against infectious diseases
  • A signed confidentiality agreement
  • You may need to have the required personal protective equipment necessary for the workplace.


You may also need to have certain immunisation, depending on state/territory requirements. Please ask your workplace supervisor what vaccines they require you to have prior to commencing. Please note that some immunisations such as Hepatitis B and COVID-19 need multiple injections to be administered over a specific time period before someone is deemed immune. It is important that you consult with your GP as soon as possible to avoid delays in starting work placement.

I am already working in the industry. Can I use my current employer for SWLA?

Possibly yes, however Swinburne Open Education will need to check that your current workplace and your Workplace Supervisor meet the requirements for supporting SWLA in relation to the course outcomes. In this instance, you still complete the Host Organisation Approval Form and submit for sign off.

In order to be successful, SWLA requires the collaboration and support between the student, Host Organisation, Workplace Supervisor and your Swinburne Open Education Assessor. This section provides details of the roles and responsibilities of each of these groups.

You, the student

A group of students of different ages

Before you join a workplace, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have met any requirements of your workplace (e.g., police check, immunisation). You are also required to complete all workplace induction/orientation, and to comply with workplace policies and procedures (e.g., code of conduct, confidentiality, work health and safety). You receive this Guide and other relevant documentation relating to SWLA to ensure you are fully informed of the course requirements and SWLA process. You will use a Work Placement Plan (that we develop in conjunction with you and your Workplace Supervisor that guides you in the completion of your SWLA. You need to professionally accept and respond to feedback on your performance from the Workplace Supervisor, as well as from the Assessor.

You, the student will:
  • Agree to take part in SWLA as part of your course of study
  • Obtain a valid working with police check, NDIS Worker Screening Check and immunisation as required by the Host Organisation
  • Work with your proposed Workplace Supervisor to complete the Host Organisation Approval Form and wait until it is approved by Swinburne Open Education before you start your SWLA
  • Work closely with your allocated Swinburne Open Education Assessor and your Workplace Supervisor to develop and adjust your Work Placement Plan and conduct scheduled Interview Questionnaire process
  • Commit to completing the designated tasks and activities captured in the Work Placement Plan, Logbook and Portfolio
  • Carry out all reasonable and lawful directions of the workplace and perform your work to the best of your ability
  • Comply with all reasonable workplace rules and requirements governing safety and behaviour
  • Attend the workplace on each day and time as agreed
  • Dress in accordance with workplace guidelines
  • Inform both the Supervisor and Assessor as soon as practicable if you are unable to attend work scheduled as part of your SWLA
  • Promptly inform the Supervisor and Assessor of any accident, injury or incident that may occur
  • Inform the Assessor and Supervisor of any necessary health information, including details of any known medical condition which may affect you and any medication or treatment which may be necessary
  • Provide and receive feedback about your learning needs, objectives and performance to and from the Workplace Supervisor and your Assessor.

The Swinburne Open Education Assessor

A person talking to an assessor

Our Assessor for this course has many years of experience working in industry and is your key contact at Swinburne Open Education. The Assessor is available to you at any time if you have questions or concerns. Before you start your SWLA, the Assessor will use the information captured in the Host Organisation Approval Form to ensure that the workplace meets the specific requirements of the course and that the Workplace Supervisor has the appropriate level of experience to supervise and guide you. Once approved, they will then contact the Workplace Supervisor to introduce themselves, have a chat about the process and requirements and answer any questions they have.

Our Assessor will:

  • Review the proposed workplace/Host Organisation against the specified requirements to determine whether they are appropriate to host you
  • Review your proposed Workplace Supervisor against the specific requirements to determine whether they hold the appropriate level of experience/qualifications to provide supervision and guidance to you
  • Ensure you and the Workplace Supervisor understand the core learning objectives and approach of the SWLA
  • Work in collaboration with you and your Workplace Supervisor to develop a realistic and relevant Work Placement Plan, and adjust this as you go if required
  • Ensure that the type of activities you will undertake during SWLA are: directly related to, and at the appropriate skill level, for the training outcomes of the course you are undertaking, and useful for the vocation and employment outcomes of the course
  • Explain the qualification requirements, and assessment process, answer any questions or address any concerns from you or your Workplace Supervisor
  • Conduct the assessment of the evidence submitted by you against the requirements of the qualification
  • Provide timely and constructive feedback on your performance against the competency requirements
  • Ensure all records associated with the SWLA are retained securely and copies are provided to both you and the Workplace Supervisor.

