
Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Mon, 07/04/2022 - 10:19
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Having a recognisable brand is vital in a time where you are consistently spammed with visual messaging from brands trying to get your attention. Because of this, logo design is one of the most important areas of graphic design. A logo is a symbol and/or emblem that is unique to a brand, an individual, company or business. It's how your brand is identified compared to others in the same industry. A logo uses everything included in a brands identity, the brands colour scheme, typeface and symbolism. A professionally designed logo is essential for success in the online world today, and should be the basis of your digital marketing strategy.

Click here to download the files used in these tutorials.

A great logo will not only reflect the brand and its character, but will also be memorable displayed both in print and online. When you design a logo, take into account the different forms a logo can take. From a stand-alone symbol, to plain text or different combinations of the two. Below you'll find a pdf that discusses different types of logos, plus tips on how to use them to create the perfect logo design.

Click Here: to download the Logo Style Slides.pdf

Use the pathfinder panel, and cutting tools and techniques that you've learnt throughout this topic to make and experiment with shape creation. Export your document to PNG, a file type that supports transparent backgrounds. This is perfect for logos, icons and shapes, any design where you don't want the classic white background.

File - Export - Export As... - Format - PNG

Post your activity work to the Vector Graphics Practicals forum for discussion and feedback!

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