Content Creation - Technical

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 08/11/2022 - 15:26

This part of the course is all about the “creation” side of content creation. We’ll take you through the technical aspects of shooting, lighting, editing and designing content at home.

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You don’t need the flashest cameras or lighting set-up to create seriously professional shoots. All it takes is an understanding of how your shot is “built” and where your lighting comes from. Today, we’re going to cover basic lighting and how to create depth.

If you’ve made video content, and your phone just doesn't cut it when it comes to editing, check out DaVinci Resolve! It’s a free app that lets you edit your videos, and even play with effects, colour grading and audio. Luke gives a quick overview here, and you’ll find heaps of “How To” videos on YouTube that will help with your specific project.

  • Using your phone, set up a video shot.
  • Use the Lighting and Composition video as a guide for how to add depth and create effective lighting.
  • Record a 10 second video and upload it to your thread in the Module 3 Practicals Forum.

Check out the videos from other students and leave a comment on their posts too.


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