The Workplace Supervisor

A supervisor jotting down assessments

The Workplace Supervisor’s role is to provide guidance and support to you during your SWLA in a safe and reliable environment. You will gain a lot of knowledge from the Workplace Supervisor’s experience in the industry.

NOTE: The Workplace Supervisor does not formally assess you, the student. The Assessor conducts the assessment. The Workplace Supervisor possesses the relevant experience and/or qualifications to support the student. This should include a minimum of 2 years’ experience and/or a Certificate III in Individual Support or higher related qualification.

The Workplace Supervisor role is to:
  • Read and confirm understanding of the Supervisor Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment, including these responsibilities
  • Accurately and honestly complete sections of the Host Organisation Approval Form, which includes an agreement between the Workplace Supervisor and the student
  • Provide full and accurate information relating to the specified resources and equipment required to be available in the workplace for assessment by the Assessor
  • Discuss learning opportunities available, as well as the core objectives of SWLA with you and the Assessor
  • Discuss and develop a plan with you and the Assessor regarding the type of activities you will undertake during SWLA to ensure they are: orelevant and directly related to, and at the appropriate skill level, for the training outcomes of the course you are undertaking, and useful for the vocation and employment outcomes of the course
  • Collaborate with you and the Assessor in the development and ongoing adjustment of the Work Placement Plan, Interview Questionnaire process and Third-Party Report (if appropriate), providing sufficient time and resources for you to complete the required tasks
  • Provide you with an appropriate orientation/induction to the work environment including workplace health and safety and other key policies and procedures
  • Provide a work environment that complies with relevant workplace health and safety and workplace relations legislation and standards
  • Provide guidance and support to you in line with your learning and assessment tasks throughout the SWLA
  • Sign off on your placement hours and performance of the tasks outlined in the Work Placement Plan, Logbook and Third-Party Report as agreed in the Assessor interview process
  • Confirm whether you have met the standard considered acceptable in the workplace for the completed tasks
  • Maintain confidentiality of any medical or other sensitive information that has been disclosed and disclose information to another party only if permission has been given, or in the case of a medical emergency
  • Contact the Assessor as soon as practicable if you are absent, injured or become ill in the course of undertaking SWLA
  • Contact your emergency contact person and the Assessor in the case of an emergency
  • Contact and consult with the Assessor if they consider it necessary to modify or terminate the arrangement prior to the end of the placement
  • Provide feedback on your performance in the workplace and ensure that you gain the most from your workplace experience.

Here is the link to workplace supervisor guide

Your Workplace – the Host Organisation

A person working in an elderly home

For the Individual Support industry course, the Host Organisation must be an approved aged care or disability organisation such as residential aged care facilities, group homes, and respite care. Your workplace/Host Organisation will:

  • Support your Workplace Supervisor to provide you with a meaningful learning experience
  • Provide access and opportunity for you to experience a workplace where you can develop and practise work-based skills and knowledge
  • Provide you with access to the necessary facilities, equipment and resources to complete the required activities and tasks
  • Support you to reflect on your workplace behaviour with the view to enhance your workplace skills, knowledge and expertise
  • Be compliant with all applicable legislation, industry regulations and codes

The process to evaluate and approve a workplace for SWLA may vary slightly depending on whether you are currently employed in industry or not.

If you are currently working in an appropriate organisation under the guidance of an appropriately experienced/qualified supervisor, you may be able to complete your SWLA in your current workplace, however, this will still need to be reviewed and approved by your Assessor before you commence course work.

Approval Process – If you are currently working in this industry

  1. Complete the Host Organisation Approval Form, providing the required details about your workplace, its facilities and resources and the details of your proposed Workplace Supervisor. Provide a copy of the Supervisor Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment to your proposed Workplace Supervisor.
  2. Swinburne Open Education will review the details provided in the Host Organisation Approval Form and determine whether your workplace is suitable for hosting your structured work placement. This stage may include seeking further details if required to make a decision.
  3. Swinburne Open Education will provide you with an approval outcome. It may take up to 14 days from submitting the Host Organisation Approval Form. It is important to note that you are not to start your structured work placement or any associated Assessments until you have received this approval.
  4. Your allocated Assessor will contact you and arrange a time to review the structured work placement process and develop your Work Placement Plan. The Plan includes details of the practice activities and assessment components required during your placement.

Approval Process – If you are not currently working in this industry.

  1. Find a structured work placement with a Host Organisation under the guidance of an appropriately experienced/qualified Workplace Supervisor. The information above provides detailed information as to what constitutes an appropriate Host Organisation and Workplace Supervisor.
  2. Complete the Host Organisation Approval Form, providing required details about the proposed workplace, its facilities and resources and the details of your proposed Workplace Supervisor. Provide a copy of theSupervisor Guide to Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment to your proposed Workplace Supervisor.
  3. Swinburne Open Education will review the details provided in the Host Organisation Approval Form and determine whether your proposed workplace is suitable for hosting your structured work placement. This stage may include seeking further details if required to make a decision.
  4. Swinburne Open Education will provide you with an approval outcome. It may take up to 14 days from submitting the Host Organisation Approval Form. It is important to note that you are not to start your structured work placement or any associated Assessments until you have received this approval.
  5. Your allocated Assessor will contact you and arrange a time to review the structured work placement process and develop your Work Placement Plan. The Plan includes details of the practice activities and assessment components required during your placement.

The Workplace Assessment Process

Your Assessor will conduct the assessment against the requirements of the relevant Units of Competency for the structured work placement completed.

The process includes:

  1. You complete the required activities and tasks as detailed in your Work Placement Plan.
  2. As you complete your evidence capture/assessment submissions, your allocated Assessor will formally conduct the assessment process.
  3. Your Assessor will deem your assessments as either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Satisfactory’ in line with Assessment Grading Schedule.a.If your assessments are deemed ‘Satisfactory’, and you have successfully completed all your other relevant assessments, you will be deemed ‘Competent’ for the Units of Competency associated with the units structured work placement and you may proceed to the next Module. b.If your Workplace Assessments are deemed ‘Unsatisfactory’, you will be required to provide new or further evidence in line with the assessment re-submission procedures.

SWLA Documents

This section provides an overview of each of the documents that support your structured work placement experience and how they are to be used. All of these documents are available to you in the Learning Platform.

Host Organisation Approval Form

Provides details relating to the workplace that is proposed to host your structured work placement experience and the nominated Workplace Supervisor. You must complete all sections of this form and return it to Swinburne Open Education for review and approval before you commence any structured work placement activity or assessment. You can submit the form via the Learning Platform. Swinburne Open Education will review the details in the form and determine whether the proposed workplace and supervisor meet the specified requirements. This approval process will take up to 14 days.

Host approval form

Work Placement Plan

Your Assessor will work with you and your Workplace Supervisor to develop your Work Placement Plan (the Plan). The Plan details the activities you will be required to undertake and evidence of performance required for assessment.The Work Placement Plan is signed off by yourself, your Workplace Supervisor and your Assessor when you are all confident that the plan is achievable.During your structured work placement, your Assessor will be available to review your progress against the Plan and make adjustments if required.

Work placement plan

SWLA Portfolio
A person taking down notes of a day in a job

Your SWLA Portfolio will capture evidence of the tasks/activities set out for you during your work placement. This evidence may include, for example:

  • Photographs
  • Recordings
  • Completed documents
  • Short answer questions and answers.
SWLA Logbook

Your SWLA Logbook tracks the hours that you have worked against the tasks that you need to complete. This record is signed off by your Workplace Supervisor as additional evidence that you have completed the tasks and time requirements as set out in the Work Placement Plan.

SWLA Interview Questionnaire

Your SWLA interview questions are completed during your final check in with your assessor. You do not need to submit this document. The assessor will ask you and your supervisor the questions found in this document and submit this assessment on your behalf.

SWLA Third-Party Report

Your SWLA Third-Party Report will captures confirmation by workplace supervisors that they have observed the student demonstrate specific skills and knowledge during the Structured Workplace Learning and Assessment (SWLA) process. The supervisor can choose to either complete this document or have the assessor capture the evidence in the final interview.

Please ensure that this document is completed before commencing your work placement and moving to the SWLA assessments.

Work placement plan

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A student recording and following procedure
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?